Posted 02 January 2012 - 10:49 AM
fallonsky, BTech has different types of armor later in the timeline that fit what you suggest, but we won't get access to those for a while. is something to chew on for everyone on both sides of this debate..
House don't GET to customize your ride..that piece of hardware was issued to you by the House, it's THEIRS, not yours, you aren't allowed to replace the weapons, armor, electronics or anything else unless they were blown off in combat. And odds are, you'll be issues EXACT duplicates of whatever was blown off to replace it with. Just like in the real world military today, what you get issued is what you get and the gods help you if you muck about with it!
Exceptions would someone who has an Inherited Mech, but we won't be those exceptions, we're starting off as the grunts who get issued what we get issued by the House we serve. And high ranking officers with money..enough money to pay for everything themselves, which is a LOT of money on a military pay check. In the Houses, you don't get the salvage, the HOUSE gets it, you may get a medal..but the goodies go to the House...remember that. here's where it gets fun. Merc Corps either recruit people who already have their own Mech(multiple ways to get them) and what gets done to them is entirely up to the owner and what they can afford. Which generally means, in a few years, with nothing but gravy contracts and great salvage, you can modify your Mech a little bit! Or, some Merc Corps will issue a new recruit a Mech, usually something small and cheap, and any repairs come out of your pay. You want to customize that issued Mech, you'll probably need enough c-bills to buy the Mech from the Corp THEN pay for the customizations on top of that. IF they'll sell you the Mech, it IS one of their assets after all, not really worth it to the Corp to sell it, since the cost of replacing it will be higher then the sale price, IF it can be replaced at all. Something else to remember..Mech construction and production is limited at this time in the BTU, many Mechs are currently impossible to replace, they haven't been produced in hundreds of years.
Lone Wolves..the people who'll get screwed over here, because they'll have a Mech, but without the pay from a Merc Corp, just keeping the thing running day to day will eat any money they make, forget saving up for that customization they dream about, they'll be doing good to replace that Small Laser when it gets destroyed. Looking at the lore and novels, there's not many Lone Wolves out there in the BTU, and the few that exist..aren't what they seem at all.
BTech does allow for full customization of any existing chassis, provided you follow the simple but strict rules. Tonnage limits by chassis, space restrictions regardless of chassis size(Light or Assault, ALL Mechs have the exact same number of slots for space), and what can and can't be placed where on a Mech's chassis. There's a cost, c-bills, for everything you want to do, and there's a time factor in TT that's totally meaningless in TT, and it would be suicide for PGI to add time for a F2P game with NOTHING to do ingame but drop into combat, so forget the time factor. Money..that's where the limit on what you can do should be. House units, don't expect to get rich from a drop..or a lot of drops, you get paid a set amount per month, you are a government employee after all. Merc Corps, 5m c-bills for that contract, sounds great doesn't it! Uh..hold on there skippy..divide 5m by 12, subtract the costs to repair any damage incurred in the drop..oh...look at that, repairs were 9m..hmm..4m in the hole..yeah..Merc Corps don't get rich quickly, they usually barely make ends meet, it's why so many of them take House Garrison contracts..repairs get covered, expenses gets shared, people get a steady paycheck, the Merc Corp doesn't have to disband because they can't afford a pot to **** in after expenses.
These little things, straight from the TT setting, are all it takes to keep people from running wild with customization. It's what the TT uses to keep that from happening, it's why my entire TT group weren't running around with full battalions of customized Mechs at our disposal, instead we had 1 or 2 customized Mechs each..and we tended to be real careful with those, impossible to replace if destroyed, and expensive to repair when damaged. COST..pure money cost..that's all it takes. Time is useless, it's ignored in TT and it can't be used in a F2P game without a full MMO experience behind it, you know, stuff to do BESIDES combat, which MWO won't have, so forget time for repairs/customization, it's not viable in this situation. House units get paid flat salaries with bonuses for combat drops, they have to get some rank in the House military in order to be able to request permission to customize their House issued Mech, and they need the money to pay for that, House won't do it. Mercs have the cost of running a Merc Corp before anything else, big part of playing Merc in TT, it's expensive and time consuming and you don't get rich quick..unless you find an old Star League Cache..MWO will hopefully have those before TOO long..but until then..Mercs will be too busy paying for their daily expenses to worry about customizing their Mechs. Lone Wolves..personally don't see HOW MWO will make them work, Mechs are expensive pieces of hardware when you've got a House to pay for everything, don't see how some guy out there taking spot jobs here and there could afford his Jumpship fees, much less Dropship fees..or repairs on the Mech, ammo, and food to live on day to day.