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Misc. Small Balance Changes For The Civil War Update

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#1 Night Thastus


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Posted 29 June 2017 - 09:56 AM

1: Remove the 180m deadzone on ATMs.


They don't have the tracking strength of streaks, so they won't out-class them.
They don't have the tighter spread or one-shot nature of SRMs, so it won't out-class them either.

At close range, they should at the very least still be usable. But the 180m deadzone makes this impossible. They're crap right now up close, and are basically glorified LRMs.

This suggestion is popping up all over. I really hope you'll consider it. You can try it, tweak some values if it's feeling too powerful, etc. But the deadzone has to go.

2: Increase the min range on Heavy Gauss. I get why it seems powerful. 25 pinpoint damage, no heat.


* Really heavy
* Really bulky
(Just those two limit the number of 'Mechs that can weild it significantly)
* Terrible damage per ton
* Reticule shake after firing
* Half the velocity of regular gauss
* Prone to explode, and violently

Between all those, most 'Mechs trying to use it are already suffering from enough other issues. I think bumping the min range up to ~300 or so would make them decently usable. Right now, I don't see them getting used. They aren't like normal guass, we aren't going to see them paired with PPCs or otherwise, they're just too heavy for it.

3: Tighten spread on RLs, and make it so they aren't affected by tube count.

Right now if you try to fire a RL20 on a 'Mech with 5 tubes, you lose 15 rockets forever. They don't even come out in a stream!

That needs to be fixed asap.

But after that, I think the spread should be tightened up a bit. Not a ton.

4: Increase velocity slightly on MRMs, significantly knock down spread

Right now, the ghost heat, tonnage, slot-usage and low dmg/ton already make MRMs unappealing. At the very least, they need to be semi-usable.

A tiny increase in velocity and a decent chunk of the spread taken out will aid them in finding a spot.

That's it for now.

Edited by Night Thastus, 29 June 2017 - 09:57 AM.

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