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Faction Play And The Complainers

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#41 MischiefSC


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 01:24 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 12:49 PM, said:

Lol how is the 10% getting hurt at all? They keep saying they don't want to kill the 90%. Truth is they want to seal club. I see it here posted all the time. They should be fighting the hardest to keep these noobs away but they don't because they want to farm.

Match maker would give everyone , everything they want if what they say is true :)

First, teams are a lot more than 10% of fw. More like 40%.

Second, MM in FW would work like MM in group queue. It'll still be stomps. You wouldn't see a difference from today.

Better off just putting the maps/modes in QP.

The goal however is getting teams back to FW. Not making FW QP. You want the content in QP, great. Do it. However FW needs to focus on getting the teams back in.

#42 Pat Kell


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 01:31 PM

View PostPFC Carsten, on 03 June 2017 - 09:03 AM, said:

Thank you for reinforcing what I just said and proving that you are not capable or willing to see beyond the narrow scope you have chosen for yourself. Maybe a little hint: Ask yourself, why people might have chosen to leave. And try to be honest with yourself. You don't even have to admit it here in public, just deep down within yourself. Posted Image Which probably all that's ever possible for you to do, since you already acquitted all possible evidence that is not supporting your default mindset.

Whole proof that's needed is a look at the current state of Faction Play/CW. "[color=#959595]It is ok to farm lower skilled teams if those teams sign up to play in a mode that was designed to not have a matchmaker and pit you against whoever shows up at your doorstep. [/color]"

Have fun clubbing seals and telling yourself that's ok, since... well, the seals did show up on the banks.

I am always honest with myself, and when I say there are multiple reasons as to why people left CW, I am being honest with you too. Every example I listed as well as some I didn't I have heard from people claiming that was their reason for leaving CW. It sounds to me like you have a preconceived notion as to why CW has a low population and are unwilling to except any other possibility. Absolutely there are some people who left CW because they didn't like getting stomped by teams and absolutely I have zero patience or sympathy for these people. They made their choice both before and after launch. They thought they could launch into a team based mode as a solo and somehow, miraculously not get rolled. That type of self entitled thinking is not something I agree with, condone or sympathize with (and I say this admitting that I have dropped solo before and I have gotten rolled before...I just chose to get better and join a team, the main difference between my choice after the match and the choice made to quit by others). I love being essentially called a liar who can't be honest with anyone outside of myself by someone who attributes the fall of CW to units stomping pugs and that's all there is too it...go look in a freaking mirror man, I am not taking on your baggage.

I honestly feel like you didn't read my post at all because I stated several different reasons as to why people left CW, getting stomped being one of them. Being honest with yourself includes taking the time to "think" about all the possible cause and effects of any scenario. I listed several reasons that have been given to me as to the cause of this effect, you appear to think it's just one. Who's the one not thinking now and who's the one with the default mindset that isn't willing to accept other possibilities?

I don't have fun clubbing seals, I have fun playing on a team and beating another group of 12 people. The fact that they are solos players or team players never really factors into the "fun" portion of it. I have fun by performing well and not making mistakes in a match. I certainly get more pride and self satisfaction when we beat a unit, especially the good ones but again, that doesn't really factor into me having "fun". Again, you have a preconceived notion about me and are using assumptions and misunderstandings of my words to try to shame me. It will not work. You are welcome to continue trying though :)

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 09:37 AM, said:

Ahh another "it's ok to farm low skill teams because they showed up".

No one shows up to get steam rolled if the solo or low skill house teams knew they were going to have to fight a div a team they would go play somewhere else. They try cw with the hopes they can get a balanced fun game.

As the hope of balanced fun games goes away so is the population.

Keep having fun seal clubbing because it's not going to last.

I love it when people come in thinking that they know what everyone playing this game is playing it for. Yea, sure, some people show up hoping for a balanced fun game, some people believe that it is a balanced fun game and just hope that their skill level is up to snuff with whoever shows up in the next match. Some play it because they enjoy farming pugs, it makes them feel good. Some play it because they watch the leader boards and try to do well there. Some play it because they like seeing their unit tags on planets or the MC that is given as a reward. Some play it for the ranks so they can get free mechbays and the like from PGI. There are a multitude of reasons as to why people play CW. Try to get out of your own head for a minute and think about it.

I don't show up so I can get steam rolled but on the times that I have dropped solo and got steam rolled, you can bet your *** I didn't blame the other unit for grouping up or PGI for allowing me to wade into the deep end. That's just an idiotic, self-defeating thought process that I want nothing to do with.

Granted, I still think there is some tech balancing that needs to be done but you will rarely have a truly balanced game. I have played thousands of CW matches and a tiny minute portion of them have ended as a 45-48 match or better. Most all of them end up in the 12 to 30-48 range, or we take the objectives quicker. Trying to balance around peoples individual skill in a team game is incredibly complex and isn't really feasible to do. The sad fact of the matter is that most matches are doomed to end in the range I stated before, even against relatively closely "matched" teams because of the way the mode is played. If someone wins the first engagement by 6 or more mechs, that match is almost always decided already and usually continues to go downhill for the losing side. My point is that if people are holding off, waiting for PGI to come up with some way to balance this game around players, they are going to be waiting a long time...not to mention they are already failing by waiting for someone else to fix their problem.

I don't have fun clubbing seals. I don't even know what to say about this. I enjoy playing the mode and I enjoy doing well but that is true regardless of whether we are playing against a team or 12 solo's. Also, people have been saying that "seals" were going to be gone long ago. Starting to sound like a Nostradamus prediction to me...if you wait long enough, something will happen that will somewhat resemble what you are claiming is going to happen and you will jump into the scene and say "See, I told you so". Yea, people are leaving but they are leaving for multiple reasons, not just the one you are claiming but some are staying, improving and giving the others who have stayed from before a run for their money. And more are always starting fresh as well as they come across the game. Some of these will get frustrated and leave as well. Some will leave because they get stomped in CW, some will leave because they get stomped in QP, some will leave out of boredom, some will leave because of the grind blah blah blah on and on and on. Stop blaming me and other units as the cause of all of this because it's quite frankly ignorant. And I am using that word in the dictionary sense, not the insult sense. You are unknowledgeable of the situation and yet you persist in acting as if you are. All you are going on is your own personal grievances and maybe some other like minded individuals who have told you the exact same things that you are feeling yourself and you are ignoring all the other possibilities out there because they don't fit your narrative.

#43 Monkey Lover


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 02:07 PM

View PostPat Kell, on 03 June 2017 - 01:31 PM, said:


I don't have fun clubbing seals. I don't even know what to say about this. I enjoy playing the mode and I enjoy doing well but that is true regardless of whether we are playing against a team or 12 solo's. Also, people have been saying that "seals" were going to be gone long ago. Starting to sound like a Nostradamus prediction to me...if you wait long enough, something will happen that will somewhat resemble what you are claiming is going to happen and you will jump into the scene and say "See, I told you so". Yea, people are leaving but they are leaving for multiple reasons, not just the one you are claiming but some are staying, improving and giving the others who have stayed from before a run for their money. And more are always starting fresh as well as they come across the game. Some of these will get frustrated and leave as well. Some will leave because they get stomped in CW, some will leave because they get stomped in QP, some will leave out of boredom, some will leave because of the grind blah blah blah on and on and on. Stop blaming me and other units as the cause of all of this because it's quite frankly ignorant. And I am using that word in the dictionary sense, not the insult sense. You are unknowledgeable of the situation and yet you persist in acting as if you are. All you are going on is your own personal grievances and maybe some other like minded individuals who have told you the exact same things that you are feeling yourself and you are ignoring all the other possibilities out there because they don't fit your narrative.

I have no knowledge of cw? Lol I been here from beta 1 I played by matches to get up to general 2 I believe before jumping to mercs when my faction died. I did my time like most people here.

Stop putting words in my month and stop playing like youre a victim. PGI is really who is to blame. Some unit ver pugs is a issue. Some units are not much better then pugs. House teams for example are basically pugs.

Over all I will call out anyone e who support seal clubing low skill teams. This shouldn't be an issue to any unit because they all say " we don't want this".

Sorry you don't see this as a issue as I see this as the number #1 issue to get people into this mode. Getting units back Into this mode is a pipedream without a complete overhaul. For what I seen every town hall our top unit mercs ask for more maps and rewards so I don't see this happening. Best anyone can hope for is fresh blood that sticks around.

Edited by Monkey Lover, 03 June 2017 - 02:21 PM.

#44 Commander A9


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 02:55 PM

People only whine about Faction Warfare and demand change when they lose.

#45 RogoRogo Wolf


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 03:02 PM

...apart from the fact that PGI has alienated most of the playerbase way too long and still managed to divide it - aka keeping it away from Faction W - by having TWO separate UIs and QP not simply as a simply textlabel mask single mech drop in the GAME UI ....
SOME units and their behavior ARE the problem. Not only have they taken their form of "getting organized" to a level which in a game as half-baked and shallow as this one (and sorry, PGI thorougly lacks in many industry aspects) to a de-facto game-breaking level.....
... in a move far more damaging they have found their way into Mr. Russ B's ear (remember.. a CEO of a game development company who only pays attention to TWITTER... because as we all know... game design can be discussed in 140 characters max.....)... so their lust for a game as generic, immersion-lacking and repetitive as possible to fit their self-proclaimed "e-sports" attitude (srsly... whoever came up with the notion that computer gaming is a sport.....) has left us with what we have..... technically unsound, shallow generic twitch shooter No.#137.543.
One of the many problems and reasons this game is... as it is...
But....there is always hope.. at least a little.... the abandonment of the stupid 3-diff.var.-mech-to-master stuff (now we can get the mech we want... and slowly work on it).... more variety in mech-character thanks to.. well.. clickwarrior...
The game has also gotten a little slower and MORE MECHy instead of "my FPS-avatar is a battlemech..."...

Now... if they could fix the srsly lacking maps (small maps across the board where 80% are still unused due to lack of gameplay design... useless funnels... 2-3 choquepoints... and AGAIN the PGI-STANDARD ITEM.... the objective is a single... central... sometimes elevated grindzone.... fixed location items..... playing the objective gets punished instead of rewarded (r'u'kiddin... nothing whatsoever for damaging/destroying a turret, a gate, a generator, OMEGA?) aso aso aso.... I mean it's not like this hasn't been mentioned in writing.... in this forum... in all possible variations... for YEARS...

Instead.... we get another faildesigned gamemode in QP... makes you wonder.. how many ressources have been wasted on this... INSTEAD OF FIXING THE F.....aulty base assets (collision, weapon convergence, item scaling, map scaling, asset scaling, energy weapon impact effects, enviroment assets, PVE eye candy... I mean.. other independent companies actually achieve all that... at least to some degree...with considerable less ressources.... and they were not able to count on a spending happy middle-aged fanbase buying gold colored timberwolves...... for 3figure dollar prices!)

And btw... rethink some of your income items... how about a "my base deck pack"... "my scout pack" "the classics" instead of "3+1+1+2 of the same... of which we might like one..but mostly use the boosted".. and nothing else....

But again... game assets will get purchased... for real money... if there is actually a GAME you can PLAY them in....

Edited by RogoRogo Wolf, 03 June 2017 - 03:06 PM.

#46 MischiefSC


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 03:15 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 02:07 PM, said:

I have no knowledge of cw? Lol I been here from beta 1 I played by matches to get up to general 2 I believe before jumping to mercs when my faction died. I did my time like most people here.

Stop putting words in my month and stop playing like youre a victim. PGI is really who is to blame. Some unit ver pugs is a issue. Some units are not much better then pugs. House teams for example are basically pugs.

Over all I will call out anyone e who support seal clubing low skill teams. This shouldn't be an issue to any unit because they all say " we don't want this".

Sorry you don't see this as a issue as I see this as the number #1 issue to get people into this mode. Getting units back Into this mode is a pipedream without a complete overhaul. For what I seen every town hall our top unit mercs ask for more maps and rewards so I don't see this happening. Best anyone can hope for is fresh blood that sticks around.

Wait, so there isn't any active skill based MM in group queue due to population. It's full of constant rolls. Do people still play there? QP matches are rarely even 8-12. People still play? What about all the seals getting clubbed?

The only reason people complain about losing in FW is that you lose 4 times in a row in the same match. There's no more of a huge skill disparity or frequency of stomps in FW than in any other mode. Just that because you see the same people beating you for 20 minutes instead of 5 it gives people an excuse for why they lost. Winning in FW isn't any harder than winning in QP or group queue. Just that it's rarely new players getting stomped in FW. Most of them are veteran bads who refuse to change in any way to group up or get better. Which is okay - they should play how they want. However the fact that other players and teams put in more effort and as such win more isn't some evil conspiracy.

#47 Monkey Lover


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 03:32 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 03 June 2017 - 03:15 PM, said:

Wait, so there isn't any active skill based MM in group queue due to population. It's full of constant rolls. Do people still play there? QP matches are rarely even 8-12. People still play? What about all the seals getting clubbed?

The only reason people complain about losing in FW is that you lose 4 times in a row in the same match. There's no more of a huge skill disparity or frequency of stomps in FW than in any other mode. Just that because you see the same people beating you for 20 minutes instead of 5 it gives people an excuse for why they lost. Winning in FW isn't any harder than winning in QP or group queue. Just that it's rarely new players getting stomped in FW. Most of them are veteran bads who refuse to change in any way to group up or get better. Which is okay - they should play how they want. However the fact that other players and teams put in more effort and as such win more isn't some evil conspiracy.

Again group Q has a tonnage balance system. You basically drop 50% of your tonnage in a 12 man.

Tell me how that would go over in cw 130tons limit if you drop with 12 man.

Again losing is not a issue if everyone feels it was a balanced game.

#48 MischiefSC


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 04:00 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 03:32 PM, said:

Again group Q has a tonnage balance system. You basically drop 50% of your tonnage in a 12 man.

Tell me how that would go over in cw 130tons limit if you drop with 12 man.

Again losing is not a issue if everyone feels it was a balanced game.

The only reason people don't think it's a problem is because respawns. You get stomped in pug/group queue for 4 drops by the same team people would feel the same.

Also tonnage limits just reduced the population in group queue. The proposed surge of 2 and 3man casual players never happened - because they still got stomped.

Remember that? The outrage over group queue? Those poor "pug with a friend or two" players who were getting destroyed in group queue but they were this "big group of players" who WANTED to play but the 12mans ruined.... group queue!

So tonnage nerfs.

Which changed nothing for the casuals who still got rolled because the problem was that good players beat bad players. Just the good players took to dropping in smaller groups but still won just as much and the horde of casuals never showed up.

Same thing here. A request for changes that change nothing save irritating the people who actually do play. You'll have a MM, get dame # of stomps and the same people will lose just as much and will move on to a new excuse. Nobody will come back for it more than a few drops to find out they're still losing for the same reasons.

Any fix that isn't based on getting teams back to FW is a waste of time.

#49 Monkey Lover


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 04:08 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 03 June 2017 - 04:00 PM, said:

The only reason people don't think it's a problem is because respawns. You get stomped in pug/group queue for 4 drops by the same team people would feel the same.

Also tonnage limits just reduced the population in group queue. The proposed surge of 2 and 3man casual players never happened - because they still got stomped.

Remember that? The outrage over group queue? Those poor "pug with a friend or two" players who were getting destroyed in group queue but they were this "big group of players" who WANTED to play but the 12mans ruined.... group queue!

So tonnage nerfs.

Which changed nothing for the casuals who still got rolled because the problem was that good players beat bad players. Just the good players took to dropping in smaller groups but still won just as much and the horde of casuals never showed up.

Same thing here. A request for changes that change nothing save irritating the people who actually do play. You'll have a MM, get dame # of stomps and the same people will lose just as much and will move on to a new excuse. Nobody will come back for it more than a few drops to find out they're still losing for the same reasons.

Any fix that isn't based on getting teams back to FW is a waste of time.

The 2-3 man team not increasing after the large unit nerf is a good point .

#50 Pat Kell


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 05:03 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 02:07 PM, said:

I have no knowledge of cw? Lol I been here from beta 1 I played by matches to get up to general 2 I believe before jumping to mercs when my faction died. I did my time like most people here.

Stop putting words in my month and stop playing like youre a victim. PGI is really who is to blame. Some unit ver pugs is a issue. Some units are not much better then pugs. House teams for example are basically pugs.

Over all I will call out anyone e who support seal clubing low skill teams. This shouldn't be an issue to any unit because they all say " we don't want this".

Sorry you don't see this as a issue as I see this as the number #1 issue to get people into this mode. Getting units back Into this mode is a pipedream without a complete overhaul. For what I seen every town hall our top unit mercs ask for more maps and rewards so I don't see this happening. Best anyone can hope for is fresh blood that sticks around.

But again, no one out there has come out and said that they enjoy clubbing seals...I don't "enjoy" clubbing seals, I enjoy playing this game and this game mode specially. I will call out anyone who threatens my ability to play this game mode. I would absolutely prefer to play teams because I get more out of it on many levels. However, I will take what I can get so if you want to fix the seal clubbing issue, 1st off, stop blaming units because it's not their fault and isn't a solution, 2ns, come up with a viable idea that doesn't wreck my ability and my teams ability to play this game mode. I have yet to see anyone come up with a viable idea that either doesn't completely alienate the remaining portion of the population, doesn't fix the issue really at all because you still end of with pugs vs teams or isn't some sort of attempt to force my team and other teams to adjust how we play so that it's more "fair" for the other team. I will keep reading and waiting but I suspect all I will get is more insults, accusations and ideas that are not fully thought out. I apologize for the ignorant comment, I went too far as we all have some experience to draw from when forming our opinions. I just get frustrated when I see people refusing to see other points of view because it clashes with there own agendas. I know that some believe that I am doing this as well but I am trying hard not too. I am not against splitting the ques, I have stated this before. I don't think it will work but I am willing to try it. I just think that people see it as the end all be all and I honestly believe that it will make it worse, but I could be wrong. I also don't think PGI will do it because of the various reasons I have posted here and other places and I am sure they have inside data that they go off of more than anything said in these forums anyhow.

#51 Vxheous


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 06:43 PM

Personally, I get bored after playing a couple drops in a 12 man in FW, it gets too easy. Usually the only time I'm in a really large group is during off-hours where queuing up as a small group or solo might mean you get bypassed by an insta lock 12 man group.

#52 Deathlike


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Posted 03 June 2017 - 07:13 PM

View PostPat Kell, on 03 June 2017 - 01:31 PM, said:

I am always honest with myself, and when I say there are multiple reasons as to why people left CW, I am being honest with you too. Every example I listed as well as some I didn't I have heard from people claiming that was their reason for leaving CW. It sounds to me like you have a preconceived notion as to why CW has a low population and are unwilling to except any other possibility. Absolutely there are some people who left CW because they didn't like getting stomped by teams and absolutely I have zero patience or sympathy for these people. They made their choice both before and after launch. They thought they could launch into a team based mode as a solo and somehow, miraculously not get rolled. That type of self entitled thinking is not something I agree with, condone or sympathize with (and I say this admitting that I have dropped solo before and I have gotten rolled before...I just chose to get better and join a team, the main difference between my choice after the match and the choice made to quit by others). I love being essentially called a liar who can't be honest with anyone outside of myself by someone who attributes the fall of CW to units stomping pugs and that's all there is too it...go look in a freaking mirror man, I am not taking on your baggage.

I honestly feel like you didn't read my post at all because I stated several different reasons as to why people left CW, getting stomped being one of them. Being honest with yourself includes taking the time to "think" about all the possible cause and effects of any scenario. I listed several reasons that have been given to me as to the cause of this effect, you appear to think it's just one. Who's the one not thinking now and who's the one with the default mindset that isn't willing to accept other possibilities?

I don't have fun clubbing seals, I have fun playing on a team and beating another group of 12 people. The fact that they are solos players or team players never really factors into the "fun" portion of it. I have fun by performing well and not making mistakes in a match. I certainly get more pride and self satisfaction when we beat a unit, especially the good ones but again, that doesn't really factor into me having "fun". Again, you have a preconceived notion about me and are using assumptions and misunderstandings of my words to try to shame me. It will not work. You are welcome to continue trying though Posted Image

I love it when people come in thinking that they know what everyone playing this game is playing it for. Yea, sure, some people show up hoping for a balanced fun game, some people believe that it is a balanced fun game and just hope that their skill level is up to snuff with whoever shows up in the next match. Some play it because they enjoy farming pugs, it makes them feel good. Some play it because they watch the leader boards and try to do well there. Some play it because they like seeing their unit tags on planets or the MC that is given as a reward. Some play it for the ranks so they can get free mechbays and the like from PGI. There are a multitude of reasons as to why people play CW. Try to get out of your own head for a minute and think about it.

I don't show up so I can get steam rolled but on the times that I have dropped solo and got steam rolled, you can bet your *** I didn't blame the other unit for grouping up or PGI for allowing me to wade into the deep end. That's just an idiotic, self-defeating thought process that I want nothing to do with.

Granted, I still think there is some tech balancing that needs to be done but you will rarely have a truly balanced game. I have played thousands of CW matches and a tiny minute portion of them have ended as a 45-48 match or better. Most all of them end up in the 12 to 30-48 range, or we take the objectives quicker. Trying to balance around peoples individual skill in a team game is incredibly complex and isn't really feasible to do. The sad fact of the matter is that most matches are doomed to end in the range I stated before, even against relatively closely "matched" teams because of the way the mode is played. If someone wins the first engagement by 6 or more mechs, that match is almost always decided already and usually continues to go downhill for the losing side. My point is that if people are holding off, waiting for PGI to come up with some way to balance this game around players, they are going to be waiting a long time...not to mention they are already failing by waiting for someone else to fix their problem.

I don't have fun clubbing seals. I don't even know what to say about this. I enjoy playing the mode and I enjoy doing well but that is true regardless of whether we are playing against a team or 12 solo's. Also, people have been saying that "seals" were going to be gone long ago. Starting to sound like a Nostradamus prediction to me...if you wait long enough, something will happen that will somewhat resemble what you are claiming is going to happen and you will jump into the scene and say "See, I told you so". Yea, people are leaving but they are leaving for multiple reasons, not just the one you are claiming but some are staying, improving and giving the others who have stayed from before a run for their money. And more are always starting fresh as well as they come across the game. Some of these will get frustrated and leave as well. Some will leave because they get stomped in CW, some will leave because they get stomped in QP, some will leave out of boredom, some will leave because of the grind blah blah blah on and on and on. Stop blaming me and other units as the cause of all of this because it's quite frankly ignorant. And I am using that word in the dictionary sense, not the insult sense. You are unknowledgeable of the situation and yet you persist in acting as if you are. All you are going on is your own personal grievances and maybe some other like minded individuals who have told you the exact same things that you are feeling yourself and you are ignoring all the other possibilities out there because they don't fit your narrative.

The term you may be looking for is self-fulfilling prophecy.

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 03:32 PM, said:

Again group Q has a tonnage balance system. You basically drop 50% of your tonnage in a 12 man.

Tell me how that would go over in cw 130tons limit if you drop with 12 man.

Again losing is not a issue if everyone feels it was a balanced game.

"Tonnage balance system" is actually very soft (it's just a group restriction, not an MM restriction) since it is possible to have 3 4-mans with mostly assault level tonnage vs the large groups with limited tonnage. You're assuming that there's balance when you have to actually do more in less (and for bad teams in large groups, they will suffer more than the bad teams in smaller groups due to the tonnage disparity).

Please don't use that faulty logic.

#53 Jugger Grimrod


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 04:00 AM

View PostRogoRogo Wolf, on 03 June 2017 - 03:02 PM, said:

SOME units and their behavior ARE the problem. Not only have they taken their form of "getting organized" to a level which in a game as half-baked and shallow as this one (and sorry, PGI thorougly lacks in many industry aspects) to a de-facto game-breaking level.....
... in a move far more damaging they have found their way into Mr. Russ B's ear (remember.. a CEO of a game development company who only pays attention to TWITTER... because as we all know... game design can be discussed in 140 characters max.....)... so their lust for a game as generic, immersion-lacking and repetitive as possible to fit their self-proclaimed "e-sports" attitude (srsly... whoever came up with the notion that computer gaming is a sport.....) has left us with what we have..... technically unsound, shallow generic twitch shooter No.#137.543....

...Instead.... we get another faildesigned gamemode in QP... makes you wonder.. how many ressources have been wasted on this... INSTEAD OF FIXING THE F.....aulty base assets (collision, weapon convergence, item scaling, map scaling, asset scaling, energy weapon impact effects, enviroment assets, PVE eye candy... I mean.. other independent companies actually achieve all that... at least to some degree...with considerable less ressources.... and they were not able to count on a spending happy middle-aged fanbase buying gold colored timberwolves...... for 3figure dollar prices!)...

I love this post, sir! At times, I wonder if they are an Art Studio trying to be a Game Design Company.Posted Image I love the game, but PGI's choices do cause a lot of head-scratching?!

#54 sub2000


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 07:10 AM

View PostWayTooSexy, on 29 May 2017 - 03:02 PM, said:

Dude this FP complaining is really boring, OP this OP that, Units Op etc.... I started to play on this year January, although I tried on 2013 but left. First thing I did was to spam quick for like 3 weeks until I became decent enough for FP(never made a single LRM mech) or at least that was my thought, first matches on CW were pure stomps for like 3 weeks and plus I realized I was terribad atm, the play style was different from quick play, even if I did good score I was only winning like 1/10 games due to facing units....and well I didn't went to the forums to complain and cry, I decided to look for a unit and try to get better since I wanted to play good matches, not potato fest of solo gameplay, and well eventually I started to play with my actual unit and dudeeee was the best thing evaaaa, I learned a lot just playing with them I went from potato 500dmg to actually a decent player, heck on last Tukkayid we got to face comp playaaaa teams from div a and winning the matches, on top of that I made a lot of friends wich makes the gameplay more enjoyable and fun ( actual reason why I still play cause playing with mates and having fun is the best thing about the game). I got the fact than maybe some ppl just want to play casual but that doesn't stop to group with some unit and play cordinated, and like I said if you are a solo player getting stomp you can fix that by yourself, complaining is not gonna make you play better.
PD:Even with solo queue on FP, good players will dominate matches and get 5K scores Ez due to the amount of potatoes ( and recent armor increase overall) and dont forget about sync drop

who are you trying to BS? You have play statistics since season 8 (january?). You had respectful 1.6 WL ratio and 3 KD ratio. Average MS is 340 (it translates into 500+damage which is a lot for a QP game).
It is not better now btw.
Such score translates pretty certainly into 2000 damage for FW or more considering skill mismatch common in FW. What is your real playing account which you used to learn playing?
How low minded can somebody be to do such cheap boasting?
The only real solution for a 30m gamemode is an introduction of an open lobby where you actually see people you can fight with and make challenges or accept challenges. That is the only way to make it working mode.

#55 Kaoba


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 08:56 AM

View Postsub2000, on 04 June 2017 - 07:10 AM, said:

who are you trying to BS? You have play statistics since season 8 (january?). You had respectful 1.6 WL ratio and 3 KD ratio. Average MS is 340 (it translates into 500+damage which is a lot for a QP game).
It is not better now btw.
Such score translates pretty certainly into 2000 damage for FW or more considering skill mismatch common in FW. What is your real playing account which you used to learn playing?
How low minded can somebody be to do such cheap boasting?
The only real solution for a 30m gamemode is an introduction of an open lobby where you actually see people you can fight with and make challenges or accept challenges. That is the only way to make it working mode.

Ehh duh I did told I started on January....and yeah my QP stats are **** cause now I only play faction (only play QP to lvl up mechs).
Like who the **** I am Bs????? this game is not rocket science, if you know how to play Fps is not gonna take more than a few weeks to get used to it. FP is completely different Plat style from QP ofc I got ******* rekt first days I went there

#56 B0oN


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 07:30 AM

Oh, by the way of an addendum to my PSA :

Not trying to fix the gamemode per se, rather give the playerbase a hand that dips their feet into the sharkpool called CW for their first few times .

Sadly though, rarely anyone asks anything about it Posted Image

Edited by The Shortbus, 05 June 2017 - 07:30 AM.

#57 sub2000


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 07:52 AM

View PostWayTooSexy, on 04 June 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:

Ehh duh I did told I started on January....and yeah my QP stats are **** cause now I only play faction (only play QP to lvl up mechs).
Like who the **** I am Bs????? this game is not rocket science, if you know how to play Fps is not gonna take more than a few weeks to get used to it. FP is completely different Plat style from QP ofc I got ******* rekt first days I went there

you stats now are not better than in january.
Basically you haven't learned anything since January. Your first month to play MWO you claim.

And yes knowing to play fps is not enough for this game. You need heat management, understanding what nominal weapon distance is and how it translates into damage you produce, positioning, what are hard points and how their placement translates in your way of shooting. etc.

FP is not that different (even siege mode) from group quick play mode. The only fundamental difference is possibility of "reinforcement" and the concept of "trading tonnage" which it implies.
People who do very well QP are thriving in FW and don't really care about team presence.

Even being total t5 potato during first month of my play in MWO with 100 score in QP I was making 500 damage regularly in FW (which translate into 100 match score usually). Claiming that a T1 players who snapped MWO in a start go had problems with FW. Do you seriously believe people are idiots here?

#58 Khalcruth


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 12:39 PM

Shrug. If I

1) know that if I play in a 10+ man group, I'm likely to stomp 90% of the teams I face
2) play in a 10+ man group for several hours every night
3) claim I don't really want to stomp 90% of the groups I face

Well, because of points 1 and 2, it's going to be really hard for anyone else to believe point 3. No matter how much I claim otherwise. Until and unless I don't do point 2 anymore. If playing in a 10+ man group is more important to me than anything else, that's my prerogative, of course. But I can hardly say I'd be surprised about people not believing me on point 3.

#59 Kaoba


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 02:38 PM

View Postsub2000, on 05 June 2017 - 07:52 AM, said:

you stats now are not better than in january.
Basically you haven't learned anything since January. Your first month to play MWO you claim.

And yes knowing to play fps is not enough for this game. You need heat management, understanding what nominal weapon distance is and how it translates into damage you produce, positioning, what are hard points and how their placement translates in your way of shooting. etc.

FP is not that different (even siege mode) from group quick play mode. The only fundamental difference is possibility of "reinforcement" and the concept of "trading tonnage" which it implies.
People who do very well QP are thriving in FW and don't really care about team presence.

Even being total t5 potato during first month of my play in MWO with 100 score in QP I was making 500 damage regularly in FW (which translate into 100 match score usually). Claiming that a T1 players who snapped MWO in a start go had problems with FW. Do you seriously believe people are idiots here?

Jesús I was bothering to argue with t5 potato, what a waste of time, I already gave a reason to all your arguments, AND FFS THE MAIN REASON PPL FAIL ON FACTION SOLO IS BECAUSE EXACTLY THAT THINKING OF QUICK PLAY IS SIMILAR TO FACTION JUST NOOO!!! IS DIFFERENT.....or maybe you are just using and alt account, lacking balls to use the main account. Anyways my last reply to either this t5 potato or alt account *****.

Edited by WayTooSexy, 05 June 2017 - 02:44 PM.

#60 Kaoba


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 03:00 PM

View PostKhalcruth, on 05 June 2017 - 12:39 PM, said:

Shrug. If I

1) know that if I play in a 10+ man group, I'm likely to stomp 90% of the teams I face
2) play in a 10+ man group for several hours every night
3) claim I don't really want to stomp 90% of the groups I face

Well, because of points 1 and 2, it's going to be really hard for anyone else to believe point 3. No matter how much I claim otherwise. Until and unless I don't do point 2 anymore. If playing in a 10+ man group is more important to me than anything else, that's my prerogative, of course. But I can hardly say I'd be surprised about people not believing me on point 3.

Well yeah must we can do is to tell pugs to look for a unit or just group up and use coms, FP technically is designed for team play, but well I don't know others but the only reason I keep playing this game with all the ****** design and stuff is because my mates, every1 who knows me, know that I am a clown on coms and usually talk a lot and try to make fun while playing ( just look at my name), I just feel bored to play even quick play if I don't have nobody to play with, I'll rather play a AAA single player game. If we had good devs making this game great like Star citizen, hell yeah I would play no matter what, but with the sad state of the game mainly for faction only players (**** QP 2.0) yes my only reason to stay is play with friends, if they left I left the game too.

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