Ed Steele, on 16 May 2017 - 01:38 PM, said:
Yes, but those same players no longer have to buy and level two additional variants that they don't want. Basically you will spend the same amount of time levelling one variant as it did to level 3.
That simply isn't true. Look at PGI's own math. The cost to master one mech now is more than triple what it was before. That's why savvier players bought duplicate mechs yesterday and sold them today, just to get the extra skill points, the skill points are that damned expensive. (Surely you're not trying to assert PGI's flimsy talking point here that a mech with only 91 skills activated is truly "mastered"? I haven't found a mech I own yet that I can duplicate yesterday's capabilities with only 91 skills activated, let alone produce varied builds with just 91 points)
Plus before, every time you changed your build it was free, so long as you owned what you were swapping in. Now every time you change your build, you have to spend 400xp for every single point you turn back on. For the vast majority of players, that adds up really fast. 400xp is about all you can expect to get in a losing match, with winning matches averaging about double that. That means if you want to tinker with your mech's build and it requires shifting just 20 skill points, you have to play somewhere between 10 to 20 matches with that tinkered build, before you have earned enough XP to switch it back if you don't like it. That's f***ing insanely expensive.
Edited by ShooteyMcShooterson, 16 May 2017 - 02:21 PM.