Vellron2005, on 01 June 2017 - 05:50 AM, said:
Hello all.
This is an open request to PGI, to give us some statistical data about "weapon effectiveness" and overall performance of various weapons.
It is aimed at getting some actual proof of the effectiveness or lack thereof of LRMs.
This love/hate LRMs has gotten to the point of racism, and it's making the community extremely salty, divided, bitter and unhealthy.
I would really like to see PGI intervene and step in, because we LRM users are seriously starting to feel bullied, both in-game and on the forums.
I don't know about you, but I'm kinda tired of all the LRM threads, and the bile being spat there, and also seeing this in-game.
The name calling and insults directed at LRM users are getting to the point of harassment, and despite numerous reporting for harassment and non-constructive behavior during matches, it's only getting worse.
I've seen friendships end and units broken over the LRM issue, and neither side can ever get any ground in the never-ending argument.
So please PGI, I emplore you, give us some statistical data about the usage of LRMs compared to other weapons:
1) Like how many kills do LRMs get compared to gauss, PPC, ERLL, Mediums lasers and such..
2) How much damage dealt compared to other weapon systems?
3) How many top-damage dealers are LRM users compared to non-lrm users?
4) How does all of this relate to PSR Tiers?
5) What does PGI think about LRM boats, and LRMs in general?
6) Average LRM ammo spent vs damage dealt?
7) Average damage done / 5 LRM tubes?
8) Most frequent LRM launcher used?
9) Most frequent mechs with LRM's installed for Clans and for IS?
10) Average number of LRM missiles downed by AMS?
Let's settle this stupid argument with some ACTUAL DATA once and for all!
Please, people, don't spam this thread with more love/hate LRMs bile.. plenty of threads already available for that. Voice your opinion of LRMs in one of those..
Here, only statistics and comments of statistics!
PGI please, give us the facts!
It isn't always about effectiveness. It sometimes is about the effect it has on the players playing the game. Let me step aside from MWO a minute and explain.
See there is this game call World of Tanks and it has a class of vehicles called Arty. If you look at the numbers alone, Arty isn't really overpowering or performing better than the other classes of vehicle however the mechanic behind the use of Arty induces rage and frustration in a good portion of the games player base. Basically it is an indirect fire weapon, fired out of line of sight and can kill or cripple the other vehicles in a very short span of time. There are all kind of counters against arty things like hard cover, making sure your not spotted by other enemy vehicles, driving erratically, etc and arty isn't all that accurate but when it does make contact, it literally ruins the other player game play experience and what is worse, since arty can strike from outside of line of sight, the player getting hit by it can't fight back.
This this sound familiar? It should because it is the exact same mechanic as LRMs which have the same exact issue, the feeling of helpless when you get shot at and crippled or killed by an enemy player who you can't fire back at or otherwise actively counter.
That is the problem, not effectiveness, rather that feeling of helplessness as your mech gets picked apart by something you can't fight back against. It is frustration and rage inducing and will cause players to quit faster than PGI telling everyone they are on an island and don't know jack hehe.
This is why LRMs need to be dialed back or at least there needs to be some mechanic that allows a player to feel they are in control or have some sort of counter to being picked apart by an enemy out of sight on the other side of the map. Radar Dep modules provided this call it "Feeling" that you had such a counter, i.e. you felt that as long as you could break LOS, you could protect your mech, even if you didn't have hard cover available. Without easy access to Radar Dep, players have lost this counter or feeling or whatever and now feel that they are pretty helpless a being able counter against LRMs, therefore frustration and rage builds up when it happens, player become vocal about LRMs being OP or needing a huge re-work, etc.