Chados, on 14 April 2018 - 05:15 PM, said:
The reason parties to a lawsuit stipulate to dismissal is because they’ve settled the dispute outside court. Judge Zilly did not administer any mushroom slaps to anyone, nor did he sua sponte throw HG’s case out. Weisman and HBS are out because they have come to some sort of agreement with HG. That is how stipulated dismissals usually work in civil cases. And the absence of the Unseen from HBS’s game probably is a part of that settlement. Why else would they not be there? The Marauder made appearances in the early alpha builds HBS showed in-progress game footage of. I believe the Warhammer did too, though I might be wrong about that. But they definitely are nowhere to be seen now. And Tatsunoko is backing HG to the hilt.
The only winner from all that is Harmony Gold. They get what they want: Tatsunoko’s open support, and No Unseen in Battletech. What does HBS get? HG leaves them alone and concentrates on trying to force PGI to disgorge profits on the Unseen and pony up substantial damages on top of that. Will HG succeed? Now, that is an open question, particularly after the FASA case involving the Timberwolf. HBS likely caved in because of Weisman’s old consent agreement from the 1990s. But PGI isn’t party to that and their Reseen have nontrivial differences from HG’s Unseen, plus there’s the whole derivative rights issue that’s not going to be as easy for HG to win the day on as their lawyers may claim, even with Tatsunoko in their corner-what Big West will do is anyone’s guess and that could make all the difference. The motion for summary judgment PGI filed will fail-not because it has no merit, but because with Tatsunoko’s help HG can bring enough of a factual dispute to force the case to trial. And that is when the sides will settle. There’s going to be another secret settlement, this time between PGI and HG. The only question is what that settlement will entail.
Please prove all of this or try harder, because I've never seen one shot from the Battletech team with any unseen, and I backed it on Kickstarter ASAP... Also if you reference back to HG's original court documents for bringing HBS to court, the images used, were not at all any reprisentation of any of the Macross unseen, in fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they actually tired to use the ATLAS as one of the battlemechs they considerd as "infringing."
So no, they didn't "Reach an agreement." no agreement was made, the suit, was dismissed with predjuice... that's a BAD THING FOR HG, and A GOOD THING FOR US.