How about 2 months worth of old IS mech heros to go along with the retro updates. First off, the newer mechs from first wave of clan heroes over the last year have all had many variants, and all are new. The Newer IS, from when they started the monthly package updates are also darn good mechs/new, and have pretty decent heroes. Things like the warhammer, maurder, ect.
These mechs have been created rather recently so i'm sure the team is familiar with them as they have made them rather recently. Is this a work load that can be updated at the same time as the civil war 2 and origins package? Maybe if a few are missed then added in to the january pack to finish them off as January is always a light patch month, because mech con, and holidays and vacations and stuff. so it could be the perfect month to wrap things up leaving feb's patch the start of the new year so to speak.
Where things get interesting are all those old classics, Aka before the clan invasion. I am talking about the Phoenix package and before. I did a little math and most of those mechs don't have many versions. Sure a couple do, like the HBK and stalker, But many are just 3 mechs with a hero. So why not take all those mechs, and through um into 2 months worth of updates.. aka November and December mech for 2 full waves of Retro IS mech updates, and brand new heroes. There is also just about the right number to break them up into 2 months worth of new heroes, (basically just like how they launched the new IS and Clan heroes this summer)
Another reason why i say new heroes, is PGI does need to make money from mechs, its the way the game survives right? But we know this is a ton of time to update everything, So making an new hero while they are retroing everything is something that they shown they can do, and how many mechs they can pull in during that time. S0 with the numbers they need to do, it would fit perfectly into 2 months. (its a little over 20 mechs total that fit into this category)
All these old mechs are also battle mechs, so IS side, many of these mechs just don't have many options, unlike clans and their omnis. Every mech has many more combos than the 3 or 4 people normally have access to. Many of these old IS mechs have also seen a nice resurgence with the new changes, and with new tech and upcoming balance i think it could be even better to them being very viable mechs.
So why not celebrate those old IS mechs with a couple months of Heroes, to help along the retro upgrades. And perhaps during this time, they can update some of the long standing geometry issues with some of the very early mechs.
So i ask.. Are people interested in a lot of the old classics getting new heroes? Do you think it would be worth it, and would people support it if they went this route? If so.. What hero would you like, Or what version/variant should that hero be. (i always see people posting about i want X variant of said mech.. So what if that mech was a hero?) Personally i really like the hero mechs, and with the rule of 3 gone, it makes me want a few select heroes even more. (yes gargoyle i am buying you!)
So with this line of thinking, and not having a ton of lore knowledge, i will say..
Commando-J (a jump jet capable commando with 4 arm energy mounts and one CT missile slot)
Edited by JC Daxion, 04 July 2017 - 11:16 AM.