It's because, like LRMs, SRMs are supposed to be guided missiles that lock on and home in on a target. MRMs just fire in a straight line.
PGI made SRMs into unguided weapons because they started with 3025 tech and wanted the game to have an unguided missile weapon for players to use, so they took creative license and made SRMs into unguided rockets. With the release of MRMs, it's time to make SRMs back into the weapons they should be - guided missiles.
In BattleTech, Streak SRMs are just guided missiles that block the firing sequence if the targeting computer calculates a flight trajectiry that would cause the missiles to hit terrain or an obstacle, or run out of range before impact, based on the target's trajectory. For example, if an enemy mech is running for cover and your missiles would not reach it in time, then a streak system would hold its fire.
In MWO, streaks would just need to have better maneuvering thrusters to "follow" a target instead of straight-lining right at it and follow a minimum higt-over-ground trajectiry (terrain-following missiles) to prevent misses. Of course, it couldn't be perfect or the system would be OP. Normal SRMs would lock on and go straight for the target in the shortest path possible.
That is how it *should* be and once I take over the world, that is how it will be.
Edited by Prosperity Park, 23 June 2017 - 08:42 AM.