KingCobra, on 14 June 2017 - 02:30 PM, said:
FP for MWO Is a total FAIL as It Is It needs to change to a split queue system solo/pugs/casuals will never keep playing FP after dismal wait times for a drop and getting steamrolled and farmed day after day and all of you know it.
Units/groups need to understand they need there own queues for FP period and if PGI does not fix FP its going to die from lack of players . Putting more band aids on FP to just keep it going so units can farm and seal club pugs and small groups is pretty pathetic on PGI's and the units part.
After this last week of trying to get solo drops at 30+ minute waits I finally gave up then tried to get groups in LFG to play FP with dismal results and a lot of players saying they wont play FP again after this event.
SO FP needs to change I still say split the FP queues (1-2man group/pugs Vs 1-2man group/pugs )
and 4man-12man groups get there own drops.
Most solo players that try FP really only want rewards from being like a merc which includes C-bills/ mech bays/etc. and a somewhat balanced game nothing more really.
Units/groups need to play units/groups only in FP or group QP or in private play leagues that's a good way to let each type of player get the most out of MWO gameplay without it being so unbalanced.
Solo/casual/pugs need a solo FP drop of 4 mechs respawn and good rewards for 1 reason only to get rid of the boredom of QP over and over again to keep them playing MWO and supporting the game.
PGI has done great this last few months if they can redo FP for everyone to play I personally think the rewards for all players of MWO will get better and the game itself will be a better game overall.
I'm trying to make sense of your post.
Units/ groups....
So you're saying that the units, and random groups of people trying to work together to play the mode as PGI designed it need to be segregated from playing the mode the way PGI designed it? And also, it is some how these units fault for playing this game mode as a team?
'I do like playing FP as a SOLO and in units/groups but I don't like playing when the 2 are mixed and I don't expect many players do.'
Here you are saying you like playing the game with groups and as a Solo.... but you don't like playing when the two are mixed?
Please explain this as well, because unless you are encountering a full 12 man, which PGI has stated make up a very tiny percent of drops then it is always mixed..... If it is almost always mixed, how can you enjoy it sometimes and sometimes not? This really makes it sound like you are just complaining because you're getting beat by better teamwork and are looking for a scapegoat. What Teamspeaks/discords are you using? TBH in game LFG isn't really useful for setting up a group for CW. Have you tried Comstar TS or the FRR/Kurita hubs? Have you tried dropping with some of the teams that you complain about so much and seeing what it is that they do that makes them so elite that they must be segregated all alone by themselves?
'Most solo players that try FP really only want rewards from being like a merc which includes C-bills/ mech bays/etc. and a somewhat balanced game nothing more really.'
The rank rewards in my opinion aren't designed to be farmed. Outside of the low hanging fruit of free mechbays at the lower couple ranks, they are more like an XP bar. If solos are there just for those rewards then they're going to have a disappointing time anyway.
As far as balanced, are you talking tech balance or skill balance? Because tech wise, most people feel the tech is fairly even outside of a few outliers like IS XL and clan Gauss/PPC meaning matches are more often than not determined by skill and not tech. If you mean player skill? How do you mean to balance that? I'm tier 2, I spend most of my time playing FP and I think I'm a fairly average player overall. PGI seems to think I should be matched with players of all skill levels In both quick play and group play. Why should FP be any different?
If you want a solo only FP queue by all means, petition PGI to your hearts content. But please, leave out the part about solos not being able to drop with groups, because me personally, I solo and group drop as well in FP, and I would much rather solo with the groups than solo with.... well.... with whoever you think your solo queue will be filled with.
But again, I am confused, why should the Solo queue and the group queue have the same rewards, if rewards are being offered, and rewards are the reason solos play? Those rewards would seem much harder to earn in group queue by your logic. Shouldn't the group queue then have better rewards?
Edited by Jaybles, 14 June 2017 - 04:33 PM.