Dakota1000, on 08 August 2017 - 09:30 PM, said:
I suggest the damage reduction over range so that it doesn't just perform as a high powered sandblaster at range. I also suggested the lower use at longer ranges to better justify getting a full 50% boost up close.
need it to be a workable sand-blaster to some extent; look at how much it weighs. Anybody investing that much of their available resources into the gun better get some flexibility out of it or it's too niche to be taken. Cases in point: Heavy Gauss, the entire rest of the LB-X line except the IS LB-10X (smaller/lighter and splat builds don't care about spread as much) and the cLB-20X (because they don't have a slug 20 and because splat builds don't care about spread as much). It won't replace UACs simply because the UAC is doing all of its damage to one place, pending aim, while the LB-X is always going to be spreading it until you get to that close-range sweet-spot.
A 50% damage increase that drops off immediately is not enough to convince me to run a standard engine on any 'Mech to fit an LB-20X, either. I would rather just keep the LFE and use the freed up resources to fit more SRM tubes (you would only ever run LB-X with splat under your change parameters), which would make the results of the damage increase nil since I can just run faster. To put it into perspective:
> LFE 280 + 2x SRM4 + 2x SRM6 + AC/20 == 63 damage @ 70 kph
> STD 260 + 4x SRM4 + LB-20X (30 dam) == 64.4 damage @ 65 kph
> LFE 280 + 4x SRM6 + LB-10X (15 dam) == 66.6 damage @ 70 kph
What have I gained? Nothing. The top build is still the one with the AC/20 since the 20 points is concentrated in one place as far as the round travels while the LB-X are spreading at the optimum while doing about the same damage to begin with.
And, really, with any sort of damage increase it's just the ON1-IICs, MC IIs, and Scorches that benefit, being the only competitive-grade builds that run LB-20X (save the odd game where EmP brings an HBK-IIC with a pair) to begin with.
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 08 August 2017 - 10:06 PM.