Midnight Camel, on 29 June 2017 - 04:06 PM, said:
I know ghost heat is currently a factor but I feel fairly certain that setting the ghost heat on LPPC's to two was an oversight. Intentionally limiting combined alpha to 10 is pretty unreasonable.
Even with GH letting us fire 4 LPPCs whats the point? Same range, same damage, same cooldown, same min range as 2 PPCs. A little more heat for a little less weight. Yes, 4 LPPCS will be superior to 2 PPCs because 12 vs 14 tons but it's the same weapon. 0 notiable differences. Oh... 2 crit spaces so we can mount it in the CT. That's nice for some mechs but... not enough imo, because installing 2 LPPCS will take more space than 1 PPC.
There will be problems with GH limit and all the ppcs... to give them limit of 4 would require differentiate them from other ppcs and that would let them be combined like 2 ppc+2 lppc combos or even 2 hppc + 2 lppc without ghost heat. But well... if we can have 2 Hgauss (yes I'm for limiting them to fire 1 at the same time) with 50 pinpoint dmg then why not 30-34 of ppc combos...