Go to testing grounds. Fire racs and move cursor left and right see how fast they track.
Then Join a live match with the same mech and do the same thing.
They fire when and where you ping says they can fire not when you actually aim them. This is Unlike any other gun in the game and this is what it used to be like in Closed Beta days when everyone moved around and aimed slowly like they are drugged and nobody had HSR. It was ok back then because everyone was afflicted, but It will not fly in todays climate with some people not even experiencing the problem and to others the weapon being completely useless based on their ping.
Dont even know what are PGI thinking making this weapon entirely client side? No wonder some people thought RACS were complete garbage and others didn't. You cant alienate a whole player base with higher pings from being able to feasibly use a weapon type. Its already bad enough having bad hit reg, seeing everything happen late and unable to twist damage away but now not being able even shoot where you aim is too much.
Forget balancing. It cant be done with one group enjoying great use of the weapon and others not being able to hit anything not standing still. If you buff something irrelevant like velocity or damage of racs they will be too good for low pingers but not good enough for high pingers. The server side tracking issue HAS to be addressed, and if it involved having to have to rework the charge up where it fires immediate but very slowly and then speeds up or having the weapon fire like constant clan UACS then they can do that.
Edited by l33tworks, 02 July 2017 - 05:08 AM.