Darian DelFord, on 21 May 2017 - 08:31 AM, said:
Another issue that has not been brought up in regards to lights and this new skill tree is the complete arse ****** we just took in regards to streaks
Lets face it, with the excpetion of 1 or 2 mechs and maybe troll builds, lights do not spec sensors. Thereby we do not get Radar deprivation or seismic.
Now add into that most streakers carry enough to one or two shot most lights.... add into that, if they are smart (Yeah yeah I know), but if they are smart they almost completely max out sensors especially the boats.
This is a triple whammy to lights
First off Artemis bug is still not fixed in regards to streaks
Secondly we can not break lock by going out of LOS with radar deprivation
Thirdly we are targeted longer due to target decay.
This is one of the reasons why streaks are more prevalent right now. They are easy C-Bills and Experience.
Add into that the range modifications and everything esle in the firepower section and lights do not stand a chance. Even with the new range bonuses from the weapon tree. Streaks optimal ranges are still outside most lights optimal ranges.
Your talking about your personal preference of build. Just because you chose not to spec for Radar Dep and Seismic doesn't mean everyone is going to not spec those skills. In fact it is way to early to tell where the Meta is going to fall. Eventually the competitive players are going to come up with their own opinions on what you need for each mech and it might very well be determined that spec'ing sensers offers more advantage than spec'ing firepower or agility or armor, etc.
My point is, if you feel that lights are as such a disadvantage without Radar Dep and Seismic, why aren't you spec'ing into sensors?? The answer is your telling yourself that you don't want to give up something in another tree to do so because you feel that something is more important than Radar Dep and Seismic. Since that it the case, it is a choice you, yourself are making which is the whole point of the skill tree. What you shouldn't be doing is complaining that everything is broken when it is only broken based on the choices you made.
Edited by Viktor Drake, 21 May 2017 - 08:56 AM.