Grus, on 14 June 2017 - 12:48 PM, said:
fair analogy, but you forgot how mech more HP that component will have above the clan version. Can components are weak and brake easy. So when you punch through the armor and take out that gun it's just dead weight now. And what's so bad about ST eng loadouts? Ok slower but WAY more durable than clan counterparts. So again, if you want to bring a IS lbs that should be used to crit out a striped sector, then there will be drawbacks. Just like if I want ECM IN A Iceferret I have to gimp my damage or cooling ability. Hate to say it but just like my KDK-3 with 4 gauss, there will be drawbacks to that build.
Think about this one, with an IS AC/20 or UAC/20, I can take a LFE (Light Fusion Engine, 75% of the weight of a standard 2 crits per ST) and live through ST loss, while being a little fast than I could be with a Standard Engine, ontop of that, using LFF (Light Ferro Fib, 7 crits) I can get the same weight savings as if I had been using FF armour, combined with Endo gives me more options for better speed at the expenace of crit slots. As it stands the current HBK-4G will likely be running LFE's with either UAC/20's or AC/20's, they will move faster, have better cooling and likely be better than ever, thanks to only needing 10 crit slots for a UAC/20 or AC/20. both of which will kill targets more efficiently and effectively than a LB-20X will for the IS.
If we were just getting the LB-20X it wouldn't be so bad, but we are also getting IS UAC/s as well, the new IS UAC/s are just flat out better than the LB/s, as all IS LB/s with the exception of the LB-10X are the same weight as normal AC/s but are all larger than normal AC/s. In TT that was done to justify their ability to use dual ammo types, in MWO that is an ability that they will not have, and are going to be punished for it, some far worse than others.... the LB-2X goes from a 6t 1 crit weapon (AC/2) to a 6t
4 crit weapon (LB-2X) while the UAC/2 is 7t and 3 crits.
Grus, on 14 June 2017 - 12:57 PM, said:
A slug will always do more damage than a shotgun. Use each for what they should be used for. Use the Las to strip armor and once it's down WHAM! with the lbs and watch a shoulder fly off.
But why even bother mounting the LB in the first place, when for 1t more (that will be made back by the ability to mount a LFE) for a UAC/20 or use the same weight for an AC/20 and jut murder that entire section in the first place?
That meme is going to be changed to cover all LB/s soon I would imagine....