The opinions I express in this address are my own and do not represent the opinions of any of the organizations I have dropped with, joined, or currently am enlisted to.
Clan Wolf is in trouble. Its ranks include individuals who are selfish and who do more fighting against each other while stubbornly invoking lore as justification for their actions, moreso than they do learning and playing the game together as a Clan.
I have watched this Clan crumble over the last two-and-a-half years that I have played this game...I have watched good units split and tear themselves apart with infighting...I have watched good players leave in disgust of what has become of their fellow Wolves...I have watched as entire drop teams passed up on valuable time to drop and practice and thus give that time up for the sake of lore, politics, formalities, literally writing reports and hour-long meetings...and I have learned that the collective skill of Wolf in general is disturbingly lacking...
There is a preference for lore and formality rather than combat, training, and cooperation. Opposing units, players, and entire play styles are dismissed rather than embraced so as to learn from the practices of certain teams and players in the name of improving one's abilities. There is an inherent level of suspicion and lack of cooperation between units of Clan Wolf, and of neighboring Clans, when all Clans now fight on the same side. There are even players and entire units who go out of their way to spark conflict with other Clans...all for the sake of a story arch that does nothing to benefit either side.
All Clans are guilty of this...but it seems Clan Wolf is the more dire of the Clans.
Players too headstrong who prefer their own way and being in charge rather than fostering a sense of community and cooperation to play and win together have become toxic to the entire Clan. Some units care more about how they appear to the rest of the world and how deep their roster is rather than how they play.
All of this results in the worst thing that can befall a Clan: units splintering, abandoning Faction Warfare, or abandoning the game entirely.
Just this evening, I visited some old friends of a lore-minded group. When asked which unit I was a part of, I enlightened my colleagues...and I was dismissed for being a mercenary in the presence of a loyalist unit.
That kind of attitude, the preference of story and lore which leads to claims of "no class" and a lack of honor over embracing game mechanics and improving one's ability, and dismissing people simply because they are of different factions, units, and even play styles...that right one categorical reason of why this Clan is struggling.
The solution requires a change of heart and mind:
-drop together, as teammates, as fellow Clan members...because you're all Clan, whether you're Wolf, Falcon, Jaguar, or Bear, and harbor no resentment for your fellow Clanmember and friend
-focus more on playing the game, practicing, dropping, trying new tactics, and practicing new strategies rather than just doing the same ol' thing, or wasting time with literal paperwork and meetings
-look for ways to cooperate and play together rather than holding your neighbors with disdain and suspicion, or even going out of your way to agitate conflicts with them
-put your personal reservations about new builds, new tactics, opposing styles, and your fellow Clan player aside...and play and learn together for the sake of victory, and of Clans
-practice, practice, practice...because you won't get any better without doing so
Edited by Commander A9, 22 June 2017 - 11:39 PM.