First off, there are some nice new features I find in this new Skill Tree; and some problems that need to be addressed.
The Good...
> The entire Auxiliary Tree is EXCELLENT! Being able to "add" extra cool shots, artillery strikes, and UAVs is GREAT! However, this tree allows us 2 UAVs, but if I take the 2 cool shots and 2 artillery strikes that we are now allowed, it will only let me load 1 UAV because there are only 5 consumable slots. Can 1 more consumable slot be added to this tree so we can use the 2nd UAV also? The consumable slot window already has the space for this extra slot. Why not let us use it?
> The Firepower Tree also has nice features. The Missile Rack, Missile Explosive, and Magazine Capacity are very nice additions. The node type dispersion is also good throughout this tree. The Gauss Charge? Why? This is a band-aid on a broken leg. I believe that the Gause Charge Mechanic was supposed to be removed entirely with this Skill Tree release, isn't that correct?
> The Mobility Tree... Good options, decent dispersion of nodes with the exception of the Speed Tweaks. Need some of them closer to the top of the tree. One idea... Why not just introduce the Super Charger into the game and let that be a selection in this tree? It could replace the Speed Tweaks and is an actual part of the BattleTech Technology and lore...
> Operations Tree... Nice options. Would be nicer to have a couple of the Cool Runs closer to the top of the tree to balance dispersion.
> Survival Tree... Good options. Entire tree, with the exception of AMS Overload, is pretty much mandatory for any IS 'Mech in order to recover from the quirks being taken away.
> Jump Jets Tree... Could be good for lighter, more mobile 'Mechs. Heavies and Assaults probably won't benefit a lot from this tree.
The BAD...
> Sensor Tree... This tree is upside-down. The most used nodes are pretty much all at the bottom of the tree. I use Seismic Sensors and Advanced Zoom 98% of the time and have not found many of the others useful. To get these 3 nodes, I have to use up 14 skill points! There is no way that this is a fair transfer from the previous skill system! I'm being FORCED to WASTE 11 skill points for nodes that I DON'T want, or can't use in my 'Mech build to get the 3 that I do want. And, since we can no longer transfer modules between 'Mechs, I have to do this over, and over again for each and every 'Mech I have and want to use these same nodes in? This is going to result in hundreds of wasted skill points in very short order. No, not fair to the players in the least.
> Skill point allocation per 'Mech too low... PGI calculated that there were 91 skill points per Mastered 'Mech in the previous skill system. In that skill system, we could directly choose ONLY the modules we wanted to use without any wasted C-Bills, XP, or GXP. In this new Skill Tree system, we are FORCED to spend skill points for nodes that we DO NOT WANT in order to "UNLOCK" the nodes we DO want. In this new system, 91 skill points per 'Mech is NOT ENOUGH!
As an example: In order to try to recover one of my Mastered Victor's capabilities, I had to use all of the 91 skill point allocation on the Survival, Firepower, Operations, and Auxillery trees. And due to the FORCED WASTE of skill points, it left nothing to reach the Sensor and Mobility tree nodes my 'Mech needed.
Possible Solutions:
>>Skill Point allocation should be raise to at lease 120 per 'Mech to compensate for the 20 or 30 WASTED skill points that we are FORCED to spend on what we either don't want, or that cannot benefit the 'Mech build we are using.
>> OR... Allow us to navigate backwards UP through the tree instead of just from the top down. This would at least eliminate PART of the FORCED WASTE of skill points.
>> OR... Remove the forced navigation linkage and allow us to just pick the nodes we want from anywhere in the tree and leave the 91 limit in place. This would facilitate equality with the previous system in this area.
There is a 400XP re-activation cost of a skill node to the SAME 'Mech. In the previous skill system we could put our modules into ANY 'Mech once we paid the double cost of GXP and CB to purchase it.
How about this for a fair trade off? To put the skill node back into the SAME 'Mech there is no cost. If we wanted to "transfer" it to a different 'Mech, then there is a cost associated as it would require removing it from one 'Mech and installing it into another. (I know this would have to be implemented in the game as we no longer have the ability to transfer modules/skill nodes between 'Mechs). I really don't see the reason for the 400XP re-activation cost. Once we have purchased the skill node for a particular 'Mech, it should be available for us to add/remove when desired. After all, it costs us 45,000CB and 800XP to purchase each node for each and every 'Mech we own. In order to master a 'Mech now, it will cost us 4,095,000CB and 72,800XP for each 'Mech. In the previous skill system it only cost us around 139,750XP to master a 'Mech (if my memory serves). I don't think there should be a cost to put it back into the SAME 'Mech once we have paid to purchase it.
And another note...
Some of the 'Mechs I own were bought with real money; i.e. Master Packs etc. My 'Mech purchase decisions were based in part on the quirks and other bonuses inherent within the 'Mechs. Now many or all of those quirks and bonuses that were part of my purchasing decision have been stripped from my 'Mechs as a result of a bunch of "less is more" believers that think that the 'Mechs/weapons in this game are somehow "overpowered" and to try to stop/block/reduce this so-called virtual "power creep" that I keep hearing about, but have yet to see in any facet of the game other than maybe the amount of armor on the light 'Mechs.
This "stripping of capabilities" leaves me with the same feeling as if I'd bought a new car, and a year or more later, the dealer came by my house and stripped the AC, power seats, sun roof, and climate control system out of my car and then told me that I would have to go to the salvage yard and buy these things used and install them myself to regain the functionality. This is pretty much what we have here and it leave a very "not-so-friendly" feelings toward those that performed this act. Stripping the 'Mechs bought with CB and stripping their capabilities is one thing, part of this "in-game" cost was refunded. But taking my real money for a product and then stripping part of that product's capability is another thing entirely, as there was no refund on that real money purchase. And it will NOT continue...
Edited by Captain Grayson Lighthorse, 18 May 2017 - 07:26 PM.