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War Chest Event And Sale

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#161 MovinTarget


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 05:30 AM

View PostBSK, on 24 July 2017 - 12:08 AM, said:

Due to the hitboxes its better with 2UAC10 and ERSL ..

I haven't tried that build, but I will...

Note that I said "like" not "ZOMG DIS BUILDZ R OP!!!!" so to some degree I am stating there is pure enjoyment to the rac5 spooge that, while UAC10s would be more potent, is just not the same. I also feel the build can hold its own (i.e. it isn't just a novelty build), but I would never want Heroes to be OP, even old ones as that smacks of P2W.

I just like that some of them feel viable.

#162 Karisse


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 06:45 AM

Why are so many people get upset by events on MWO? We're getting free stuff. Yeah, you might not get ALL the free stuff, but shouldn't a challenge be, you know, challenging?

#163 tayhimself


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 06:51 AM

View PostSkynetTC, on 24 July 2017 - 02:02 AM, said:

This event is completly useless for me. Dont have a good unit to fight and after stomped a few times with randoms in fw i give it up and play potato on qp.

Conversely, I had my most fun ever game on FP last night. We were playing on crimson in the skirmish mode. We were up by 3 and the other team just reinforced with about 1:30 remaining.

The lead changed several times as they desperately rushed us for a final push. Our damaged mechs hid behind and came out after their initial push. 3 kills in the last 10 seconds and the match was ours. 10 more seconds and it would've see sawed again.

I've been rolled with a 110 match score too but that is just part of the suffering for playing solo potato.

#164 Fivehole


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 10:05 AM

View Posttayhimself, on 24 July 2017 - 06:51 AM, said:

Conversely, I had my most fun ever game on FP last night. We were playing on crimson in the skirmish mode. We were up by 3 and the other team just reinforced with about 1:30 remaining.

The lead changed several times as they desperately rushed us for a final push. Our damaged mechs hid behind and came out after their initial push. 3 kills in the last 10 seconds and the match was ours. 10 more seconds and it would've see sawed again.

I've been rolled with a 110 match score too but that is just part of the suffering for playing solo potato.

Good stuff!

Yeah, it can be quite a chore to get through this as a solo dropper...but when the planets align properly, and you get a random pug group that actually uses voice coms, a lot of fun can be had.

I like how quickly drops are forming, and so far every one has had a formed opponent group already waiting.

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#165 PanzerTC


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 10:12 AM

So far I like the event. I know the color is nothing for me - since I have all of those. But someone somewhere needs/wants it. I do want the Faction Camo unlock. I have heard a few complaints in the game, but most people/players seem to like it.

#166 Koniving

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Posted 24 July 2017 - 10:38 AM

So, tomorrow I'm gonna start participating in this event.

I haven't played FP in a long time. I'm currently stuck under IS, so...
Keep in mind I plan on making my considerations while at work on lunch (I work 12 hour shifts) so I won't be at my computer to log in and check myself.

Weight limit for IS?
Currently "common" weaponry / tactics? (Aggressive offense or more sharp shooty-move up? Aggressive defense or more campy? Frequent "Dropship" strikes?)

Any major threats on the Clan front (besides laser vomit)?
Any counters to ATMs besides staying at range?
Is a 100 tonner a good idea during offense or should I just keep them for defense?
There's new maps since early 2016. Any major concerns in regards to them?

Which are more common: Hot/cold/neutral maps?

Edited by Koniving, 24 July 2017 - 10:41 AM.

#167 MovinTarget


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 10:53 AM


Lots of people are supplanting LPL with ERML as your tonnage/range/dmg ratios are waaaay better.

Honestly with all the new toys its pretty chaotic out there so I wouldn't be too afraid to to dork around with builds and tech...

#168 Dee Eight


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 11:08 AM

So far just been using my alt account in the event and after 25 matches that all scored over 150 also, I'm up to a total of 7,473 match score (which puts me at an average of 298.92 per match). Another 17 or 18 ought to be enough to hit the final prize.

#169 Koniving

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Posted 24 July 2017 - 11:11 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 24 July 2017 - 10:53 AM, said:

Lots of people are supplanting LPL with ERML as your tonnage/range/dmg ratios are waaaay better.

One of the many reasons that ghost heat has failed us.

But good to know. Thermally outperform them and mop the floor with them. Got it.

#170 MovinTarget


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 11:51 AM

View PostKoniving, on 24 July 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

One of the many reasons that ghost heat has failed us.

But good to know. Thermally outperform them and mop the floor with them. Got it.

Well, not exactly a Ghost Heat/Thermal issue. More of 2 ERML ~ 1 LPL so you now have 5 tones for other stuff (like an LFE!)

#171 Koniving

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Posted 24 July 2017 - 12:22 PM

View PostMovinTarget, on 24 July 2017 - 11:51 AM, said:

Well, not exactly a Ghost Heat/Thermal issue. More of 2 ERML ~ 1 LPL so you now have 5 tones for other stuff (like an LFE!)

In terms of stats, yes.

If the were interpreted differently, it could very well be that the two would be entirely different and unique (while still having the same paper stats). Consider. It's all in interpretation and presentation.

#172 Warning incoming Humble Dexterer


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 12:27 PM

I don't know if it's an influx of new players, some units being out of service until they get an update to their aiming skills, or just because of the popularity of the event... but even against the very few units that showed up I was no longer automatically getting mowed down in two hits in the middle of a somersault when trying to dodge hits.

I don't expect it to last (more like it's already over), but I'll take what I have :)

#173 Khalcruth


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 01:14 PM

View Posttesthero, on 23 July 2017 - 10:25 AM, said:

Actually she gave an example where the enemy left their base undefended and she sneaked her mech in and killed Omega.
No base rushing involved.
"What could the message be ?"
Well in the load screen it says defend Omega Hardly cryptic. If a team chose too rush off and leave Omega undefended the mechwarrior who takes advantage of their arrant stupidity should be rewarded.
You get XP only, for turret and base structure kills, there should be match score rewards too.

No, there really really shouldn't be match score rewards. The message is obvious to me, but to make it crystal clear - if you want rewards you have to actually FIGHT THE ENEMY MECHS. If you're going to do the whole base/objective rush for a cheap win, fine, but don't expect to be rewarded for it.

#174 Khalcruth


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 01:19 PM

View PostIcantswim, on 24 July 2017 - 12:19 AM, said:

Even though I never got to the "pick a color" tier it was still super useful and informative. Is there anything like that for the current event?

Colors appear slightly different on many mechs. For example, Resistance Black is more matte (and more grey) on my Battlemasters than on my Zeuses.

You're way better off picking one of your mechs and going into the camo spec screen to choose a color.

#175 The Unstoppable Puggernaut


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 01:21 PM

I love faction warfare when it's not Seige mode, unfortunately all my games are crappy siege (attacking). It's never going to work. Why can't they damn well scrap siege. The other game modes better than normal in FW e.g Domination.

#176 MovinTarget


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 02:01 PM

View PostKhalcruth, on 24 July 2017 - 01:14 PM, said:

No, there really really shouldn't be match score rewards. The message is obvious to me, but to make it crystal clear - if you want rewards you have to actually FIGHT THE ENEMY MECHS. If you're going to do the whole base/objective rush for a cheap win, fine, but don't expect to be rewarded for it.

That should result in a different kind of reward, since you kept costs down, but that gets into depth never implemented.

View PostThe Unstoppable Puggernaut, on 24 July 2017 - 01:21 PM, said:

I love faction warfare when it's not Seige mode, unfortunately all my games are crappy siege (attacking). It's never going to work. Why can't they damn well scrap siege. The other game modes better than normal in FW e.g Domination.

I am sorry but you don't speak for everyone on this one, lots of us actually like siege mode and yes it sucks when you have to attack, but we like it because it is different and not at all like QP games.

Am I correct in interpreting your comments as "I want to get FP rewards for playing QP matches"? Is that not what your argument boils down to?

#177 James Argent


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 05:16 PM

I have to ask, what is the underlying thought behind requiring 150 match score in FP for this event? For the Fire Rooster event it was 150 to qualify for the 'highest score on your team' challenge, but you only needed six total matches that met the score, not a goal of 100 matches. You were outright admitting that there would be matches where the highest score would be less than 150 or else there would be no need for a minimum highest team score. Lucky Charms 3, Mechmas, Nova-vember, Mechtoberfest, and Frontline 2 only required 80 match score in FP.

It's fine to expect people to 'up their game' for a challenge. That's why it's called a challenge. But this patch isn't just 'hey, a new mech, let's have an event to commemorate it.' It's a rather significant change for potentially EVERY mech on the battlefield, and as different people will take different amounts of time to adjust to the new tech, expecting such a huge and, more importantly, consistent step up in performance is unrealistic.

I get that the reason for this event being conducted in FP is to allow you to test the balance of the new tech. Great. Happy to help out. But as this event continues and I see my 900+ damage while playing the mode correctly being insufficient to qualify a losing match to boost the war chest, yet some moron who may have been the reason we lost the match by staying in his first mech and hiding after it was reduced to two small lasers qualify in the same match with less than half that damage, I have to ask...did you get more and better data from him or from me? Making the requirement this high is causing people to game the scoring system more than playing the game, and it's causing the rest of their team to fail.

It's also causing you to receive compromised data.

#178 Aldodrem


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 07:38 PM

Did someone post a colour list with all the colours and what they look like?

#179 Aldodrem


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 07:41 PM

View Postccrider, on 21 July 2017 - 06:19 PM, said:

most of the new weapons are garbage. Try running med pulse on your clan men's and you'll win most trades. Shoot, short burst time so you can twist to your deadside, rinse repeat. Lfe has the same penalties as clan engines so you can really mess with their performance by taking out side torsos. Also, 6 heavy small laser, 3 heavy mg linebacker c is awesome. Try it.

Disagree. On my PNT-10K(S) which ran dual PPC by swapping them out and adding 1 Lght PPC + 1 Hvy PPC it is the same weight, critical slots, range and Total Alpha Damage however I gen less heat than I did with the standard dual PPC the Mech was running and get better heat management options via dual firing both or just the hot or cool one.

Edited by Aldodrem, 24 July 2017 - 07:48 PM.

#180 AlphaPrime42


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Posted 24 July 2017 - 08:34 PM

This by far is one of the worst events you could have conceived PGI. I mean seriously, it goes way beyond just ending up with bad players on ones team and getting rolled as well as free stuff.

First off; you advertise this thing as an IS event and put the Annihilator and Uziel right there in the front for everyone to see with flashy colors and don't even bother to showoff the Madcat or Cougar. By seeing this it's like you guys are giving the message that the Madcat and Cougar are garbage mechs. I think the Cougar, Uziel, Madcat MK2, and Annihilator are all good looking mechs. Yet, you missed an opportunity to flont all four new mechs. It really is a shame.

Second; you bolster the c-bill payout to 50% for Novacat and Steel Viper which is waste cause everyone and there brother to begin with is playing IS or signed to some other clan.

All I can take away from this event is you do not care about the overall player base. Some of us could care less about the different tech bases. I enjoy both IS and Clan mechs/tech. But by advertising this event as an IS thing you give the impression that you don't care about what you have added from your creative team. Seeing words like this "Your mission is to jump into the new Season of Faction Play and throw down in the fight for the Inner Sphere!" tells me right there that you just don't like the clan stuff in the game and if that is the case why don't you just remove it? Why couldn't this say something like "Throw down with the either the Clans or the Inner Sphere to see who can come out on top" as an example? Personally I feel like this was some way for you to try and figure out where the balance has shifted between the different tech bases and if that is the case this was not the way to do it based around an event. I mean it's sad really and I am terribly disappointed. I really hope that when it's time for the escalation to happen in October that you advertise that event in a way that shows off both the new Inner Sphere and Clan toys.

Edited by AlphaPrime42, 24 July 2017 - 08:37 PM.

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