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Why Do You Play Cw ?

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Poll: Why do you play CW? (95 member(s) have cast votes)

Why do you play CW?

  1. Respawns (29 votes [12.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.50%

  2. Rewards ( Cbills/Mechbays) (41 votes [17.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.67%

  3. Battletech lore reason (36 votes [15.52%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 15.52%

  4. Strategy not seen in QP (61 votes [26.29%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 26.29%

  5. Less limits on tons ( for groups) (16 votes [6.90%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.90%

  6. Longer game time (31 votes [13.36%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.36%

  7. Easy wins (2 votes [0.86%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 0.86%

  8. Other, Please post up. (16 votes [6.90%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.90%

If the moved your main reason into QP would you be happy?

  1. Yes (27 votes [28.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 28.42%

  2. No (68 votes [71.58%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 71.58%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#21 Mycroft000


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 09:02 AM

Lore is why I came to the game, full stop. The only reason I continue to play is that I like the people I play with. If not for that, the game itself doesn't offer anything new on a frequent enough basis to stay fresh.

And if they introduced Lore into QP in some way(no clue how they would do that since they haven't successfully accomplished this in Faction play), I would be extremely interested in that.

#22 DarklightCA


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 09:19 AM

I came from World of Tanks prior to playing MechWarrior Online and I played it in hopes it would be a Mech version of that concept. The World of Tanks version is Clan's fighting for territories which generated gold income (not capped) and you could also earn unique rewards like tanks that you couldn't get anywhere else.

This promoted a highly competitive environment where Clan's actually cared about controlling territories. Not just conquering them but also defending them from Clan's who wanted to take it from you.

They also came out with Strongholds which I have not played but looks amazing. Your clan starts out with a tier 1 stronghold and you battle other teams for credits, xp like the base game but also for resources that you use to upgrade your stronghold which provides unique bonuses when you play.

They also incorporated non-Clan players into this one pretty well. Clan's dictated the pace, they started the groups, commanded them and if they did not have enough players on to play a match they could add "Legionnaires" which are solo players or mercenaries that acted as fillers.

Faction Play lacks everything that made those concepts a success for World of Tanks. It lacked depth, the matches lacked meaning, it was a game about planetary conquest where nobody cares about conquering planets for factions that had no meaning. Growing a Factions borders had no purpose or rewards for doing so.

It was a teamplay environment that lacked people willing to coordinate. As soon as the Units lost interest in playing it, matches just started becoming highly disorganized. Teams consisted of highly uncoordinated solo players like it was quick play that coordinated unit groups had to fight. The quality of matches was nowhere desirable for any party. One side got stomped and the other side had to play extremely dull matches played on poorly designed maps.

The main reason anybody would play Faction Play would be that it was something different than what Quick Play could offer but as it stands it doesn't do that. Also if you moved any aspect of Faction Play into Quick Play you are asking for this game to die out. The best thing that could happen to Faction Play at this point is if it PGI guts it and starts fresh with a design.

#23 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 02:39 PM

View PostLeggin Ho, on 13 July 2017 - 07:39 PM, said:

QP has no appeal to me, it's a place to learn the controls and test builds after using Testing Ground, unless there is a event that requires it (and not always then) I stay out of QP because to me after playing with a team seeing some of the builds and play styles in there I just get annoyed.


Thanks for the response, I see more crazy build, LRMS builds in CW than QP. Maybe you are getting the good games.

As noted in Leggin response, that is one of the major differences between actual unit action vs PUGS. Units/groups generally go in with a gameplay gameplan. Mechs/builds discussed and synergy being developed, whether it is primarily long range, a mix long/short or med-short range higher alphas.

PUGs - no game play plan, make due with what everyone drops with and FP, like the QP, people play with what they want without real regard to how it may fit in with everything else. For IS, even with the Civil War components it will still be rough because it is so much easier to frak up a IS mech moreso than a Clan mech. Clan mechs do not have to worry about dying to the the loss of one side torso if using isXL in an ATTEMPT to bring a better weapon payload that may come CLOSE to equaling Clan payload while having a decent speed higher than 60-64 KPH.

And the "meta" mechs generally discussed work okay in a PUG setup but where they shine is when the pilots are working as a team, where their shortcomings can be partially overcome. But when a IS PUG drop has a wide range of mech, not communicating, spreading their damage across all 12 opponents instead of focusing down a fewer set of mechs, ending the match 12-48, spawn camped (ohh the horror!!). That is why you will generallyto see more strange builds in pug matches.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 17 July 2017 - 03:21 AM.

#24 Stahlherz


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 02:40 PM

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

#25 naterist


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 05:01 PM

it sometimes, kinda still feels like im playing as part of a battalion of mechs in a grander campgain........ somewhat?

idk, now its for my friends who still play mostly.

#26 J0anna


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 05:16 PM

View Postnaterist, on 14 July 2017 - 08:47 AM, said:


Silence freebirth.....

#27 Jugger Grimrod


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 06:11 PM

View PostDarklightCA, on 14 July 2017 - 09:19 AM, said:

The main reason anybody would play Faction Play would be that it was something different than what Quick Play could offer but as it stands it doesn't do that. Also if you moved any aspect of Faction Play into Quick Play you are asking for this game to die out. The best thing that could happen to Faction Play at this point is if it PGI guts it and starts fresh with a design.

Amen, by the Blessed Blake. Amen.

Edited by Jugger Grimrod, 14 July 2017 - 06:13 PM.

#28 Bud Crue


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 06:21 PM

I only play CW when I can convince my unit mates to play CW. The only times they want to play CW is when there is a CW event, or they've all been drinking.

So I guess the answer to the title question is:

I don't, unless there are extra rewards or...because booze.

#29 Mar-X-maN


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Posted 15 July 2017 - 12:22 PM

Other: additional maps / game mode (objective)

would be happy if they include it in QP with all features attached

edit: MAKE DO

the BattleTech Universe is a MAKE DO world.

good commanders/ units CAN MAKE DO
potatoes rely on perfect min/maxed metahumping conditions

edit 2: crap my MAKE DO got me from t3 to t2 just during the 150 loot bag matches

Edited by Mar X maN, 15 July 2017 - 12:36 PM.

#30 Commander A9


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:54 AM

View Post50 50, on 14 July 2017 - 07:37 AM, said:

You would have to say that the actual reason for taking a planet is fairly mediocre.
Could I also add that if I could actually get a game in Faction Play I would play even more of it?

The question was not 'why do you play to take planets.'

The question was 'why do you play Faction Warfare.'

My answer: I play for my team. I play for the people. :)

#31 B0oN


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 11:11 AM

´twas fun for some time .

#32 Liveish


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 07:03 PM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 14 July 2017 - 02:39 PM, said:

As noted in Leggin response, that is one of the major differences between actual unit action vs PUGS. Units/groups generally go in with a gameplay. Mechs/builds discussed and synergy being develop, whether it is primarily long range, a mix long/short or med-short range higher alphas.

True, If you have numbers you can control the game in CW or QP ( groups)

View PostTarl Cabot, on 14 July 2017 - 02:39 PM, said:

PUGs - no game play, make due with what everyone drops with and FP, like the QP, people play with what they want without real regard to how it may fit in with everything else. For IS, even with the Civil War components it will still be rough because it is so much easier to frak up a IS mech moreso than a Clan mech. Clan mechs do not have to worry about dying to the the loss of one side torso if using isXL in an ATTEMPT to bring a better weapon payload that may come CLOSE to equaling Clan payload while having a decent speed higher than 60-64 KPH.

Yeah I don't buy the whole clan is better than IS when it comes to most games in CW, Yes there are heaps of clan mechs that are better, but IS mechs can do great if you play them like IS mechs and use the advantages they have over the clans.

I myself run very few IS mechs with XL due to the risk, yes its slower but all you need to do is have positional awareness and map awareness to use that lower speed to your advantage.

XL killing IS mechs so so much fun and 90% of the time its not due to the XL but they stand in the open and do not twist.

View PostTarl Cabot, on 14 July 2017 - 02:39 PM, said:

And the "meta" mechs generally discussed work okay in a PUG setup but where they shine is when the pilots are working as a team, where their shortcomings can be partially overcome. But when a IS PUG drop has a wide range of mech, not communicating, spreading their damage across all 12 opponents instead of focusing down a fewer set of mechs, ending the match 12-48, spawn camped (ohh the horror!!). That is why you will generallyto see more strange builds in pug matches.

This is the one thing that drives me up the wall with MWO, most other games the community is much better.

CW was to be hardcore mode, how do you beat people in hardcore mode COMMS and game plan, CW is lacking this in a major way.

Unsure if this is because people don't care about CW, People don't like to win, People don't have a competitive mindset, numbers are to high ( most other games "hardcore " modes are 6v6 or under.

Me looking at CW now its full of new people ( which is fine) that don't put any effort into there builds or meta, or teams trying to beat pugs. ( I have been told its better in NA Prime time with 12 v 12 Units warfare tho)

#33 Ripper X


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 07:17 PM

I liked for main reasons 1-5. And no. Room for yet more improvements, yes. And I'm looking forward on how far it will evolve and change.

#34 Wing 0


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:49 PM

There's more than just 1 reason for players like myself who play faction play over quick play.

1. No Matchmaker. No Mercy. First come First Served. Search Warrior Online annoys me in Quick Play.

2. Mode favor's team play aspects like my XO mentioned. You go solo, you will expect to lose. Funny how 80% of MWO's community still don't understand the general outline when that first message came on. I don't solo since this is COMMUNITY WARFARE, NOT SOLO F-TARDING like many I have seen doing. Don't take it as an insult.

3. Respawns. While we get 4 chances, we get to take more than 1 mech out on a faction play map.

4. No constant changing tonnage limit change in making 12 man groups. Unlike faction play, Quick Play has too many dumba-- restrictions that many vets like myself find totally convoluted. In Faction Play, Clan and Inner Sphere have players set with Minimal and Max tonnage limit for selecting 4 mechs unlike Quick play forces us to deal with severe tonnage imbalance between teams.

5. Longer Games. I rather play a game that lasts about 30 minutes than playing quick play game which lasts averagely about at least 10 minutes at best. sometimes maybe a minute if idiots just cap bases on assault. Not a good thing especially for events.

6. Rewards. All the more reason I still do it. I get an average pay of 360 to 400k Cbills in Quick Play. Faction Play, I can make almost 2 Million Cbills per game if doing well of course plus contract bonuses do help too. Another thing to point out is XP points. Doing more than just 1 mech per drop in game.

7. Invasion Maps made specifically for Faction Play. Most Faction Play Teams know exactly how to attack or defend their holds and that itself does present a challenge. If your playing with a team that knows what to do and you are on the same page, everyone on that team can be prepared for almost ANYTHING that they have to deal with.

Right now I want to kill the idiot who asked for Quick Play maps in Faction Play. Obviously the person in question was a QP player and wasn't adapting the difference between the 2 modes. I miss doing invasion maps a lot and the action was constant. Now were having to deal with quick play maps and it gets quite boring and convoluted now. Forced a lot of people I know personally to just stop playing the game PERIOD. Russ should've doubled back to INVASION mode NOT QUICK PLAY. QP maps were not the solution. If I was charge, I would've rolled us back to invasion maps only till we had more NEW ORIGINAL MAPS for other various things made which PGI failed doing.

Ive been playing since PHASE 1 so I know what ive seen and what needs to be done to make Faction Play Great again. Don't take my post as any type of insult. There have been a lot of times that some players in the forums here tend to tax my patience in a bad way.

View PostDeathlike, on 13 July 2017 - 07:50 PM, said:

Short answer: Bribes. There used to be more answers here, but PGI killed Long Tommed them all.

Also, hell to the effing no on trying to apply this to Quick Play. It'll kill the playerbase that much faster.

I didn't really like LONG TOM either for a few good reasons,

1. Little Cbill pays. My targets die by a long tom instead of players and we don't get a decent paycheck thanks to that.

2. No betty saying WARNING INBOUND LONG TOM and if your close to that flare mark it would've also added ON YOUR POSITION. PGI FAILED. My friend would've had to get paid making that betty.

3. Kills mechs way to fast. Remember Mexicutioner's Twitch Vid Deathlike? Ya. we all pretty much said. Seeing 7 mechs get wiped out in an instant. There goes my bonus.

That was a bonehead move by PGI there. Adding Long Tom to the game like that.

#35 Lethe Wyvern


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:45 PM

Im playing FP like 5% of total matches played, since QP maps were used for FP(before it was like 50% or more). They told us about new maps, and we get nothing but this crap, plus shitScort game mode totally ruins matches at all(even Incursion is better). Now im playing QP, TheLittleQP(Scouting) and God bless PGI for Private Lobby without Premium Time, at least we can duel.

#36 Darky101


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Posted 16 July 2017 - 11:21 PM

FP is simply a superior mode.
(when I'm not forced into Qp events.

#37 Alan Hicks


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Posted 17 July 2017 - 08:11 AM

I used to play it a lot, until it was degraded again and is now mostly the seal-clubbing mess that everyone stays away from. Posted Image

If I have nothing better to do and I want to play an uncertain type of mode in which all efforts might go to waste easy, then i play FP. Yes, sometimes you get a good team and the win, but mostly is just loss after loss.

For now, as it is, there is no good reason to go back to it.

I used to be in an unit, and one of the reasons I left them was that they refused to play FP. They just wanted to pug in QP all the time without any type of organization.

...Faction Play... Well, it´s a shame because it used to be my favorite mode, it had more depth, a side of strategy you couldn't find in QP and was fun going through the waves of combat it still has. Posted Image

Edited by Alan Hicks, 17 July 2017 - 08:26 AM.

#38 1 21 Giggawatts


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Posted 23 July 2017 - 08:48 PM

Id say for many of us 'competitive' CW players we play for many reasons

1. We can group with 12 of our unit mates / friends and not be gimped by tonnage restrictions.
2. Not be gimped by terribad players on our team who dont follow strats.
3. Run builds that synergise / specific plays on maps.
4. BECAUSE we have respawns its not always about hiding and sniping, its actually about maximising the damage output across ALL of your mech's not 1 - So sometimes you need to play aggressively. Thats the part people who dont play a lot of CW dont really understand.
5. Longer games.

#39 1 21 Giggawatts


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Posted 23 July 2017 - 08:53 PM

View PostAlan Hicks, on 17 July 2017 - 08:11 AM, said:

I used to play it a lot, until it was degraded again and is now mostly the seal-clubbing mess that everyone stays away from. Posted Image

If I have nothing better to do and I want to play an uncertain type of mode in which all efforts might go to waste easy, then i play FP. Yes, sometimes you get a good team and the win, but mostly is just loss after loss.

For now, as it is, there is no good reason to go back to it.

I used to be in an unit, and one of the reasons I left them was that they refused to play FP. They just wanted to pug in QP all the time without any type of organization.

...Faction Play... Well, it´s a shame because it used to be my favorite mode, it had more depth, a side of strategy you couldn't find in QP and was fun going through the waves of combat it still has. Posted Image

Sounds like the problem you have with CW is that you dont have a group to play with... God knows how many times the HUB TS server info's have been posted in these forums... PUGS continue to blame CW for the fact they get beaten by organised opposition while doing nothing to organise themselves....You can lead a horse to water but sometimes you just need to shoot it in the head with SRM's.....

#40 Kyrie


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Posted 25 July 2017 - 05:10 AM

I do not play CW, largely out of disappointment. Was expecting: Things from my signature link.
What I got: a weak mish-mash least-effort non viable product.

I am, however, enjoying QP again after another long break from the game.

Edited by Kyrie, 25 July 2017 - 05:10 AM.

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