Over the past month I have forced myself to become proficient with the command wheel while drop calling and I have some suggestions on changing some functionality.
I understand having a cool down on the Enemy Spotted command as it tracks the targets position after breaking LOS, However the cool down on the attack command while wearing the Company commander badge / Lance Commander is a massive hindrance and can be extremely frustrating if targets need to be switched rapidly. If the cool down can be changed to instant and then the icon disappear as soon as LOS is broken that would be perfect.
In regular "Pleb Mode" the command wheel functions relatively fine, although I would like a Generic "Attack" command added so people who don't feel like taking on that additional pressure of "Oh ****, People think I am in charge now" when taking Company command or Lance command badges can still call targets mid game if they feel inclined to do so. Current cool down timers should be used on this command wheel so people cannot spam the command.
Lance command: I think Lance command should have two different options for tagging a target to be attacked. "Attack all" and "Attack Lance" Lance commanders can effectively act as back up callers if the primary caller goes down. To avoid confusion Different lance commanders can be given different colors. Silver / Bronze ect.
Company Command: Replace the "Help" Command with "My Position" and have the Highlighting effects on the minimal remain for just a bit longer so people have a chance to check the mini map.
The current "Move" Command is broke as a joke, if placed on the map the attack command cannot be used until the Move markers are removed and that has to be done by opening the battle map and removing them manually. After attempting to use it a few times I gave up and verbally call move commands because of how clunky and unusable it is.
What the Move command should be: General Move command (All lances, one Icon) should be placed on the map and then set to time out lets say after 20 seconds or so (it should then disappear). the General move command should appear on the Mini map but also appear as some sort of marker on the Terrain where ever your cross hair is pointed at. This to should disappear after 20 seconds or shorter. When a new Move command is given the old (if still on the map) should be removed automatically.

5 replies to this topic
Posted 31 May 2017 - 08:40 AM
Posted 31 May 2017 - 09:04 AM
This belongs in the feature suggestion. As a fellow drop commander especially on invasion this gimped my target calling as well. So i know what you mean.
Posted 31 May 2017 - 09:04 AM
Agree 100%
Posted 31 May 2017 - 01:56 PM
Do it, do it now!!!
Posted 31 May 2017 - 02:10 PM
"focus fire on [currently locked target]" would be nice to have.
Posted 01 June 2017 - 01:28 AM
Personally, I would just like the command wheel commands to have their own hotkeys.. especially the "target spotted" one..
I think most people have by now realized that "target spotted" actually means "attack my target", just like "Help" means "haul your rear torsos over here and help me with this guy!!!"
I think most people have by now realized that "target spotted" actually means "attack my target", just like "Help" means "haul your rear torsos over here and help me with this guy!!!"

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