BurningArmor, on 23 July 2012 - 02:48 PM, said:
I played in a couple of Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries leagues for awhile. Historically, the Catapult was not all that popular. You would see them occasionally because they were cheap for a missile mech. The new guy and the mech jock short on C-bills might go with it. This was for two reasons.
1. There was other mechs that could carry more missiles, and still had additional fire power for protection of self. The Mad Cat was one such mech.
2. Jump jets in those days were not of long duration. Nor could you control the direction while in flight. The most common tactic with jump jets in MW4 was to pop straight up at extreme range, and put a gauss round on the target before dropping back into cover. This tactic did not work with LRMs due to the time it took to gain a target lock.
The main reason you didn't see Catapults in MW4 was that there was no other objective but to bring the biggest mech with the biggest guns onto the battlefield, and that isn't a Catapult. Note also in MW4, indirect fire was removed because of its power in MW3. These two factors made the Catapult a very unpopular choice when 100-tonners were all people would run and it -had- to be facing the enemy to fire. The inclusion of Clantech and omnimechs alongside the Inner Sphere designs also penalized this mech, as the Clan mechs were later-generation versions of the Catapult.
MWO changes all of this. Indirect fire is very much part of this game, the game is designed such that bringing in the biggest mech might actually work against you, and there is no Clantech to eclipse Inner Sphere designs. This is why using Mechwarrior 4 to judge how effective a unit will be in this game is prone to many faults, not the least being that we have very little info on the game itself beyond the stated goals of the Dev team to avoid a repeat of the 'arms race' of previous games.
Edited by Jakob Knight, 23 July 2012 - 03:50 PM.