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Retro Geometry Upgrades, Clan First, Then Is With New Heroes!

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#1 JC Daxion


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:14 AM

Ok, so as another person pointed out the other day that new tech is launching with only civil war, and IS hero packs being ready for new tech. (all mechs related to those new packs as well) Next month the clan hero pack is coming, which is finishing off the clan mechs that need new heroes. After that we have origins, and then civil war 2. So it got me thinking about how they are going to retro the older mechs.

How about 2 months worth of old IS mech heros to go along with the retro updates. First off, the newer mechs from first wave of clan heroes over the last year have all had many variants, and all are new. The Newer IS, from when they started the monthly package updates are also darn good mechs/new, and have pretty decent heroes. Things like the warhammer, maurder, ect.

These mechs have been created rather recently so i'm sure the team is familiar with them as they have made them rather recently. Is this a work load that can be updated at the same time as the civil war 2 and origins package? Maybe if a few are missed then added in to the january pack to finish them off as January is always a light patch month, because mech con, and holidays and vacations and stuff. so it could be the perfect month to wrap things up leaving feb's patch the start of the new year so to speak.

Where things get interesting are all those old classics, Aka before the clan invasion. I am talking about the Phoenix package and before. I did a little math and most of those mechs don't have many versions. Sure a couple do, like the HBK and stalker, But many are just 3 mechs with a hero. So why not take all those mechs, and through um into 2 months worth of updates.. aka November and December mech for 2 full waves of Retro IS mech updates, and brand new heroes. There is also just about the right number to break them up into 2 months worth of new heroes, (basically just like how they launched the new IS and Clan heroes this summer)

Another reason why i say new heroes, is PGI does need to make money from mechs, its the way the game survives right? But we know this is a ton of time to update everything, So making an new hero while they are retroing everything is something that they shown they can do, and how many mechs they can pull in during that time. S0 with the numbers they need to do, it would fit perfectly into 2 months. (its a little over 20 mechs total that fit into this category)

All these old mechs are also battle mechs, so IS side, many of these mechs just don't have many options, unlike clans and their omnis. Every mech has many more combos than the 3 or 4 people normally have access to. Many of these old IS mechs have also seen a nice resurgence with the new changes, and with new tech and upcoming balance i think it could be even better to them being very viable mechs.

So why not celebrate those old IS mechs with a couple months of Heroes, to help along the retro upgrades. And perhaps during this time, they can update some of the long standing geometry issues with some of the very early mechs.

So i ask.. Are people interested in a lot of the old classics getting new heroes? Do you think it would be worth it, and would people support it if they went this route? If so.. What hero would you like, Or what version/variant should that hero be. (i always see people posting about i want X variant of said mech.. So what if that mech was a hero?) Personally i really like the hero mechs, and with the rule of 3 gone, it makes me want a few select heroes even more. (yes gargoyle i am buying you!)

So with this line of thinking, and not having a ton of lore knowledge, i will say..

Commando-J (a jump jet capable commando with 4 arm energy mounts and one CT missile slot)

Edited by JC Daxion, 04 July 2017 - 11:16 AM.

#2 Destructicus


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:28 AM

No, Pgi won't do this because PGI isn't selling old mechs so it's not ever going to be a priority.

Pgi is selling new mechs.

Yes new varients of older mechs would be neat, but a lot of them probably wouldn't bring much to the table, back then mechs were chosen based on their variants, so most of the good variants are already here.

It'd be a waste of resources.

Newer heroes of older mechs is probably the only thing they'd consider, just so they can milk you.

Regardless, this game has enough mechs, I'd rather see more maps and gameplay tweaks before we pile more robots on top of robot mountain

#3 C E Dwyer


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:34 AM

Depends on people point of view.

With the Night Star and Artic Fox, they'll be my last purchases for forward time line mechs ,if P.G.I want more money out of me based on mech sales they have to go backwards

I don't believe there are any more mechs left that can bring anything new to the game, only nostalgia and good models can keep mech sales turning

#4 Johnny Z


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Posted 04 July 2017 - 11:42 AM

The geometry guys are on it, give them time to do it right.

PGI orientation video.

Edited by Johnny Z, 04 July 2017 - 11:43 AM.

#5 JC Daxion


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 03:21 PM

View PostDestructicus, on 04 July 2017 - 11:28 AM, said:

No, Pgi won't do this because PGI isn't selling old mechs so it's not ever going to be a priority.

Pgi is selling new mechs.

Yes new varients of older mechs would be neat, but a lot of them probably wouldn't bring much to the table, back then mechs were chosen based on their variants, so most of the good variants are already here.

It'd be a waste of resources.

Newer heroes of older mechs is probably the only thing they'd consider, just so they can milk you.

Regardless, this game has enough mechs, I'd rather see more maps and gameplay tweaks before we pile more robots on top of robot mountain

That is what i am talking about.. New heroes based on variants people want, or have wanted.

Personally i think heroes are a bit more popular than you might think. they did the 8 release last novemeber, and now they did 2 more months of heroes. I don't think they would of done those, had the first been a bad thing.

And again, as they need to go through the mechs anyway, if you are doing geomatry updates on a mech, making a new hero at the same time would be something that would be a logical thing to do. Aka Production line. Seeing they did it with the new packs, both IS and Clan, doing it again seams like it would be logical.

Besides the new heroes over the last year+ have been pretty darn good, and i think a some of the older ones have also gotton a boost and will with new tech. For instance the death's Kneel. Only PGI knows how well the mastery packs sell to newer players, and if it is really worth it or not.

But if a lot of players would like to see new heroes for old mechs, than that could also help.

#6 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 06:35 PM

View PostCathy, on 04 July 2017 - 11:34 AM, said:

Depends on people point of view.

With the Night Star and Artic Fox, they'll be my last purchases for forward time line mechs ,if P.G.I want more money out of me based on mech sales they have to go backwards

I don't believe there are any more mechs left that can bring anything new to the game, only nostalgia and good models can keep mech sales turning

I disagree. Some of the most interesting IS mechs are from the 3055 Technical Readout many of which are featured very heavy in the Fedcom Civil War Novels which is actually nostalgic to me because I read them quite long ago. You also have some super exciting Clan Second Line mechs to chose from as well.

Here are some examples:


Grand Titan
War Dog
Grim Reaper
Tarantula (wait that is a quad...opps)

Then for Clan:

Glass Spider
Stone Rhino

And a few others.

Also many of these are very unique looking mechs much different than what we currently have in game and quite honestly I am not sure if many if any of these have been featured in a Mechwarrior game.

So while there are a few mechs like the Thug, Mongoose, Exterminator and Flashman from back in the 2750 Technical Readout, I wouldn't mine seeing, I would really like them to stick with the Civil War theme and introduce the mechs that actually fought in the Civil War into the game.

Edited by Viktor Drake, 05 July 2017 - 06:36 PM.

#7 Y E O N N E


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 06:46 PM

View PostCathy, on 04 July 2017 - 11:34 AM, said:

Depends on people point of view.

With the Night Star and Artic Fox, they'll be my last purchases for forward time line mechs ,if P.G.I want more money out of me based on mech sales they have to go backwards

I don't believe there are any more mechs left that can bring anything new to the game, only nostalgia and good models can keep mech sales turning

IS Omnis add something new-ish, and some of them are even decent (Raptor! Men Shen!).

As for good models: Toyama, Dragonfire, Flashman, Sagittaire, Lynx, Dragoon, Starslayer, Phoenix Hawk IIC, Rifleman IIC, Glass Spider, Stone Rhino, Vapor Eagle...

#8 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 06:51 PM

View PostJC Daxion, on 05 July 2017 - 03:21 PM, said:

That is what i am talking about.. New heroes based on variants people want, or have wanted.

Personally i think heroes are a bit more popular than you might think. they did the 8 release last novemeber, and now they did 2 more months of heroes. I don't think they would of done those, had the first been a bad thing.

And again, as they need to go through the mechs anyway, if you are doing geomatry updates on a mech, making a new hero at the same time would be something that would be a logical thing to do. Aka Production line. Seeing they did it with the new packs, both IS and Clan, doing it again seams like it would be logical.

Besides the new heroes over the last year+ have been pretty darn good, and i think a some of the older ones have also gotton a boost and will with new tech. For instance the death's Kneel. Only PGI knows how well the mastery packs sell to newer players, and if it is really worth it or not.

But if a lot of players would like to see new heroes for old mechs, than that could also help.

Actually I don't think most of the Heroes sold all that well. I mean K9, Grinner, Gillie and Kaiju sold well but the other no so much. I mean just look at the leaderboard scores.


You will notice the following 75th place scores.

Partisan = 764
Knockout = 565
Skokomish = 376
Katana Kat = 646
Mjolnir = 760
Florentine = 915

On top of that you have to go way up the list on most of those before you start seeing scores breaking 1000. Honestly, I can usually put up a score of 500-600 in about 3-4 matches which tells me not too many people bought and played them if you can place on the leaderboard with under 1000.

Personally I think it was the cost that really killed them. I mean the lights were a good price at $10. Even Ghille was ok at $15 but most of the better ones like the Partisan, Mjolnir and Kaiju were $20-$25 and they were competing against 8 new mech packs all priced at an entry cost of $20. I mean if you had a choice to buying one single Partisan or getting the Nightstar basic pack plus the early adopter bonus for $20, I would bet you would buy the Nightstar. I know the $20+ price tag took all three of those mechs out of the running for my money. I also can honestly say that if I could have picked them up for $10 each I would own a Partisan, Mjolnir and Kaiju. As is, guess I will wait to a 50% of hero mech sale so I can pick them up at the $10-$15 each price I am willing to pay.

Edited by Viktor Drake, 05 July 2017 - 06:52 PM.

#9 Gryphorim


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 07:01 PM

If PGI went over each of the older mechs, like the phoenix pack in particular and at the same time as doing the retrofit for newtech, addressed the "phase one" weapon geometry that these mechs have, that'd go a long way to refreshing the look of some of these older designs.

If they then also gave them an MC price sale, a week-long event with a focus on the mechs being updated, and a balance pass that did more than add/remove some quirks.
Instead they could look at any cases where a mech is undergunned, or just difficult to get the most out of, and adjust their loadout accordingly (looking at you, Pretty Baby.)

New look, new balance, and a bit of marketing, and older mechs could see a bit of revival with the release of their newtech geo.

#10 JC Daxion


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Posted 05 July 2017 - 07:34 PM

View PostViktor Drake, on 05 July 2017 - 06:51 PM, said:

I mean if you had a choice to buying one single Partisan or getting the Nightstar basic pack plus the early adopter bonus for $20, I would bet you would buy the Nightstar.

You would bet wrong.. I have the partisan.. and i friggin LOVE IT! I have been playing it a lot as of late, and i can't wait for the new tech so i can stuff a UAC10 and 2 ERML's in the arms, along with an LFE and a few more heat sinks.. The thing is fantastic, and i get a +30% c-bill. I found my New LFE engine buyer Posted Image

I only have bought a couple mech packs, everything else I've gotten has been a hero. Pirates bane, Huggin, ember, arrow, grid iron, sparky, jester, Ilya, Misery. And of course a bunch of MC. I do plan on picking up more heroes over the course of the next year

Edited by JC Daxion, 05 July 2017 - 07:46 PM.

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