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About The Lurms, The Salt, And Pgi's Point Of View.

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#141 Xiphias


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 08:16 AM

View PostVellron2005, on 01 June 2017 - 11:38 PM, said:

Also, let me just quickly comment on the fact that top-level comp teams don't use LRMs..

Personally, I don't understand why they don't use LRMs, cose' I've seen very successful drops using JUST LRM boats, but hey, I'm not a comp player, so I'll give them that.

This is a point I've been arguing throughout this thread. Unless you've played competitively (with a decent team) you aren't going to realize how easy it is to counter LRMs. In pugs the teams are usually pretty disorganized and the loadouts are not synchronized with each other.


The fact that competitive play is devoid or LRMs does not mean that LRMs are an inherently bad system. It may mean that they are not suited to that particular play style. Just like you won't see high-end speakers in a formula 1 race car.. Comp play is simply different, with its own rules and and ways to play.. But then again, comp play is not an official game mode either, is it? I don't see QP, FP and CP, now do I?

This means that Comp play is something almost "3'rd party" and cannot be taken into account when discussing the average MWO experience that most of the community enjoys.

PGI will be adding a competitive 8v8 queue in June (according to the last roadmap). PGI also hosted the World Championships in December, with tens of thousands in cash prizes. It has been sanctioned and promoted by PGI. If PGI is going to push e-sports and competitive play they need to balance from the top down, and that means looking at high level competitive first.

#142 OrmsbyGore


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 08:28 AM

View PostFuhNuGi, on 01 June 2017 - 07:54 AM, said:

... and for reference, I have brawling kills in my Boats, Lurm kills in the tunnel on Crimson at 200m and under HPG. I bumped my armor nodes for better facetime, share armor and make my own locks, and use yours.

If every LRM heavy/assault played like this, there would be no animosity towards them from the rest of the players (well, a lot less anyway, some people will still insist that everyone should play optimal "meta" builds) but, as you correctly pointed out, far too many players use LRMs as an excuse to hide in the back and not share armor.

And don't worry, there will be salt when the new tech hits

#143 LMP


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 08:37 AM

I use LRMs on every assault mech I have and no one has ever said a word to me about it.

#144 Vxheous


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 08:59 AM

View PostVellron2005, on 01 June 2017 - 11:38 PM, said:

I have to say, when I opened this topic, I specifically said it was meant for statistical data and not the love/hate LRM bile.. yet, again, this thread has devolved into love/hate LRM bile..

I read the first and last pages (sorry, didn't have time to real all 133 comments since I opened the topic, it kinda exploded), but the jist of it, once again, the bile and bitterness being spat at one-another about LRMs..

So please, would someone tell me if anybody posted ANY actual statistical data, as requested in my OP?

Did PGI react in any way? (wishful thinking, I know, but still.. a boy can dream)

Also, let me just quickly comment on the fact that top-level comp teams don't use LRMs..

Personally, I don't understand why they don't use LRMs, cose' I've seen very successful drops using JUST LRM boats, but hey, I'm not a comp player, so I'll give them that.

The fact that competitive play is devoid or LRMs does not mean that LRMs are an inherently bad system. It may mean that they are not suited to that particular play style. Just like you won't see high-end speakers in a formula 1 race car.. Comp play is simply different, with its own rules and and ways to play.. But then again, comp play is not an official game mode either, is it? I don't see QP, FP and CP, now do I?

This means that Comp play is something almost "3'rd party" and cannot be taken into account when discussing the average MWO experience that most of the community enjoys.

And this topic is about exactly that.

The AVERAGE player's experience, and the statistical data involving using LRMs.

Again I IMPLORE all of you to cut the bile and hate down to a minimum and provide some hard evidence that LRMs are this way or that way.

Saying "there's no LRMs in comp play", or "LRMs are the worst" or "LRMs are amazing" is not hard data pertinent to the average player's MWO experience .. its an opinion.

I doubt that PGI would actually provide any hard numbers regarding lrms, but even then, the numbers would be debated, because it is very difficult to separate raw damage from effective damage. Opinions regarding lrms are about all we have, and the only thing we can judge for the effectiveness of lrms are those that use them vs those that do not. The trend is that the better players in this game (with a few outliers) almost universally shun LRMs. (Better players being those that have higher K/D ratios, higher W/L ratios, and higher overall match scores, and this is across all modes of play, (solo, group, FW, comp.))

The reasoning behind why the good players in this game think LRMs are bad have been explained many times: Travel time of LRMs, spread damage of LRMs, the myriad of ways to counter LRMs (like cover, ECM, radar dep), and how LRMs rely on opponents making a mistake (bad positioning, or bad movement) instead of relying on the user to make the play happen. Yes, LRMs can punish bad opponents, yes, LRMs can dish out a lot of raw damage if given the chance, yes, on 1-2 maps + a dedicated light with Narc you can make it rain, but it is very situational.

Every other weapon system in the game can do the job of LRMs, with the exception of being able to shoot while in cover and hitting (maybe) someone else behind low cover. There's talk that LRMs are used for area/movement denial, but a mech specialized in ERLL, or Gauss/PPC can provide exact same denial from an overwatch position (you see this in FW and Comp play a lot, especially ERLL builds in long range FW maps). There's talk that screenshake from LRMs can disorient an opponent, and that's true, but Dakka builds can do it just as well, and spread less damage across the mech (think single lrm missile of 1 damage vs single dakka shells of anywhere between 2-20 damage). This leads to the my last point: LRMs have a really high TTK. It takes an LRM boat a long time to actually kill something, basically relying on someone else to get killing blow and/or closing in and doing the job themselves with direct fire backup lasers. When an enemy team is known to have a lot of LRM boats, an all out push is usually what breaks them, because while 2-3 mechs may get killed during the close, once the other 9 get within 200-300m, it's all over.

Now, PGI has buffed LRMs in the past, only to revert changes within a week because the weapon system walks a very fine line of being completely useless to being completely overpowered. This really just stems from the indirect lock and fire mechanic of LRMs: Make them too good and everyone uses them because you don't actually have to aim. Keep them the way they are now and they are pretty much useless in every situation but low tier solo play.

View PostLMP, on 02 June 2017 - 08:37 AM, said:

I use LRMs on every assault mech I have and no one has ever said a word to me about it.

Most people won't say anything, or care what someone else uses on their mech. In the end, if you're happy with your mech build, then go and have fun with it. It's only when people start complaining about how LRMs are OP (they're not), or how they can't go up in tier, or other such things that the weaknesses of LRMs are pointed out. I mean, I don't care if someone else uses LRMs, or tries to use LRMs to kill me, I'm good enough to play around it and punish LRMs boats for bringing LRMs. If they still had fun launching missiles at me regardless of how many actually hit me, good on them.

Edited by Vxheous Kerensky, 02 June 2017 - 09:04 AM.

#145 VanillaG


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:06 AM

View PostXiphias, on 02 June 2017 - 08:16 AM, said:

PGI will be adding a competitive 8v8 queue in June (according to the last roadmap). PGI also hosted the World Championships in December, with tens of thousands in cash prizes. It has been sanctioned and promoted by PGI. If PGI is going to push e-sports and competitive play they need to balance from the top down, and that means looking at high level competitive first.

Then the first step to making LRMs competitive is to require the comp teams to actually run some amount of LRMs as part of their dropdeck. You need to show their strengths and weaknesses on the biggest stage so that will get properly tuned. Right now the weapons tuning between comp and PUG play is skewed by the fact that the comp teams do not run or face LRMs on a regular basis. Their loadouts and skill trees ignore the fact that they might actually face LRMs because right now the comp teams are focused on PPFLD. Forcing them to actually use and expect LRMs will change up how they play.

#146 Vxheous


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:08 AM

View PostVanillaG, on 02 June 2017 - 09:06 AM, said:

Then the first step to making LRMs competitive is to require the comp teams to actually run some amount of LRMs as part of their dropdeck. You need to show their strengths and weaknesses on the biggest stage so that will get properly tuned. Right now the weapons tuning between comp and PUG play is skewed by the fact that the comp teams do not run or face LRMs on a regular basis. Their loadouts and skill trees ignore the fact that they might actually face LRMs because right now the comp teams are focused on PPFLD. Forcing them to actually use and expect LRMs will change up how they play.

Comp players still face LRMs in solo and group queue play, and they still wreck face, which means that they already know how to counter LRMs. They don't focus their skill trees into countering lrms because their piloting ability already counters lrms

Edited by Vxheous Kerensky, 02 June 2017 - 09:10 AM.

#147 Revis Volek


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:14 AM

View PostLorcryst NySell, on 01 June 2017 - 06:07 AM, said:


I don't know "comp play" ... but I do know that at my lowly Tier 5 I've dropped in Quick Play with people I've recognized from this forum that were Tier 1 (yay matchmaking), and I've seen LRMs being used everywhere in Solo Queue, Group Queue and Faction Play for the 14 months I've been playing.

Every single one of my 1500+ matches had at least two LRM users on each side.

Not used, not good, under performing ?

Please. Stop being delusional.

You are the only disillusion one here sir....

Everyone is T1 because no loss system, even on a loss.

Please watch some MRBC matches, MWOC, any comp league and tell me how many LRMS you see, then tell me how many are winning anything at all. Even mech kills because LRMs are as bad as it get when it comes to killing. Spraying dmg with no aim, sure but that doesnt kill mechs too often.

View PostVanillaG, on 02 June 2017 - 09:06 AM, said:

Then the first step to making LRMs competitive is to require the comp teams to actually run some amount of LRMs as part of their dropdeck. You need to show their strengths and weaknesses on the biggest stage so that will get properly tuned. Right now the weapons tuning between comp and PUG play is skewed by the fact that the comp teams do not run or face LRMs on a regular basis. Their loadouts and skill trees ignore the fact that they might actually face LRMs because right now the comp teams are focused on PPFLD. Forcing them to actually use and expect LRMs will change up how they play.

They need to be viable and able to kill mechs if you wanna see them used by anyone with a brain.

Fact is even a LRM 80 mech will be less effective at killing then a mech with even just 4 lasers.

View PostLMP, on 02 June 2017 - 08:37 AM, said:

I use LRMs on every assault mech I have and no one has ever said a word to me about it.

Because no one knows who you are.

Sorry, but if you are just some guy playing the game in puglandia (t3 or under) then no one will ever or should ever give you grief. PGI created this game so you could play it as you see fit...but that doesn't mean LRMS are good in higher skill levels or that anyone thinks you are doing anything that cannot be accomplished more easily, accurately and efficiently with direct fire.

The name of the game is killing mechs and LRMS just dont do it well.

Edited by Revis Volek, 02 June 2017 - 09:15 AM.

#148 Admiral-Dan


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:16 AM

View PostVanillaG, on 02 June 2017 - 09:06 AM, said:

Then the first step to making LRMs competitive is to require the comp teams to actually run some amount of LRMs as part of their dropdeck. You need to show their strengths and weaknesses on the biggest stage so that will get properly tuned.

Forcing comp teams to use every bad weapon type so that nobody wants to play or watch comp matches helps the bad weapons types?

Posted Image

#149 Natred


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:25 AM

Its not the weapon system that is bad. Its how people stand still get caught out while using such weapon system. It encourages/rewards laziness and lack of battlefield awareness. Personally i get excited when i look at the mini map see a bunch of enemies 1 or 2 sectors away from the bulk of the enemy team. 1 out of 100 lrm pilots i have seen actually use it effectively and land the laser shots inbetween getting their own locks and supporting the team.. overall its not the weapon system. Its the pilot decison making especially if they are boating lrms.

#150 Lorcryst NySell


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:27 AM

View PostRevis Volek, on 02 June 2017 - 09:14 AM, said:

Everyone is T1 because no loss system, even on a loss.

Since you ignored everything else I wrote in this thread, I'll do the same and just reply to this :


There is a loss system, believe it or not.

I've had matches where I did more than 400 damage, got kills, and more (not talking about LRMs here), and since my side lost, I still got that dreaded red downarrow.

On the other hand, my most ridiculous match to date was with my King Crab with AC2s, in Domination, where the 23 other players just ignored the circle ... I parked at the edge, took a few pot shots doing 18 damage, waited 1 minute, and my side won.

Totally low scores, 18 damage, no kills, no nothing ... and a green uparrow because of the win.

If a player is good enough to carry the other 11 players on his team and kill everything alone, his Tier will go up every time.

If that same player is in a match that is lost due to cap points / timers, even if he killed 11 'Mechs, his Tier bar will at best stay the same, at worst go down.

There is a HUGE bias towards wins and kills in the Tier Rating System, it's one of the reasons I'm so low (apart from not being good) : I do lots of damage, break things, but I rarely get kills because I don't aim really well on open components, and I'm usually on the losing side in PUGlandia (don't ask me why, even when I'm in top form and rack kills and such, I feel like I'm the only one playing against 12 opponents), meaning that my Tier doesn't go up ...

I was something like 4 pixels away from Tier 4, had to take a four months break, when I came back I had forgotten how to play, lost a bunch of matches, and my Tier Bar went back to zero in a couple of evenings.

Since then, it's a real struggle to raise it.

So, no loss system ? Dead wrong.

#151 Revis Volek


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:27 AM

View PostNatred, on 02 June 2017 - 09:25 AM, said:

Its not the weapon system that is bad. Its how people stand still get caught out while using such weapon system. It encourages/rewards laziness and lack of battlefield awareness. Personally i get excited when i look at the mini map see a bunch of enemies 1 or 2 sectors away from the bulk of the enemy team. 1 out of 100 lrm pilots i have seen actually use it effectively and land the laser shots inbetween getting their own locks and supporting the team.. overall its not the weapon system. Its the pilot decison making especially if they are boating lrms.

Maybe, but the weapon system is still bad.

I can kill an IS light with one Alpha on certain mechs. Please show me ONE LRM boat that can do the same.

I will wait....but i wont hold my breath.

Edited by Revis Volek, 02 June 2017 - 09:41 AM.

#152 Revis Volek


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:32 AM

View PostLorcryst NySell, on 02 June 2017 - 09:27 AM, said:

Since you ignored everything else I wrote in this thread, I'll do the same and just reply to this :


There is a loss system, believe it or not.

I've had matches where I did more than 400 damage, got kills, and more (not talking about LRMs here), and since my side lost, I still got that dreaded red downarrow.

On the other hand, my most ridiculous match to date was with my King Crab with AC2s, in Domination, where the 23 other players just ignored the circle ... I parked at the edge, took a few pot shots doing 18 damage, waited 1 minute, and my side won.

Totally low scores, 18 damage, no kills, no nothing ... and a green uparrow because of the win.

If a player is good enough to carry the other 11 players on his team and kill everything alone, his Tier will go up every time.

If that same player is in a match that is lost due to cap points / timers, even if he killed 11 'Mechs, his Tier bar will at best stay the same, at worst go down.

There is a HUGE bias towards wins and kills in the Tier Rating System, it's one of the reasons I'm so low (apart from not being good) : I do lots of damage, break things, but I rarely get kills because I don't aim really well on open components, and I'm usually on the losing side in PUGlandia (don't ask me why, even when I'm in top form and rack kills and such, I feel like I'm the only one playing against 12 opponents), meaning that my Tier doesn't go up ...

I was something like 4 pixels away from Tier 4, had to take a four months break, when I came back I had forgotten how to play, lost a bunch of matches, and my Tier Bar went back to zero in a couple of evenings.

Since then, it's a real struggle to raise it.

So, no loss system ? Dead wrong.

Sorry but you are just bad bro some people are not as good as others. Thats life....

On a loss your go down like 1 pt even on a bad win you go up 20 pts.

You dont understand the game very well or the system. Its not a big deal really but lets not talk like you have any idea because its just making you look foolish.

I responded to the important stuff. because the rest is moot if you dont even know how to play.

You are correct in your assumption there is a BIAS towards killing because, guess what cupcake?!?!! THIS IS A MECH ARENA SHOOTER which only REAL objective is to KILL MECHS! Imagine that! Posted Image

So basically you are telling me that only playing a few times in almost half a year means you should be just as good at the game as some of us who put in 200+ drops a season. You literally just told me why you are bad, and its not skill it because you dont play the game and if you dont play the game how would you ever think you have any idea how the systems in said game work?

Edited by Revis Volek, 02 June 2017 - 09:33 AM.

#153 Natred


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:33 AM

Lol.. bad huh lol

for lolzerballz i used lrms for one day was scoring 400 to 800 damage matches every game depending on the map. Even on crimson straight fighting under the tabletop with lrms was still getting atleast 400 to 500 damage. There is no bad weapon type. Its not the size of the stick. Its how you use it.

Edited by Natred, 02 June 2017 - 09:34 AM.

#154 Revis Volek


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:41 AM

View PostNatred, on 02 June 2017 - 09:33 AM, said:

Lol.. bad huh lol

for lolzerballz i used lrms for one day was scoring 400 to 800 damage matches every game depending on the map. Even on crimson straight fighting under the tabletop with lrms was still getting atleast 400 to 500 damage. There is no bad weapon type. Its not the size of the stick. Its how you use it.

400 is mediocre. I do that in a single LPL Spider still even after the nerf no problem.

800 is doing something but if it just 800 dmg with no kills and no kill assist then you really did nothing but spray useless dmg and heat all over the place.

LRMs are bad at KILLING, i never said they were bad at dmg. In fact we have said they are good at that a few times already.

I may not have been 100% clear when i said BAD but thats what i meant.

Edited by Revis Volek, 02 June 2017 - 09:42 AM.

#155 Natred


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:52 AM

Lol revis your funny. I see lrms kill mechs after me and a couple of teamates open them up get them from fresh to cherry red and than one volley of lrm 15s comes in after they retreat to cover and get the kill. Happens quite often.. than i see kmdd on my screen and im like well such is the way of mechwarrior.

Edited by Natred, 02 June 2017 - 09:55 AM.

#156 VanillaG


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:54 AM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 02 June 2017 - 09:08 AM, said:

Comp players still face LRMs in solo and group queue play, and they still wreck face, which means that they already know how to counter LRMs. They don't focus their skill trees into countering lrms because their piloting ability already counters lrms

View PostAlphaEtOmega, on 02 June 2017 - 09:16 AM, said:

Forcing comp teams to use every bad weapon type so that nobody wants to play or watch comp matches helps the bad weapons types?

Posted Image

Simply put if your goal is to make LRMs viable in comp play you need to use and face them in comp play. Facing them in PUG play is not a good indication of how to balance them in the same way that PUG play does not translate into comp play. The comp players need to face other comp players using them to get true test of what needs to happen at that level to make them competitive.

As for forcing players to use items, the various leagues already place limitations on what you can and can't do use to include specific number of each weight class in a drop and expressing forbidding using a specific type of weapon (Streaks) in a particular match type. Do you think that mediums would exist in comp play if not for requiring a certain number for each drop?

At the risk of going off topic, one of the main reasons that LRMs are under powered in TTK is because the other types of weapons have instantaneous pinpoint convergence. LRMs are the only weapon type that drastically spreads the damage compared to the other weapons and is the only weapon that does not benefit from convergence. But the topic of convergence is another lightening rod that should be avoided in this thread.

#157 Vxheous


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 09:57 AM

View PostNatred, on 02 June 2017 - 09:33 AM, said:

Lol.. bad huh lol

for lolzerballz i used lrms for one day was scoring 400 to 800 damage matches every game depending on the map. Even on crimson straight fighting under the tabletop with lrms was still getting atleast 400 to 500 damage. There is no bad weapon type. Its not the size of the stick. Its how you use it.

I've done 400 damage dropping a single airstrike, so by your logic, my consumables are equal to having a lrm boat on my team

#158 Natred


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 10:05 AM

View PostVxheous Kerensky, on 02 June 2017 - 09:57 AM, said:

I've done 400 damage dropping a single airstrike, so by your logic, my consumables are equal to having a lrm boat on my team

Lol so you dropped an air stike than died? i dont even use air stikes on 90 percent of my mechs. Although it was quite funny watching my buddy get a double kill last night on a strike from two mechs on 3rd level of hpg. Im like two kmdds and got a good laugh out of it.

Edited by Natred, 02 June 2017 - 10:07 AM.

#159 Vxheous


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 10:10 AM

View PostNatred, on 02 June 2017 - 10:05 AM, said:

Lol so you dropped an air stike than died? i dont even use air stikes on 90 percent of my mechs. Although it was quite funny watching my buddy get a double kill last night on a strike from two mechs on 3rd level of hpg. Im like two kmdds and got a good laugh out of it.

Yes, mistakes were made in a locust. Dropped airstrike got 1 shot by gauss/ppc. Was actually pretty funny because when I died, the airstrike didn't hit yet, so I had 0 damage. End of match screen gave me 403 damage or something like that (was like 3rd highest on team, lulz)

Edited by Vxheous Kerensky, 02 June 2017 - 10:12 AM.

#160 Deathlike


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Posted 02 June 2017 - 10:13 AM

Someone please find that DivA game where the #1 team in some MRBC season won with LRMs (throughout the season). Good luck with finding that.

LRMs are not instant or near-instant damage... that's the primary problem with LRMs. Any sort of direct fire is a greater deterrent (even the crappy AC2) at getting people to move off their spot.

LRMs actually deter people from their ultimate potential... this includes the proper push to attack any and all LRM users on any map.

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