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Mechwarrior Online Townhall June 23Rd

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 07:48 PM

Join us for a state-of-the-game Townhall Meeting, 

with Russ Bullock and Game Designer  Chris Lowrey!

Topics include balance, the skill tree, the upcoming Civil War technology, and more!

Friday, June 23rd

6pm PDT / 9pm EDT / 1am UTC

NGNGtv twitch.tv/ngngtv

#2 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 07:50 PM

Yes, yes... But what about the quadrupeds?!

#3 Karl Marlow


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 07:54 PM

When can we expect to see Melee combat? Punching, charging, DFA, melee weapons. I can understand Kicking might be problematic but what about the other forms?

Edited by Karl Marlow, 19 June 2017 - 07:56 PM.

#4 Navid A1


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:02 PM

Change the damage reduction of C-SPLs to 5 instead of 4 and you won't even need a town hall to justify anything

#5 MechaBattler


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:05 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 19 June 2017 - 08:02 PM, said:

Change the damage reduction of C-SPLs to 5 instead of 4 and you won't even need a town hall to justify anything

How about a taste of what the IS has instead? That seems fair to me!

#6 Sereglach


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:06 PM

At the time of Flamergeddon and the convoluted "fix" thrown onto the weapon to make it not break the game, Russ had stated that discussion of revamping the functionality of the Flamer and going to fixed, flat numbers (no exponential scaling or pseudo-cooldowns) was a discussion for another time. Now is that time. Therefore, will we see Flamers be brought to fixed flat values? Why didn't Flamers see any work or adjustments with this series of energy weapon adjustments?

Also, why did PGI stop well short of going whole hog on making Pulse Lasers be true DPS weapons? MW4 was a good example of that functionality. They still seem extremely close to the other lasers when looking at the numbers and functionality of the June 20th patch.

#7 Navid A1


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:11 PM

View PostMechaBattler, on 19 June 2017 - 08:05 PM, said:

How about a taste of what the IS has instead? That seems fair to me!

Can I have your heat and duration too?



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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:18 PM

Ghost town hall meeting? ;)

#9 slide


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:23 PM

Question for Chris Lowery,

Changing things incrementally is obviously a good thing, however from where I sit some of the changes make no sense. So what kind of telemetry do you get that would suggest that changing (for example) a large lasers duration by say .1 seconds either way would make any difference to the weapons usefulness?

For example if you increase the duration of the LL by .1 do you see a corresponding drop off in the total damage numbers by that weapon type?

#10 MechaBattler


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 08:47 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 19 June 2017 - 08:11 PM, said:

Can I have your heat and duration too?

And our range?

#11 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:08 PM

is the Engine Upgrade Still on the Table?
can we get a Targeting System rework(LRMs need a rework in General)?
thoughts on Mech-Mortars, as well as Small-Cockpit(both 3067 Standard Tech)?
thoughts on a IS OmniMechs(would really like to see these Added to MWO)?

also Hoping that LBX20 & Heavy Gauss are 10Crits not 11(as MWO has no Crit Splitting)
and ATM dont have Min Range as they will hurt the Launchers greatly,

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 22 June 2017 - 11:58 AM.

#12 UrbanTechBro


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:26 PM

HEY Chris and Russ perhaps yall might wanna do that town hall meeting wearing Bright Yellow rain suits...you know the ones they wear on Deadliest catch or like on that Morton salt can we all got in our pantries. Get ready for the back handed QQPosted Image I think yall doing a good... i dig the new skill tree and all that....my beef is with yall and this small .00001 balance stuff hey if ya gonna adjust adjust ima almost sure that .o1 reduction doesn't mean a dam thing a regular QP and pardon my French but err frack your so called nerfing of that Night Gyr...cant nerf skill and positioning my friends....what we need is that DAM "LFE" (light fusion engine) like a couple years ago. Night Gyrs are only good because they can torso check and IS mech with its Frackin XL engine. well all know this but that QQ crowd is all over the place with that BS. I say frack sticking to that lore crap and lets bring some real balance so we can have some fun up in this joint...them Lore Foolies can play that Battletch crap when it comes out...*steps down from milk crate

#13 Monkey Lover


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:35 PM

Question for Chris, Are there any plans to improve lrms so they are competitive at higher tiers at the same time not hurting the lower tiers?

Edited by Monkey Lover, 19 June 2017 - 11:46 PM.

#14 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:38 PM

Although I fully support the changes that are launching with the new patch, I do feel that explaining the reasoning would go a long way in helping the community understand why you are making these changes.
My recommendation would be to do you what you guys did for the updates to the hero mechs, where you changed some of their loadouts, and explained why you did it, as well as why you did not change some.
My only critique on the new comp mode is the banning of champion and hero mechs, I play those to farm CB faster, and I am sure I am not alone.

#15 Dreadwing


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:44 PM

Will C-ERLL and C-LPL get their ghost heat threshold raised to 3 like their IS equalents currently have? As far as I can tell, they are the only weapons that don't have the sale limits between IS and clan weapons.

#16 SuperFunkTron


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:56 PM

2 questions that address both FP depth and potentially balance.
The 2 real concepts are

1.Faction Specific Mechs- some sort of system (i.e. greater c-bill returns) to incentivize using mechs specific to one's Clan/House. This would add more meaning to the faction selection, create the first semblance of some true difference between factions on each side of the tech tree, and even potentially start stirring up some faction pride.

2. Faction Specific Quirks- quirks aimed at accentuating lore based combat styles and weapon preferences for each Clan/House. This would be more of a long term project as a lot of work would need to go in to ensuring that balance is done well. Providing each Faction with a set of positive (and maybe even associated negative) quirks, to help them stand out in certain areas. As we are currently in a Clan vs IS bucket, each house/clan could collectively offer the same/similar quirk sets so that both sides of the battle have the same cumulative set of abilities. For example, Steiner could receive a slight durability boost at the cost of speed, Liao could get buffed ECM, info tech, and missles, Wolf could get a speed/agility boost, Jade Falcon improve jump jets etc... This is a crude example but the end goal is to tweak each of the factions and help collect like minded players or encourage players to cooperate and share their particular improved skills or cover their weaknesses. The quirks could be limited to faction specific mechs so as to further incentivize fidelity to lore drop decks.

In both cases, they concepts can be either Chassis or Variant specific. The incentives could also be tiered in terms of either difficulty or how common a mech is (uncommon, common, rare, etc...).

There are quite a few threads out there that go into much greater depth about this.

TLDR: Faction Specific Mechs and eventually Faction Specific Quirks. Are either of them on the table or should we kill that hope now?

Edited by SuperFunkTron, 20 June 2017 - 07:38 AM.

#17 HGAK47


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 09:56 PM

I very much respect PGI for having one of these townhall meetings as its always good to gague the devs thoughts and reactions.

I would like to ask - have recent balance changes been made with future tech in mind? If so does PGI plan to address other mechs that are for instance - low on hardpoint amounts (Spider 5V good example) or have other problems currently?

#18 zzoxx


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 10:41 PM

View PostMrLT912, on 19 June 2017 - 09:26 PM, said:

HEY Chris and Russ perhaps yall might wanna do that town hall meeting wearing Bright Yellow rain suits...you know the ones they wear on Deadliest catch or like on that Morton salt can we all got in our pantries. Get ready for the back handed QQPosted Image I think yall doing a good... i dig the new skill tree and all that....my beef is with yall and this small .00001 balance stuff hey if ya gonna adjust adjust ima almost sure that .o1 reduction doesn't mean a dam thing a regular QP and pardon my French but err frack your so called nerfing of that Night Gyr...cant nerf skill and positioning my friends....what we need is that DAM "LFE" (light fusion engine) like a couple years ago. Night Gyrs are only good because they can torso check and IS mech with its Frackin XL engine. well all know this but that QQ crowd is all over the place with that BS. I say frack sticking to that lore crap and lets bring some real balance so we can have some fun up in this joint...them Lore Foolies can play that Battletch crap when it comes out...*steps down from milk crate

Battletech Crap? Lore Foolies? Show some respect for other peoples work. Or preferences. Dude.

#19 Vellron2005


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 10:59 PM

Questions for the devs:

1) Why has map design been pushed into "down the road"?

2) Can we expect further changes to FP? What will the civil war map of the innersphere look like? Will there be Clan Wolf in Exile? Will Clan Smoke Jaguar be removed? Will we get an event for that?

3) Is PGI gonna do anything to protect it's LRM-loving players from constant bullying and name calling we're getting?

4) What color will micro lasers be?

#20 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 19 June 2017 - 11:07 PM

Care to explain why you screwed us out of team logos PGI ?

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