Cato Phoenix, on 30 July 2017 - 09:25 AM, said:
On the contrary, it works out rather well. Its duration is a little over 1.35 once you get the duration nodes from the skill tree, and the speed, accel, and decel of the Linebacker let you peek out, fire a burst, get back into cover after pumping out 76 damage, then run off to another position while cooling down to a point where you can fire again. It also lets you keep range against brawlers that would out sustain you.
HLL really aren't too bad, its definitely not a RAC or machine gun.
Was using it just now for 4 kills and over 700 damage, though the map was optimal for me, being Polar Highlands. I always test my builds on caustic though. I had my CT damaged early on in a bad trade against a Top Dog, threw my CT right to the red in armor, but after that I continued trading from different positions, ending the game without losing the last bit of CT armor on the thing. Trades very well mostly because it forces you to not trade from the same spot twice and puts out high damage all at once.