I would like to suggest a game modification to deal with the frequent disconnect issues that seem to be plaguing MWO since about the Sept. 2015 patch(s), and growing more frequent with time.
1. Getting disconnected while in-game causes your team to lose your firepower and reduces their chance to win.
2. Many times your avatar will be 'killed' before you are able to rejoin the mission.
3. As a result of a DC, you may be 'penalized' when attempting to join a new mission.
4. Disconnect issues seem to be aggravated when a new patch is implemented (this is an observation), reducing your ability to efficiently achieve challenge or tournament goals that are usually associated with a patch.
Resolution: 'DC Balance Protocol' (yes, I pulled that out of my hat)
*Have the programmers toggle the damage registration OFF on a mech that has disconnected, and re-initiate it when the player re-joins.* (yes, I can hear the groans from our special community of DC POACHERS - Please remember, there is NO HONOR IN POACHING)
NOTE: obviously this will require some limitations, as follows:
a. If the player does not re-join within the same time frame that is used to apply a penalty for deserting the battlefield, the damage register is reinstated and the mech can be easily destroyed.
b. In the event that the DC occurs at the start of a mission (yes, we have all seen it), the same rule would apply, allowing the player time to join the team without the team loosing the mech asset parked at the drop zone (a favorite destination for DC poachers)
c. The server can instantly detect when a player has lost connection to the game when the ping drops to zero, at which point the 'protocol' can be implemented and the countdown timer started.
I thank the community for reviewing this suggestion, and providing feedback.

The Dc Dilemma
Started by Peace2U, Jul 16 2017 09:28 AM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:28 AM
Posted 21 July 2017 - 07:43 AM
Yep, sounds good. But since a disco in FW might be the last remaining mech, which would result in the game being longer for (remaining DC mechs in dropdeck) x (waiting time till damage registers again) seconds, an alternative for FW might be to just not count damage done/KMDD/killshot/headshot to DCs. So honorless poachers would just be useless for their team as they are, but won't get any rewards for their greed.
Posted 21 July 2017 - 08:23 AM
I tend to like the idea in general, but foresee problems with people shooting (and wasting precious time/heat/ammo) at mechs that appear to be alive but they cannot hurt.
Posted 06 September 2017 - 03:22 PM
Thanks for the feedback.
I have noticed the latest patch has invoked a lot of disconnect complaints, and would like to know if others think this might be something to ease the pain of rejoining a mission and experiencing the graceful death of your mech as soon as you connect.
Vote and let PGI know you are paying attention to the frequent disconnect issue - - -
I have noticed the latest patch has invoked a lot of disconnect complaints, and would like to know if others think this might be something to ease the pain of rejoining a mission and experiencing the graceful death of your mech as soon as you connect.
Vote and let PGI know you are paying attention to the frequent disconnect issue - - -
Posted 06 September 2017 - 03:59 PM
How about In QuickPay remove the mech from the field. Upon reconnect ,initiate the drop ship.
Edited by HammerMaster, 06 September 2017 - 03:59 PM.
Posted 07 September 2017 - 01:40 PM
So, you can just 'disconnect' when in a sticky situation like turning a corner right into an assault and you will be invincible and by the time you reconnect the situation will likely have changed and now you can freely shoot that assault in the back?
Doesn't that sound a little bit unfair?
Doesn't that sound a little bit unfair?
Posted 12 September 2017 - 04:45 PM
Not what I'm saying. The dcs as in 0 ping and dc during the drop load screen. Those are the ones that should still be in the Bay.
Posted 13 September 2017 - 09:46 AM
In an ideal world, the new and improved MM would replace players which fail to connect before the match starts with other people.
Posted 16 September 2017 - 12:12 PM
I would like to respond to both Kaethir, and Hammermaster.
First off, to eliminate the wasted time/ammo firing at a disconnected mech, I should think PGI could incorporate a special Icon over the mech indicating it is zero ping - Perhaps a Yellow exclamation point triangle.:
NOTE: NO COUNTDOWN TIMER should appear to indicate how long before the zero ping mech will become vulnerable, as this would encourage poaching.
Secondly, Exylith is correct as far as attempted cheating by phazing into and out of a battlefield.
The mech should remain visible (with the previously mentioned yellow flag icon) until the player re-connects.
Remember guys, the reconnecting player could still be taken out quickly by a back-shot from a DC poacher anyway, so it would be counter productive to manually disconnect.
On the other hand, the innocent player who was dropped by the server still has a small chance to rejoin his team and participate in the match.
Thanks to all who participated in this discussion and voting.
First off, to eliminate the wasted time/ammo firing at a disconnected mech, I should think PGI could incorporate a special Icon over the mech indicating it is zero ping - Perhaps a Yellow exclamation point triangle.:
NOTE: NO COUNTDOWN TIMER should appear to indicate how long before the zero ping mech will become vulnerable, as this would encourage poaching.
Secondly, Exylith is correct as far as attempted cheating by phazing into and out of a battlefield.
The mech should remain visible (with the previously mentioned yellow flag icon) until the player re-connects.
Remember guys, the reconnecting player could still be taken out quickly by a back-shot from a DC poacher anyway, so it would be counter productive to manually disconnect.
On the other hand, the innocent player who was dropped by the server still has a small chance to rejoin his team and participate in the match.
Thanks to all who participated in this discussion and voting.
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