Cato Phoenix, on 23 June 2017 - 07:35 PM, said:
So Russ just announced in the town hall that he's considering looking into Solaris as a possible development route. This would be instead of pursuing something like more mech packs, and releasing Solaris as a pre-order.
He did though wonder to the group what people would be interested in for the mode, and what people's thoughts on it would be.
So what are your thoughts?
Personally, I'd like to slug it out in Solaris, both 1v1, team vs team, and Free-For-All. I'll have to do some thinking about how best it would work mechanics wise (new mode, new subset of games, etc). I though would probably jump on a pre-order for it.
Skimmed through the recording of the townhall last night and was a little surprised about Solaris.
Another mode to divide up our already small population?
In all things there are opportunities however so where I see opportunity for this is in making Solaris the mode used at the PGI world cup.
There is opportunity to not only have a 1v1 championship, but the 2v2, 4v4 and a grand melee event (FFA).
I would suggest that Solaris remain strictly IS mechs.
A 'Trials' system could be used for clans and be kept separate.
I would also suggest that instead of any mech that only the hero variants are allowed.
This immediately creates a way to fund the development as we need to purchase the heroes to gain entry.
We could also have the unique option to create new heroes based on the winners from the WC finals to reward the successful players and further enrich the selection.
To have players participate though, there needs to be the c-bill incentive.
Should be easy enough to do as a 'Match Payment'.
Where the mode could explore some features and have some fun is with creating the right atmosphere for the matches and having options for the spectators.
The Steiner 1v1 does a pretty good job of this but it would be fun to have viewing spots for the spectators so it really can be an event.
Another opportunity is in the advertising.
Solaris is a perfect example of fictional pro-sport where we can include promotions for players and teams and various products.
Through this there could be a source of funding for the development.
There is the option to allow betting on the matches however there might be some legal issues around having such a feature in a game.
One thing that might be needed is first person, out of mech control.
If we as spectators or even competitors want to feel like we are at these stadiums, then we need to feel like part of the crowd, order drinks and food and cheer on the combatants.
It must have the atmosphere and immersion as well as the actual match features. Many may say that this is a waste of time. but if the mode is no different to a quick play or private match then really..... wtf.
Do not waste time and development effort on a mode that will be no better than the quick play, private lobbies, faction play and now the new competition mode.