Twinkleblade, on 03 July 2017 - 06:19 PM, said:
You what? Laser vomit not meta. Tell that that to the 6ERMLAS+2LPULSE ebon jaguar or the 6 LPULSE Battlemaster.
Battle master already fires in groups of 3 and is literally uneffected, 8 LLAS builds are even possible with my numbers(remeber what I said about balanced and balancable). I mean you still can use SRM + SPULSE or full splat. I am not trying to fundamentally change the game.
And yes GH works great with the new PPC and heavy laser /s
Sorry ED is just superior in handling balance. Its nice of you showing some edge cases but GH was, is and will always be ****.
All I can see is you clinging to GH because of bad ED experiences in the past and made it a personal vendetta to not allow it happen, even with my ideas only being loosly based on ED.
I simply want 4 LPPC be compareable to 2 PPC. Right now 3 LPPC is max 4 and its GH penalty.
Hell even without GH penalty 4 LPPC are hotter then 2 PPC, 4 times 5heat on LPPC for 20 heat and 2 PPC for 19 heat, not to mention the energy hardpoint investment. However because of boating issues they are all slill linked. Good work with GH.
2 ppc + gauss ebon jag.
but ill give you pulse blr.
8 llas builds? fired in what?? 3 volleys?? even small penatly will kill this already hot weapon...
How it works great?? 2 heavy large lasers which are pretty much unusable will trigger penatly.
ppc yeah, one example when it helps, but then they are exception in gh not standard. One of few weapon groups which got gh on less than 30 dmg, use standard of 30 dmg and allow 3 ppc on gh and you got no improvement...
So far you havent told how it is superior, you just asserted that its superior because it will be superior...
increase lppc to gh limit to 4, done. This simple change requires redesign of entire system??
Cases i show is irrational fear of going over 30 dmg, yet when quite a few mechs go over 30 dmg it isnt much problem anyway.
Ed was never balanced to begin with cause it was sorted by dmg. 30 dmg of larges will always be superior to 30 dmg of mediums if you got tonnage for them. You know what ensured that medium lassers would be used on heavier mechs?? heat tonnage and crits.
Edited by davoodoo, 04 July 2017 - 02:01 AM.