Overall, they should be adequate
HSLs being very bad on the PTS, probably will still ignore them.
HLLs, you need 20+ DHS for pairs, but HLL and other lasers (like HLL+HML on a Sadcat with MGs, or 18 DHS HLL 2ERML) bump up poor hardpoint counts.
HLL now has higher Dam/tick than the CLPL, so mix it in with other vomit for large amounts of damage on single locations
Duration still has a factor, but you'll out-damage anything trying to continue their own durations (isLPL aside)
Prosperity Park, on 15 July 2017 - 09:08 AM, said:
I don't understand how a 6 ton, 60damag alpha is "worthless" or "non-viable"
Because GH
8 on Mr Gargles was adequate, IMO
The long cooldowns make it a poor choice on him, IMO, because of his Navel Cannons meaning you need to expose, but you can't DPS while exposed.
Should farm Potatos, though
JadePanther, on 15 July 2017 - 09:39 AM, said:
there needs to be something that makes HLL a choice over LPL in some situations.. Currently there is none.. LPL has better efficency, range (optimal), duration, cooldown, slots.. Theres not much reason to take HLL over LPL unless you have tons of space, little tonnage, and few hardpoints, of which really only means some of the lighter mechs that just wont beable to deal with the heat large heavy weapons put out..
If HLL had better duration maybe it might be worth it as a close range heavy hitter with LPLs better suited for longer ranged engagements..
It's a 6 ton weapon VS a 4 ton weapon
It shouldn't exactly be superior
It also DOES have higher Dam/tick, BTW
It deals more damage in the same 1.09s period of time
For extreme amounts of heat and less DPS
Widowmaker1981, on 15 July 2017 - 09:58 AM, said:
Nah, HLLs are not a Scat thing, in my opinion anyway.
2xLPL is far more manageable heat wise than 2xHLL + 4 DHS (20 heat 14 DHS vs 34 heat 18 DHS), it has considerably longer effective range and much lower duration.. on a mech as squishy as the Scatman, thats a no brainer... and imo 2xERPPC is vastly superior to 2xLPL anyway.
HLL and 2 ERMLs, for 32 damage
You can fit 18 DHS ECM and a TC1
Ranges mesh
Though, I'm more partial to a HLL, HML (or ERML?) and 6 MGs of choice
ECM isn't worth much, but those MGs are pretty nasty.