If you have to quote me, I suggest you at least use the entire sentence, if not the whole paragraph, so that my words are not taken out of context, as they so blatantly are.
John Frye, on 18 December 2011 - 06:28 PM, said:
I am going to limit this to my only response,
I can only hope. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
John Frye, on 18 December 2011 - 06:28 PM, said:
but let's go back and highlight what I believe are the oversights I was commenting on.
Yes, let's.
John Frye, on 18 December 2011 - 06:28 PM, said:
The post that highlighted repair times was Sturm's post on maintenance timing (please find a small excerpt below to confirm the post).
Yes, it was called the "Master Repair Table".
John Frye, on 18 December 2011 - 06:28 PM, said:
However, if you read the quote Strum included as the introduction of his posting (please see copy of the original from Tweaks below), you will note that the discussion is around "allowing instant refits" with the language highlighted below for your elucidation.
Even you use the term "refit' in the post that Tweaks was originally referring to.
I would first like to say that in your first post quoting me, you rudely accused me of not thoroughly reading previous posts and continued to insult my powers of observation because I had used the term 'repair' instead of 'modify'. I do not know why you felt it necessary to insult someone who you happen to believe has mixed up their terms. I say believe because I knew exactly what I was talking about even if you did not.
Yes, I did use the term refit in my post at the top of page 4, and in my quote of Tweaks on that same post, you will see that Tweaks also used the term repair. We both have used these terms interchangeably and in conjunction with the other. I have no idea when you came into the discussion we were having, but it had been implied that when we write repair/refit/modify we are referring to the mech as being inside the garage, and that it is in a state that renders it unsuitable for battle at the time (whether it is being repaired or refitted). That is the understanding we came to and it seems to me that you did not.
John Frye, on 18 December 2011 - 06:28 PM, said:
In regards to the high horse you have climbed onto, I will let others judge the height of the corresponding fall.
I am sorry for making you feel this way, but nowhere have I placed myself as being above others, and you will find yourself alone in accusing me of insulting others (as I have proven that I was not).
If you are still hung up on that, let my explain my use of the word 'zealotry'. Please note I did not call them zealots, but warned them about becoming so. I actually commended them on their enthusiasm for Battlemech canon and I am glad there are people who want to stick to the lore. However, just because something comes from the canon, does not automatically mean it should be implemented in the game. A zealot will believe or pursue something for no other reason than that they feel it should be so. They cannot be reasoned with. Zealotry is an extreme form of enthusiasm. It has no place on forums where people wish to properly discuss ideas and suggestions.
Enthusiasm: good

Zealotry: bad
If you wish to reply to discuss whether or not to enforce a time delay on repairing/refitting mechs with me, then please do so. Otherwise, I am quite tired of having to defend what I write.
Edited by Ghost73, 19 December 2011 - 02:04 AM.