Blind Baku, on 07 August 2016 - 06:09 PM, said:
If we are talking an un-quirked lbx (inner sphere, still can contrive a reason to bring the clan variants), at <200m, putting 7+ pellets on target, on component (torso specifically), for most mediums or larger is not a hard request. So 7*.67=4.69*2=1.407+7(original pellet damage) = 8.407 total damage to structure for that hit... Not better than 10, let alone 20, but when you add time... Less heat, less weight so easier to bring more stuff to bear so more brawling means more potability. Also when you start looking at the fact that anything bigger that a mpl takes up 2+ crit slots and therefore the rolling per pellet is slightly mitigated (especially when you face of with mechs that have ballistics that can fill 8 slots with just one item) and if they didn't fill every slot with crit padding... Seriously, I'm not trying to be snarky or a jerk, but test the weapon. Go into it open minded and see how it plays, not just looks on paper. I have 6 game to respond on but that will have to wait till I can sit down at a computer with the ability link screens etc... I also really want to find the time to just sit in the test grounds, but I would really appreciate some one from the vehemently anti lbx side to similarly test because I know I have a bias, I like the lbx (IS), I do very well with it more often than not, but be waste one hand clapping etc...
If I do remember correctly...
Crits happen only on unarmored components. AC/10 and LBX have same rate of fire (1 shot per 2.5 seconds). Thus in your example 7 dmg per 2.5 seconds and 10 dmp per 2.5 seconds. LBX is less favorable. Armor (except the head) is twice the IS "health" (without quirks, those are pesky things this time of year). So you need to apply 2/3 of damage to the component before the component will go down. Thus for arbitrary 80 armor + 40 IS component (aka heavy heavy or light assault CT) there are 8 AC/10 shots and 12 LBX shots to strip armor. E.g. even if RNG hates you and give you no crits AC/10 will finish that component before the LBX will eat away armor.
Now, crits.
For LBX there is 33% no-crit chance, 39% single crit chance, 20% double crit chance and 8% triple crit chance, total 100% of al outcomes of each pellet. If some some random number rolls for a double crit (numbers between 71 and 92 on d100 if you like it dice style) then for that pellet there is two 4 dmg crits applied to random filled crti-slots within a hit-component. This damage goes to equippement only and is not apllied to anything else. Yes, not applied to anythin else. For 7 pellets under 200 m on a single component it yeilds to 0/5.46/5.6/3.36 additional damage to equippement. E.g. 14.42 dmg to equippement per shot. E.d. this guaranteed to take in a single shot anything lef alone there except AC/20. If there is anything else, then chances to kill something are drastically going down (too lazy at the moment to give a table of chances, but maybe a bit later in another post) as damage is not transferred between filled crits after beeing rolled and applied simultaneously. E.g. even with crit rolled there are reasonable chances that
no equippement will get destroyed.
There is a 15% damage transfer from damage to equippement to damage to structure. This is 2,163 addintional dmg to structure above 7 done by pellets that totals to 9.163 dmg per shot.
Now goes AC/10. Chances are: 58% no-crit chance, 25% single crit chance, 12% double crit chance and 5% triple crit chance, total 100% of al outcomes. Additional damage with those chances on average is 0/2.5/2.4/1.5 that totals to 6.4 dmg on average shot. In real this leads to 10 dmg per crit. If you get this crit you
anyway kill something on that component. This even adds somthing around 0.2-0.5 dmg from ammo explosions, but I'll skip that.
Now damage 15% transfer leads to additional 0,96 dmg to structure above 10 dmg done directly. Again LBX is at a disadvantage.
Now, dual LBX for 22 tons and 12 critslots (ammo is not factored) give you 12 dmg per 2.5 seconds (that is 4.8 dmg/s) against armored component, and 7.33 dmg pre second against unarmored components.
AC/20+MG for 14.5 tons and 11 critslots (ammo is not factored) give you 20 dmg every 4 seconds (that is 5 dmg/s with MG not firing) against armor and 5.48 dmg per second (MG not firing) against structure. MG has 4.32 damage to equippement per shot (43 per second is PGI really set their rate to 10, not 8 shots per second) and addiitonal 0,658 dmg per shot to structure (again 6,68 dmg per second if PGI really have MG at 10 round per second as they stated).
LBX looses to single AC/10, dual LBX looses to AC/20+MG. Why you state LBX is good? You like LBX, that's Ok, I like them too, but I cannot say they are in a good shape or there is any reason to take them other then 'damn, I like'em'.
EDIT: typos
Edited by pyrocomp, 08 August 2016 - 12:13 PM.