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Intentionally Running Out Of Bounds Or Shutting Down To Force A Loss Is Not "non-Participation;" It's "aiding The Enemy"

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#1 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 12:27 PM

Intentionally running out of bounds or shutting down to force a loss is not "non-participation;" it's "aiding the enemy." So is disconnecting on purpose while you are still alive if the match looks like it is going to be a loss. These are tactics used to prevent your team from winning a match, i.e. deliberately forteiting and helping the enemy team win.

So, next time you see the last player on your team run out of bounds to "deny the enemy a kill" or if they intentionally avoid combat and force your team to lose the match (not shutting down to force a win by timer, but shutting down to guarantee a loss), then go to the match scoreboard and click their name to report then for Griefing -> Aiding the enemy.

This is not only the most accurate way to describe thier actions, but also tags their accounts for what they are: traitors and sabbateurs.

Edited by Prosperity Park, 12 June 2017 - 12:27 PM.

#2 RestosIII


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 12:36 PM

Also, please report players that run away and shut down to try and prevent their K/D from getting lowered. It's infuriating to have 6 people on your team searching for a single Locust that ran and shut down somewhere on a map, extending the match way beyond its true end point.

#3 Ngamok


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 12:37 PM

Posted Image

#4 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 12:41 PM

View PostNgamok, on 12 June 2017 - 12:37 PM, said:

Posted Image

I am going to pistol-whip the next person who says "Shenanigans!"

View PostRestosIII, on 12 June 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:

Also, please report players that run away and shut down to try and prevent their K/D from getting lowered. It's infuriating to have 6 people on your team searching for a single Locust that ran and shut down somewhere on a map, extending the match way beyond its true end point.

Yeah, if they shutdown for the remainder of the match and their team loses by timer, that is aiding the enemy.

If they shutdown with the intention to fire up again and re-engage, that's cool by me as long as they actually do it.

#5 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 12:48 PM

Saw a guy the other day spend an entire match shut down on the HPG walls in a Spider. He was the last one on the enemy team in a Skirmish match.

He then tried to play himself off as a hero for killing 2 of our wounded mechs and did 78 total damage before dying.

Edited by Kaeb Odellas, 12 June 2017 - 12:49 PM.

#6 Kangarad


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 01:09 PM

... there is a griefing-> suicide option you know...

#7 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 01:14 PM

View PostKangarad, on 12 June 2017 - 01:09 PM, said:

... there is a griefing-> suicide option you know...

Yeah, but if you can lump it all into Aiding the Enemy, that works. There is no Griefing -> Shutting Down option, so I just treat all intentional forfiets as the same.

#8 TKSax


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 01:18 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 12:27 PM, said:

So, next time you see the last player on your team run out of bounds to "deny the enemy a kill"

I could not care at all if the last person alive decided to just turn and run out of bounds if he is facing big odds, saves me time to get to the next match.

Edited by TKSax, 12 June 2017 - 01:18 PM.

#9 JC Daxion


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 01:47 PM

How is shutting down or going out of bounds anything but getting the match over quicker. If you are the last guy left, and choose anyway to die, the sooner the better in almost every case.

The start of the match, sure. But at the end, I would never report someone for ending the futile battle. Should they Just draw out the match when it's typically a long range light that is the one real offender to this issue 99% of the time?

Jump off a cliff, Over heat, Break your leg, take a left instead of a right in Albuquerque.. I really don't care. Not to mention if they do die from over heat, or broken leg, or out of bounds, i'm not sure PGI can actually tell if you did it on purpose or not. Who is to say you weren't fighting near the boundary, or legit miss timed a jump.

Report TRUE greifing.. Don't flood up PGI's report box and make um sift through 100's or 1k's of reports because some guy ran out of bounds at the end of a match, and cost you 5k C-bills because you didn't get one last assist.

#10 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 01:55 PM

View PostJC Daxion, on 12 June 2017 - 01:47 PM, said:

How is shutting down or going out of bounds anything but getting the match over quicker. If you are the last guy left, and choose anyway to die, the sooner the better in almost every case.

The start of the match, sure. But at the end, I would never report someone for ending the futile battle. Should they Just draw out the match when it's typically a long range light that is the one real offender to this issue 99% of the time?

Jump off a cliff, Over heat, Break your leg, take a left instead of a right in Albuquerque.. I really don't care. Not to mention if they do die from over heat, or broken leg, or out of bounds, i'm not sure PGI can actually tell if you did it on purpose or not. Who is to say you weren't fighting near the boundary, or legit miss timed a jump.

Report TRUE greifing.. Don't flood up PGI's report box and make um sift through 100's or 1k's of reports because some guy ran out of bounds at the end of a match, and cost you 5k C-bills because you didn't get one last assist.

Engaging the enemy and trying to score a kill or two to boost you and your teammates' scores (assists) is usually faster than running out of bounds because if you're in a match, then you're probably within fighting distance.

The disgusting mentality of "denying the enemy a kill" is pathetic for 2 reasons: Those guys you are denying a kill from can be on your team next match in Quick Play, which means you are harming your potential teammates, and the o ly reason you're doing it is to be rude to others. That's not what I call "mature behavior." I would call it other things, but my post would just fill with asterisks.

#11 - World Eater -


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:04 PM

Was the last man during a conquest match. Timer was almost zero, 4 out of the 5 resource points were taken by the enemy, and my mech's health was very low. I decided to run out of bounds because the odds were against me and I wasn't going to waste anyone's time by prolonging the game.

If someone is the last man and the odds are against them, I couldn't care less if they wanted to run out of bounds. This isn't "aiding the enemy", it's ending a lost match.

#12 TKSax


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:06 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 01:55 PM, said:

Engaging the enemy and trying to score a kill or two to boost you and your teammates' scores (assists) is usually faster than running out of bounds because if you're in a match, then you're probably within fighting distance.

The disgusting mentality of "denying the enemy a kill" is pathetic for 2 reasons: Those guys you are denying a kill from can be on your team next match in Quick Play, which means you are harming your potential teammates, and the o ly reason you're doing it is to be rude to others. That's not what I call "mature behavior." I would call it other things, but my post would just fill with asterisks.

So what? As many people have said on the forums when it comes to builds and playing objects, they are just playing the game the way they want to... so let them.

#13 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:06 PM

View PostThoseWhoFearTomorrow, on 12 June 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:

Was the last man during a conquest match. Timer was almost zero, 4 out of the 5 resource points were taken by the enemy, and my mech's health was very low. I decided to run out of bounds because the odds were against me and I wasn't going to waste anyone's time by prolonging the game.

If someone is the last man and the odds are against them, I couldn't care less if they wanted to run out of bounds. This isn't "aiding the enemy", it's ending a lost match.

And if you change the enemy and core a cherry red mech, then you increase your entire team's payout, including yours.

Or, you can run away like a scared bunny.

#14 JC Daxion


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:08 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 01:55 PM, said:

Engaging the enemy and trying to score a kill or two to boost you and your teammates' scores (assists) is usually faster than running out of bounds because if you're in a match, then you're probably within fighting distance.

How often do you play QP matches.. I can't even count the number of times i have watched the last guy remaining no where near the enemy. Maybe if they had been int he first place the match would of gone different. But what ever, it's over.

Typically I'm not the last one.

I almost ALWAY's watch games to the end.. and in my 4+ years, what ever gets the match over quickest i am all for, beacuse in that time, the number of incredible kills/combacks i ahve seen are very few. Maybe they will get one weakened mech 80% if the match was close in the first place, If not, it's moot. Why do i watch if i just want the match over? Well, typically i often die sometime around the middle of the match and then get to see some really cool matches play out. But there comes a time when it's over, and everyone knows it. If that guy just wan'ts to die, I really don't care. It makes up for all the times i watched someone spend 6+ mins only to get splattered.

Sometimes i do see some really good play at the end of the match, More often than not the guy gets cored or maybe takes one with um, which is all of 3k C-bills i think.

Anything that one person does outside of turn into rambo and take down the remainder of the enemies i'm not getting jack squat for any bonuses. At least nothing worth making the match last another 2-5 mins. I could play a whole match, and get a win with 300k+ in that time.

I really don't care about my possible assist bonus.. ANYTHING i do in another match is going to make me more.

Edited by JC Daxion, 12 June 2017 - 02:14 PM.

#15 - World Eater -


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:13 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 02:06 PM, said:

Or, you can run away like a scared bunny.

It's not a matter of cowardice. I'm not going to prolong a game if it's clearly a lost.

#16 HammerMaster


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:13 PM

Ya no. If it is true dc behavior or ***** shut down afk ya. But until there is a mechanic for me to leave the field because my team is potatoes. I am going OOB, denying kills, whatever it is. I assure you I am participating. So when my pug team thinks they know better than me or are plainly incapable. After I have dealt my fair damage/ spotting/ uav/ WHATEVER. I am leaving the field. The OOB should state as much.

#17 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:16 PM

View PostHammerMaster, on 12 June 2017 - 02:13 PM, said:

Ya no. If it is true dc behavior or ***** shut down afk ya. But until there is a mechanic for me to leave the field because my team is potatoes. I am going OOB, denying kills, whatever it is. I assure you I am participating. So when my pug team thinks they know better than me or are plainly incapable. After I have dealt my fair damage/ spotting/ uav/ WHATEVER. I am leaving the field. The OOB should state as much.

Okay, it's acceptable to forfeit if you are sufficiently better than everyone on your team?

I have a question: how does the air smell up there? Your nose must be turned so high that you're practically a weather station.

#18 - World Eater -


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:20 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 12 June 2017 - 02:16 PM, said:

I have a question: how does the air smell up there? Your nose must be turned so high that you're practically a weather station.

The irony is gold.

#19 JC Daxion


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:21 PM

View PostThoseWhoFearTomorrow, on 12 June 2017 - 02:13 PM, said:

It's not a matter of cowardice. I'm not going to prolong a game if it's clearly a lost.

Yea, that is my point.. Take domination for example.. We get crushed, i'm the last one left, and 20 seconds on the timer, I've been known to leave the circle and just let the match end. It's not a KDR thing, it's more typically I've been fighting my *** off, and if you can't kill me in 20 secs i win! IT's sort of my Flight for life, let's practice tactical piloting evasion!

Otherwise i do try, outside of a rare occasions that i let the timers tick down, maybe get a tie, or if i really have a chance to do something then sure.

But If i'm surrounded and getting swarmed are people really going to report me for pressing P in front of the Direwolf when about the only thing i could possibly do is prolong the match maybe 10 seconds?

#20 Bulletsponge0


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Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:26 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 12 June 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:

Also, please report players that run away and shut down to try and prevent their K/D from getting lowered. It's infuriating to have 6 people on your team searching for a single Locust that ran and shut down somewhere on a map, extending the match way beyond its true end point.

Really only applicable to skirmish though

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