PFC Carsten, on 03 June 2017 - 09:03 AM, said:
Thank you for reinforcing what I just said and proving that you are not capable or willing to see beyond the narrow scope you have chosen for yourself. Maybe a little hint: Ask yourself, why people might have chosen to leave. And try to be honest with yourself. You don't even have to admit it here in public, just deep down within yourself.

Which probably all that's ever possible for you to do, since you already acquitted all possible evidence that is not supporting your default mindset.
Whole proof that's needed is a look at the current state of Faction Play/CW. "[color=#959595]
It is ok to farm lower skilled teams if those teams sign up to play in a mode that was designed to not have a matchmaker and pit you against whoever shows up at your doorstep. [/color]"
Have fun clubbing seals and telling yourself that's ok, since... well, the seals did show up on the banks.
I am always honest with myself, and when I say there are multiple reasons as to why people left CW, I am being honest with you too. Every example I listed as well as some I didn't I have heard from people claiming that was their reason for leaving CW. It sounds to me like you have a preconceived notion as to why CW has a low population and are unwilling to except any other possibility. Absolutely there are some people who left CW because they didn't like getting stomped by teams and absolutely I have zero patience or sympathy for these people. They made their choice both before and after launch. They thought they could launch into a team based mode as a solo and somehow, miraculously not get rolled. That type of self entitled thinking is not something I agree with, condone or sympathize with (and I say this admitting that I have dropped solo before and I have gotten rolled before...I just chose to get better and join a team, the main difference between my choice after the match and the choice made to quit by others). I love being essentially called a liar who can't be honest with anyone outside of myself by someone who attributes the fall of CW to units stomping pugs and that's all there is too it...go look in a freaking mirror man, I am not taking on your baggage.
I honestly feel like you didn't read my post at all because I stated several different reasons as to why people left CW, getting stomped being one of them. Being honest with yourself includes taking the time to "think" about all the possible cause and effects of any scenario. I listed several reasons that have been given to me as to the cause of this effect, you appear to think it's just one. Who's the one not thinking now and who's the one with the default mindset that isn't willing to accept other possibilities?
I don't have fun clubbing seals, I have fun playing on a team and beating another group of 12 people. The fact that they are solos players or team players never really factors into the "fun" portion of it. I have fun by performing well and not making mistakes in a match. I certainly get more pride and self satisfaction when we beat a unit, especially the good ones but again, that doesn't really factor into me having "fun". Again, you have a preconceived notion about me and are using assumptions and misunderstandings of my words to try to shame me. It will not work. You are welcome to continue trying though
Monkey Lover, on 03 June 2017 - 09:37 AM, said:
Ahh another "it's ok to farm low skill teams because they showed up".
No one shows up to get steam rolled if the solo or low skill house teams knew they were going to have to fight a div a team they would go play somewhere else. They try cw with the hopes they can get a balanced fun game.
As the hope of balanced fun games goes away so is the population.
Keep having fun seal clubbing because it's not going to last.
I love it when people come in thinking that they know what everyone playing this game is playing it for. Yea, sure, some people show up hoping for a balanced fun game, some people believe that it is a balanced fun game and just hope that their skill level is up to snuff with whoever shows up in the next match. Some play it because they enjoy farming pugs, it makes them feel good. Some play it because they watch the leader boards and try to do well there. Some play it because they like seeing their unit tags on planets or the MC that is given as a reward. Some play it for the ranks so they can get free mechbays and the like from PGI. There are a multitude of reasons as to why people play CW. Try to get out of your own head for a minute and think about it.
I don't show up so I can get steam rolled but on the times that I have dropped solo and got steam rolled, you can bet your *** I didn't blame the other unit for grouping up or PGI for allowing me to wade into the deep end. That's just an idiotic, self-defeating thought process that I want nothing to do with.
Granted, I still think there is some tech balancing that needs to be done but you will rarely have a truly balanced game. I have played thousands of CW matches and a tiny minute portion of them have ended as a 45-48 match or better. Most all of them end up in the 12 to 30-48 range, or we take the objectives quicker. Trying to balance around peoples individual skill in a team game is incredibly complex and isn't really feasible to do. The sad fact of the matter is that most matches are doomed to end in the range I stated before, even against relatively closely "matched" teams because of the way the mode is played. If someone wins the first engagement by 6 or more mechs, that match is almost always decided already and usually continues to go downhill for the losing side. My point is that if people are holding off, waiting for PGI to come up with some way to balance this game around players, they are going to be waiting a long time...not to mention they are already failing by waiting for someone else to fix their problem.
I don't have fun clubbing seals. I don't even know what to say about this. I enjoy playing the mode and I enjoy doing well but that is true regardless of whether we are playing against a team or 12 solo's. Also, people have been saying that "seals" were going to be gone long ago. Starting to sound like a Nostradamus prediction to me...if you wait long enough, something will happen that will somewhat resemble what you are claiming is going to happen and you will jump into the scene and say "See, I told you so". Yea, people are leaving but they are leaving for multiple reasons, not just the one you are claiming but some are staying, improving and giving the others who have stayed from before a run for their money. And more are always starting fresh as well as they come across the game. Some of these will get frustrated and leave as well. Some will leave because they get stomped in CW, some will leave because they get stomped in QP, some will leave out of boredom, some will leave because of the grind blah blah blah on and on and on. Stop blaming me and other units as the cause of all of this because it's quite frankly ignorant. And I am using that word in the dictionary sense, not the insult sense. You are unknowledgeable of the situation and yet you persist in acting as if you are. All you are going on is your own personal grievances and maybe some other like minded individuals who have told you the exact same things that you are feeling yourself and you are ignoring all the other possibilities out there because they don't fit your narrative.