Once upon a time, there was a little red raven

One day, the little red raven

The little red raven

"Not I," barked the lazy Maddog

"Not I," purred the sleepy Shadowcat.

"Not I," screeched the noisy yellow griffin

"Then I will," said the little red raven

When the team was headed towards a poor defensive location, the little red raven

"No point," barked the lazy Maddog

"No point," purred the sleepy Shadowcat.

"No point," screeched the noisy yellow griffin

"Then I will," said the little red raven

When the little red raven

"Pew, Pew," barked the lazy Maddog

"Pew, Pew," purred the sleepy Shadowcat.

"Huh?!" screeched the noisy yellow griffin

"Then I will," said the little red raven

The tired little red raven

*Silence* came from the lazy Maddog

*Silence* came from the sleepy Shadowcat

*Silence* came from the noisy yellow griffin

"...Okay," said the little red raven

When today's final game was about to end in defeat, the tired little red raven

"S*** team," barked the lazy Maddog

"S*** team," purred the sleepy Shadowcat.

"S*** team," screeched the noisy yellow Griffin

When the match ended, The little red Raven

Edited by Livaria, 08 June 2017 - 01:30 PM.