Five years have passed since the defeat of the Clans at the Battle of Tukayyid. Invigorated by recent technological advances propelled forward by the Invasion, forces on both sides of the conflict are only just now starting to recover. The borders have remained relatively stable since the Truce, but the dawn of war may once again be approaching.
The Inner Sphere map has been updated to reflect approximate borders and territories according to the 3057 era. Astute eyes and lore adherents may notice the closer placement of Clan Homeworlds to the Inner Sphere compared to where they should be; this visual orientation was utilized to accommodate the voting and attack corridor pathing systems.

As per the terms of a Truce brokered by ComStar the Clans have agreed to cease their continued advancement rimward into the Inner Sphere territories beyond Tukayyid. The Truce was one born of desperate times, focused toward ensuring the safety of Terra above all else. While the majority of the Inner Sphere territories untouched by direct fighting through the invasion are likewise protected by its terms, Steiner and Kurita territories coreward of Tukayyid did not fare so well. As per the terms of the Truce, the Clans have full reign to re-focus their drive for conquest on any territories before the Tukayyid line.
Still, even amongst those many light years from the Clan front, disquiet spreads. Surely this peace can be little more than a respite when dangerous enemies may yet arise from within, as well as without.
While the new Inner Sphere layout reflects the era according to established lore, Faction Play in MechWarrior Online is not attempting to recreate subsequent events exactly as they occurred. As combat within the Inner Sphere and the results of voting cycles are in the hands of Faction Loyalists, the paths of the Clan and Inner Sphere forces will begin to diverge from lore almost immediately.
The Truce is not expected to hold; the spirit of conquest and dreams of glory are too deeply entrenched on both sides of the conflict, and peacetime offers no such reward.
The fate of the Inner Sphere, whether it be one of conquest or renewal, lies with you.

In reaction to the loss at Tukayyid, Clan Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky has activated the forces of Clan Steel Viper and Clan Nova Cat. These new Factions fight within the Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar invasion corridors, respectively.

While these new Clan Factions do possess distinct Faction Reputation progression paths, and Pilots are able to take Contracts with or pledge Loyalty to these Factions as normal, these Factions are not eligible for claiming territory of their own, nor do they cast a War Planning vote for their own Faction. Any planetary gains or losses these Factions make are done so under the banner of their parent Faction; any votes cast in the War Planning phase are cast under the banner of their parent Faction.
These Factions do however possess entries within the Faction Summary Leaderboards.

Previous Faction Play seasons ran under a 'soft' victory structure based around the Battle of Tukayyid as a focal point. Clan progression toward Tukayyid typically triggered an associated Battle of Tukayyid event, the conclusion of which would lead to a reset of the map. This left the Inner Sphere with a goal solely oriented toward defense against the Invasion.
While any potential changes to the layout of the map at the end of this new Season are yet to be determined, this Season does bring with it a distinct set of conditions under which the Clans and Inner Sphere can achieve respective victories for their side. However, we would like to highlight that some aspects of the conditions for this Season may be subject to adjustments if deemed more conducive to a better Faction Play experience as the Season develops.

Clan Victory Condition
Encircle and conquer any 3 IS Capital Planets*
• Luthien (Kurita)
• Tharkad (Steiner)
• Atreus (Marik)
• Sian (Liao)
• New Avalon (Davion)
* Tukayyid is the newly-assigned Capital for the Free Rasalhague Republic, but due to its position and state within the Inner Sphere is not eligible for counting toward the Clan Victory Condition.
If the Clans are able to encircle an eligible IS Capital Planet, that Capital Planet will be designated as the sole target in a subsequent IS Capital Planet Conflict. A specific period of time over which the Clans must maintain that encirclement may be required before the Conflict is triggered, to be determined at the appropriate time.
If the Clans are able to win an IS Capital Planet Conflict, their forces are considered to have conquered and seized that Capital. As reward (in addition to any Rewards associated with a special Event, if one occurs) Clans may be provided with a portion of additional territory surrounding that Capital Planet, the size and shape of which will be determined at the time based on the state of the Inner Sphere Map at that time. If necessary, this territory will likely be split between the four Clans to ensure voting avenues are not negatively affected in subsequent conflict phases. Ownership over the Capital Planet itself will be determined by whichever Clan contributed most toward the victory.
If the Clans are defeated in an IS Capital Planet Conflict, they are no longer able to launch attacks against that Capital Planet for the rest of the Season; they must re-focus their efforts on other Capitals throughout the Inner Sphere. The Clans may additionally be required to surrender a portion of the territory gained in their advance to that Capital, a decision to be made according to the state of the Map at that time and the respective progress of both Factions.
If the Clan forces are able to win 3 IS Capital Planet Conflicts throughout the Season, the Clans will emerge victorious and the Season will come to an end.
If the Clan forces lose 3 IS Capital Planet Conflicts throughout the Season, they will no longer be able to meet the requirements for total victory. As a result, the Inner Sphere will emerge as victorious and the Season will come to an end.
Special Events are likely to run at points throughout the Faction Play Season according to Faction progress and the state of the Inner Sphere Map.

Inner Sphere Victory Condition
Conquer any one Clan Capital Planet
• Strana Mechty (Wolf)
• Huntress (Smoke Jaguar)
• Ironhold (Jade Falcon)
• Bearclaw (Ghost Bear)
If the Inner Sphere are able to reach any one Clan Capital Planet, that Planet will become the sole target in a subsequent Clan Capital Planet Conflict. A specific period of time over which the IS must maintain that corridor may be required, to be determined at the appropriate time.
If the Inner Sphere are able to win a single Clan Capital Planet Conflict, the Inner Sphere will emerge victorious and the Season will come to an end.
If the Inner Sphere are defeated in a Clan Capital Planet Conflict, they are no longer able to launch attacks against that Clan Capital Planet for the rest of the Season; they must re-focus their efforts on the other Clan Capital Planets. IS forces may additionally be required to surrender a portion of the territory gained in their advance toward the Capital, a decision to be made according to the state of the Map at that time and the respective progress of both Factions.
If the Inner Sphere lose all 4 Clan Capital Planet Conflicts throughout the Season, they will no longer be able to meet their requirement for total victory. As a result, the Clans will emerge as victorious and the Season will come to an end.
Special Events are likely to run at points throughout the Faction Play Season according to Faction progress and the state of the Inner Sphere Map.
Gaining Attack Corridors to the Clan Homeworlds
Multiple incursion points are available for the Inner Sphere forces to exploit onward to the Clan Homeworlds.

Gaining an attack corridor into Clan Homeworld territory requires that the IS forces first capture one of the circled Planets currently under Clan control. However, these paths are subject to tweaking if deemed conducive to a better Faction Play experience as the Season develops.