Mcgral18, on 30 May 2017 - 02:26 PM, said:
PGI has made that mistake repeatedly, and the results are obvious...rather poor balance
You need to remove Terribad from the equation, and use Robots to their limits to provide balance, not an LRM80 Gyr
That doesn't come anywhere near the potential of the mech
Their "controlled environments" are a far more reasonable place to test mechs, as opposed to Potato Land
Albeit, 4 VS4 would likely have different results than 12 Vs12
LRM60+A NTG-D is actually one of the best if not flat out best LRM boat Clan has (probably 5th best overall right now) is not something that can be thrown away as useless either. Decent players who understand the basics of the Game should be the ones looked at... do not get me wrong, there is a hardcore braintrust in the comp scene it just happens to be only a handful of guys. The amount of debates I get in with people who can not discern the very different environments between Solo & Group & CW Strategy/Tactics demonstrates that the vast majority of them only have a rote learned understanding. They do not know Why things are the best that they are advocating for since they are still advocating for them even when the Factors have changed dramatically in the equation. So... not Potatoes but not Comp either, or at least not exclusively comp (which is what it seems like PGI does listen to on the very rare occasions it listens at all.)
Otherwise you have people advocating for BLK being a "decent mech" because it can be used in one very specific manner under massed concentration conditions with people in high trust relationships with each other... absolutely none of which is applicable to +90% of the player population will ever be in. Even at its height last year before the dequirkening & rescale hits, it was not that great in Solo queue though it was absolutely wrecking face in CW... because of all the serious deficiencies I listed previously are highly pronounced in that environment while it can be played to the very few strong strengths it had in the other.
Again... when +90% of the player population is only ever going to play in "Potato Land" then that is the experience that is going to be one that attracts, builds, & retains any kind of player population. Potato Land & Comp are almost 2 different rulesets, they are much further apart than even say 3025 & 3063 are in tactical/build terms.
Edit: Just jumped in a match with the NTG-D LRM60+A and this is what I got... definitely not the result I would expect from a top tier IS LRM boat in this match but still quite good for a Clan LRM boat.

Edited by KekistanWillRiseAgain, 30 May 2017 - 06:18 PM.