The post discusses the option of Supply Lines affecting drop deck tonnages depending distance from home worlds and also the significance of those worlds. ie. Capital Planets being much harder to capture as a defending side by giving the defending faction a significant tonnage boost for their drop decks.
It does make me wonder if there is this sort of provision in the event system due this month... hopefully we will see some information about that soon.
These are the sort of features that would add some extra depth to Faction Play which would generate some interest and also create variations in the battles.
It made me think a little more about the automatic triggering of events as I have described in this post and some of the variations that could come into play.
For example:
Should Kurita succeed in getting 4 weeks of Siege victories in a row against Davion and that triggered a specific Kurita vs Davion event, adjusting drop deck tonnages is a value that can be tinkered with.
Think of it like this.......
"After a month of battle along the Kurita/Davion border, Kurita forces have begun to make significant inroads into Davion territory and the Duke has ordered reinforcements to the area to halt the advance and make a counter attack."
For Kurita it might be:
"Our forces have pushed into Davion territory but our supply lines are stretched and vulnerable. Win the battle to secure a foothold and bring glory to the dragon."
(Remember those Comstar announcement events we had a while back? We just need a way to trigger that sort of thing and add a bit of immersion tied in to our actions.)
For the duration of the event:
Davion loyalist forces get a drop deck tonnage increase.
Mercenary contracts for Davion get increased.
Kurita forces get double play.
If these events can be triggered automatically based on our actions in the game, the galaxy will come to life and we get a dynamic and evolving system.
Edited by 50 50, 14 September 2017 - 07:34 PM.