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Your Tops 3 Mechs

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#1 Archer Magnus


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:33 AM

If you could only use 3 Mechs (or Bonus 4th), what would they be? How do you have them loaded out, what makes them work so well for you?

Do you think the new tech will change your loadout? I blow with heavy and assault mechs; this is what works for me.


1. Cicada 3M: 340XL, 4 MPL, ECM.

Excellent for team support, taking key points, always hitting those flanks. Immune to LRMs. Silly fast torso twisting. Of course, I want to try stealth armor, and I think ERMLs will help get more early game damage.


2. Assassin 27: 320XL, 3 ML, 2 SRM4, ECM, JJs

This mech is a complete ******* to the enemy team, and a blast to play! I feel like a secure (steal) a lot of kills in this mech. I don't think the new tech will change this much. But I will try the new midrange missiles.


3. Cicada 3F(L): 320XL, 4 ML, JJs, 1.74 heat management

Shoot all day son. In this mech, I feel like I am poking the ribs of a dragon. I think ERML again will help snag more damage before the death ball push.


Bonus. Crab 27: 300STD, 5 MPL, 2 AMS

This crab eats damage for breakfast. Great support mech with the second AMS, find a heavy or an assault and share armor. Zombie until the enemy mechs are dead. I will certainly try and Light Fusion Engine, but I think the STD will still be better.


What are yours?

Edited by Archer Magnus, 12 July 2017 - 07:23 AM.

#2 ForceUser


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:45 AM

Party Cannon: Dual LB20X Hunchback IIC.
Nemo: 3LL + 3ML/ERML Jester with special Orange/White/Black Camo, Dual AMS.
Phaket: 8 SRM6.
Bonus 4th would be Classic Laser Vomit Marauder IIC or Laser Vomit Battlemaster depending on new tech or not.

Edited by ForceUser, 12 July 2017 - 06:47 AM.

#3 Bud Crue


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:46 AM

My answers for solo QP, group queue QP and CW all will differ.

But on the assumption that you mean any mode ever
Quickdraw 5K with 4ERLL.
Nova with 8ERML
Phrac 3D with 2 UAC5s and 2PPC (or 4 light PPCs maybe)
Edit: bonus 4th Quickdraw IV-4 with 2LBX and 2SRM4

Edited by Bud Crue, 12 July 2017 - 06:47 AM.

#4 P10k56


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:49 AM

Supernovas are not bad and they are not so cancerous as other Clan ubermechs.
Assassins are quite good somehow l like the UAC one best.
Cataphracts are also very nice.
Crabs are very useful and with ERMED laser they become true pain in Class.
ERMEDs in my opinion become game changers finally even IS will have some proper vomit weapon.
Like catapults but those are not very resistant.
Have also some huntsmans but I like novas more.
Hope that new tech make IS mechs great again.

Edited by P10k56, 12 July 2017 - 06:51 AM.

#5 GunnerPanda


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:51 AM

Bushwacker Highroller: 2x LB10X and 1medlas with an xl250. Pretty much all I need. Might change out the xl for a lfe, but will have to see.
Haven't played enough with other mechs with just one loadout to say for sure what I would pick.

#6 Kiiyor


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:52 AM

1. Warhawk C - almost stock.
There are better mechs, but there's something about it that just fits with me, and there are few mechs i'm deadlier in.

2. The 8xSRM6 Huntsman Pakhet or the ultra short range micro pulse/HMG brawl Nova on PTS.
60% of the time, they're hilarious fun every time.
40% of the time you end up on polar.

3. The Awesome 9M.
Because I love Awesomes, and even though there are far better mechs to pilot, I like to take it out every now and again to remind myself how good I have it in my Warhawk.

#7 Composite Armour


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:14 AM

Stalker 4N, Stalker 5S and the Misery.

4N has the 6LL build, I just love it's ability to deal damage at a decent range and with decent cooling to boot.
No new tech for this one.

5S has 4 LPLs, 2 MLs and dual AMS. It's a very dependable mech and the dual AMS has proved it's worth many times over. Laser AMS will be a welcome addition, I can fit more heatsinks and a bigger engine. Switching to ERMLs will be good too.

Misery has 3 LPLs and an AC/20. It's got a shark face and an AC/20, what's not to love?
Not sure what to do. Keep the 3 LPLs and put in a UAC/20? The classic 40 build with snub PPCs? I'll be experimenting with this one.

#8 xengk


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:24 AM

Post Skill Tree

Awesome Pretty Baby
Mix loadout with 1 LRM15A for early and long/mid range engagement, switch to dual SRM6A and 2x Large Pulse Laser in mid range and brawling.

Blackjack 2
Support/Suppression mech at all range. 2x LRM5 for long range, 2x Large Laser for mid range, and 2x SRM4 for close range.

Orion K
Pocket Atlas. AC20, 2x SRM6, 4x Medium Laser. Deathball with Assault to share armour and focus target.

Edited by xengk, 12 July 2017 - 08:24 AM.

#9 davoodoo


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:37 AM

hbk2c a, 6 mpl. Decent machine capable of poking and limited brawling, runs cool and delivers decent damage.

kdk3, do i need to explain that?

Now prior to civil war i would say mad 5m with dual uac5, solid durable mech with reasonable amount of firepower for is.
But post civil war im gonna slap light engine on ctplt c4 and run 4 lrm10a and 2 ermeds. Despite what ppl say i had many successes running "poor weapon for poor ppl who cant aim" and now it will be able to take even more punishment once i remove xl, so i can actually hold off some pesky lights.

Edited by davoodoo, 12 July 2017 - 07:42 AM.

#10 Leone


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:44 AM

Gargoyle, Uac20 and six er smalls.
Nova, Twelve Er Smalls and quad machine guns,
Nova, Twelve Er Smalls, a flamer, and triple ams.

And rounding out my CW drop decked be another nova, or an Srms laden Maddog.


Edited by Leone, 12 July 2017 - 07:45 AM.

#11 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:45 AM

Marauder 3R - 2 PPC, 2 AC/5, 2 SPL. Able to fight effectively at ranges out to 700 meters, drills torsos with damage pattern of 30-10-30-10. Excellent torso twisting mech, routinely gets down under 30 percent health before dying.

Warhammer 6R - 2 AC/10, 6 ML. Basic brawler, able to concentrate damage very well. Only downside is XL engine, which goes away next week with introduction of Light Fusion engine.

Centurion AL - 3 ERLL. Has the quirks and mobility to really take advantage of the armament doing full damage out to 800m, rarely overheats, even on maps like Terra Therma. Will get FASTER next week with Light Fusion Engine and inclusion of two Rocket Launchers for finishing punches.

#12 BaconTWOfourACTUAL


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:48 AM


((Armaments classified by the FWLM))

#13 RangerGee412


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:48 AM

Warhawk Prime 4 ppcs, lots of heatsinks and a tc1

Warhawk with dual uac 20s. Not always affective but it's just fun

Cyclops with 7 asrm 4s, 2 ml.

Bonus one which I just started using is a vulture prime, 2 ALRM 20s, 4 erml, active probe.
I get my own locks and stay right behind the front line within 300 400 meters. I use my lasers as much as I can also

#14 roboPrancer


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:49 AM

viper medusa 6ersl

javelin with 6 srm2

catapult lrm 40

That could last me.

#15 El Bandito


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:50 AM

According to my stats when factoring all scores and at least over 100 matches played each, relatively recently:

1. Hellbringer-F. Laser Vomit.

2. Jade Kite. UAC2 dakka

3. Top Dog. Laser vomit.

Now what do they have in common? All real money only. HBR-F until recently.

Posted Image

I am on to you, PGI!

Edited by El Bandito, 12 July 2017 - 07:54 AM.

#16 Metus regem


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:51 AM

For me, it'd be these:


I general play as a skermisher / direct fire support / flanker, so having the decent ground speed and reliable weapons work well for me. Post Tech update I'll be swapping to a UAC/10+LFE+HMG+ASM/4


Twist, shoot and scoot it's a remarkably resilient build.


Twist, shoot and scoot it's a remarkably resilient build.


Still is my best KDR / Most time played / Highest average damage mech... also was one of the first Clan mechs I really started to use back in 2014.

#17 poopenshire


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 07:59 AM

My faves based on different eras of MWO

Launch time period:

Cicada 3M - 2x ERLL

Clan Launch time period:

Stormcrow Prime - 2 LPL 3 ERML or 2ERLL 3 ERML

First Quirkening:

Raven 2X - 3x LL

Second Quirkening:

Raven Huggin - SRM4s and MGs

3rd Quirkening:

Atlas S - AC20 4x SRM6

I may have my quirkenings slightly off order, but meh, its close enough.

#18 Vordhosbn11


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 08:13 AM

My top 3 IS for QP:

BLR-2c (obv.) - 3xLPL, 3xML, the ML's set to perma-chainfire, STD280 - Best overall, very very fun

GHR-5H - 3xLL, 3x MPL, STD300 - the right arm is left weaponless and works as a great shield. Super fun brawler

LCT-3M - 4xML, XL190 - I don't think I have to say too much here. If you get ignored in a big fight, you'll be rolling in c-bills

all pretty boring laser metas, but they're so much fun in QP ques

Edited by Vordhosbn11, 12 July 2017 - 08:14 AM.

#19 stealthraccoon


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 08:15 AM

I'm gonna say for the last few weeks:

Cicada 3F - probably identical to OP's build; just hold down chain fire and drive.
Wolfhound 2 - STD 275 with 4ML and 2 SL; so tanky.
Crab 27B - STD 300 and green lasers; sometimes this thing just won't die.
UM-R60L - STD180, 2 MG and 3 MPL - machine guns just make me happy

Javelin 10P - 4 SSRM-2's +BAP - silly, but satisfying when I catch something in a panic.

#20 jss78


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 08:31 AM

Crab 27®, 2xLL, 3xML, 2xAMS. A lot of love for these in this thread! It's a fantastic, reliable quickplay 'mech. I WILL be putting in an LFE.

A Cicada. Hard choice between CDA-2A with the champion loadout and X5 with XL320, 4xML, 2xSRM4. I'm not sure.

My Shadow Hawk 2K, with XL300, either 2xPPC or 3xERLL, plus some SRM's. 500+ games played on the thing, and I'm not about to stop.

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