DarklightCA, on 10 May 2017 - 09:31 AM, said:
No the experienced groups would rather be facing experienced groups. Skittle smashing is no fun for anybody involved but they are a chunk of population that is required to find games because splitting the population of a already small populated gamemode turns out to be quite stupid if you are in a habit of actually finding games.
A split queue was already done before and while it wasn't perfect in what people wanted, the effect was still the same. If you wanted to solo queue you could solo queue with other solo players. In the end both queue's struggled to find games and the people in the solo queue ended up forming one man units just to get into the group queue.
For the record Faction Play HAS NO MATCHMAKER. Nobody decides who they get matched up against and the gamemode heavily FAVORS group play, especially considering if you want to complete the only objective this gamemode has you have to belong and work with a group of players in a unit. THIS ISN'T DESIGNED FOR SOLO OR NEW PLAYERS.
Solo players bitching about groups in Faction Play is like humans swimming in the ocean and getting bitten by a shark and asking why sharks should even be allowed in the ocean.
So perhaps the opposite from solo dropping, require to be grouped with at least another person? I still don't think it would help grow a player base though.