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Negative & Verbally Abusive Players

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#1 Admiral Piet


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:16 PM

Hello everyone, Admiral Piet here!

This is my second forum post & I would like to start by saying hello to the community, I am a big fan of all things mechwarrior/battletech.

That said, there seems to be a lot of negative and verbally abusive players lately who will constantly complain about the actions of their team mates while insulting them & offering no solutions to the issues they are complaining about. I get that you want support from your teammates and it is frustrating in a team game such as this when you are completely left out to hang. But, perhaps instead of berating your team mates you should ask them politely to push a point on the grid, or pick up a powercell, or whatever it is you think they should be doing. A lot of the time I just announce when and where I am pushing & give no instructions to anyone and simply trust that by communicating my own intent my team can better coordinate with me.
This negativity is hard for me to swallow, I play MWO in my spare time for fun, & my own life is not always sunshine & roses believe me, but I do not take it out on the rest of you. I say o7, GLHF, and GG at the end even when I lose.... If you are a constant whiner & are verbally abusive, expect me to disconnect and find a new team to drop with.

No apologies, life is too short to let you ruin my MWO experience.
Sincerely, Admiral Piet

Edit: As has been pointed out I should have utilized the mute and the report features instead of disconnecting. I am sorry if I have disconnected on you in a match, I have only done it 2-3 times ever, but it is not much of a valid solution and I should not have resorted to it.

PS: i searched for related topics before posting and was unable to find any except a thread from October 2015, so I felt a new thread was justified.

Edited by Admiral Piet, 09 August 2017 - 03:35 PM.

#2 PurplePuke


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:19 PM

Get used to it. It won't go away.

#3 Ruar


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:21 PM

Just put those players on mute. You probably won't be able to reason with them and it's not really worth the time to try and calm them down.

#4 Tordin


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:21 PM

Yeah. Just report and ignore. Its like this with almost ALL kind of games from ALL franchises.
I can only think of one game franchise not suffering much by such and that is Civilizations, in my experience at least.

#5 Admiral Piet


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:23 PM

View PostRuar, on 09 August 2017 - 02:21 PM, said:

Just put those players on mute. You probably won't be able to reason with them and it's not really worth the time to try and calm them down.

ahhh, should have muted them. I should have thought of that..... Oh well, live and learn. TY friend :)

#6 Ruar


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:26 PM

View PostAdmiral Piet, on 09 August 2017 - 02:23 PM, said:

ahhh, should have muted them. I should have thought of that..... Oh well, live and learn. TY friend Posted Image

NP. I'm sure I've been muted when I was first starting out as well. Eventually I learned to calm down and limit myself to at most one negative comment then be quiet.

#7 Admiral Piet


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:30 PM

View PostRuar, on 09 August 2017 - 02:26 PM, said:

NP. I'm sure I've been muted when I was first starting out as well. Eventually I learned to calm down and limit myself to at most one negative comment then be quiet.

Being negative is not inherently horrible, especially if you have a good point. It is constant unwarranted negativity and narcissism that irks me.

#8 Ruar


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:33 PM

View PostAdmiral Piet, on 09 August 2017 - 02:30 PM, said:

Being negative is not inherently horrible, especially if you have a good point. It is constant unwarranted negativity and narcissism that irks me.

Yeah, I've had some matches like that before I learned my lesson.

#9 MechaBattler


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:36 PM

This is a case of internet negativity. It is in no way exclusive to MWO. Your best bet is to block each person who goes too far in their 'enthusiasm'. Game doesn't have the playerbase for the development of some heavy handed mechanic for punishing ragers.

#10 4rcs1ne


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:37 PM

While I do agree that constant negativity should not happen, if one has had a string of horrible teams (or ROFL stomps) where half of them can't break 100 damage and you're constantly doing >400, it can get extremely frustrating and cause understandably negative behaviors.

But yeah, just mute the consistently sour grapes.

#11 AureliusDean


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:46 PM

I had some bonehead really light into me because I was asked to call targets, then I did... and called lights and flank probes, so we could focus... it made me quit for the rest of my limited playtime, I just didn't want to run into that guy again. Great post.

#12 RestosIII


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:52 PM

Best thing you can do is ignore what they're saying, don't say anything back, report, and mute them. Anything else, and you're going down to their level. Really does suck that people take the game so seriously as to get genuinely angry at other players though.

#13 Admiral Piet


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 02:55 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 09 August 2017 - 02:52 PM, said:

Best thing you can do is ignore what they're saying, don't say anything back, report, and mute them. Anything else, and you're going down to their level. Really does suck that people take the game so seriously as to get genuinely angry at other players though.

I honestly get the impression it isn't even about the game, but something else that is upsetting them and they are just venting in game...

#14 Ruar


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:02 PM

View PostAdmiral Piet, on 09 August 2017 - 02:55 PM, said:

I honestly get the impression it isn't even about the game, but something else that is upsetting them and they are just venting in game...

I have a little bit of OCD so sometimes I get disproportionally upset when things aren't being done correct. We might be up 8-4 but I still expect people to focus fire and move as a group. I have to remind myself that I don't need to be mad because the team is playing like crap when we are winning.

Then there are the times when you just can't carry hard enough and you watch your assault mech with full armor sitting in the back flinging missiles into the side of a building while the rest of their team picks us apart one by one.

Edited by Ruar, 09 August 2017 - 03:02 PM.

#15 Admiral Piet


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:15 PM

View PostRuar, on 09 August 2017 - 03:02 PM, said:

I have a little bit of OCD so sometimes I get disproportionally upset when things aren't being done correct. We might be up 8-4 but I still expect people to focus fire and move as a group. I have to remind myself that I don't need to be mad because the team is playing like crap when we are winning.

Then there are the times when you just can't carry hard enough and you watch your assault mech with full armor sitting in the back flinging missiles into the side of a building while the rest of their team picks us apart one by one.

IDK why but it often seems the assault mech pilots are either really good and constantly make smart choices, or are just plain clueless.
I am a terrible assault pilot and fall into the clueless category Posted Image I perform best in mediums and heavies, and I am not too shabby as a light pilot either. I do my best to armor share and tank for the group, but my damage output as an assault is almost always sub par.

Edited by Admiral Piet, 09 August 2017 - 03:17 PM.

#16 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:22 PM

View PostMatt2496, on 09 August 2017 - 02:37 PM, said:

While I do agree that constant negativity should not happen, if one has had a string of horrible teams (or ROFL stomps) where half of them can't break 100 damage and you're constantly doing >400, it can get extremely frustrating and cause understandably negative behaviors.

But yeah, just mute the consistently sour grapes.

I personally try to be mostly silent but yeah there are times when after a while you just get so sick of it you can't keep from saying something, anything. I think the hope is that if you bring attention to a bad behavior, maybe those people will learn something.

However, negativity works both ways too. The second you mention something, even politely, that was a bad decision, you get snarled at and told to [Redacted]. I mean after the 20th time you watch an LRM boat without ammo trying to hide to protect his K/D ratio you inevitably want to mention to him that he should have strapped on at least a couple med lasers just so he had some sort of back up weapon but the second you do, he's attacking you and telling you off.

Then there is just stupidity that makes you want to scream as well. The other night this Wolfhound started up the Ramp on HPG and I was following him in I think it was my Night Gyr. I was about 3/4th the way up the ramp when he actually got to the top of the ramp and saw something he did want to see so he started backing up. I actually immediately recognized that he had run into about 3 Assaults that were lighting him up so started trying to back up as fast as possible and give him room to reverse back out of the line of fire but surprise, surprise, a Night Gyr doesn't decelerate and reverse as fast as a Wolfhound so he backed directly into me which stalled his retreat and he took a few more shots than he would have liked. I continued backing as fast as I could so he could get clear and was obviously continuing to back away when he turned, saw me backing away and decided to light me up with 6 MLs in my CT, multiple times. Needless to say, I was not amused and called him every name in the book only to get, Don't Stand Behind Me!!!" shouted back at me. I was like, "What are you an idiot, you saw me backing up, what do you think a Night Gyr can reverse faster than a Wolfhound, you backed into me as I was backing up to give you room you @%$%$@%$!!!"

So yeah, there is no way to get away from the negativity in a game like this. There is always going to be something doing something stupid that is going to enrage you or someone else. Best to try to ignore it or just mute it if it bothers you.

Edited by draiocht, 10 August 2017 - 10:51 AM.
inappropriate language

#17 Knuckles OTool


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:24 PM

I had a guy in a match the other day who started by running his pirates bane into their VIP deathball and dropping a strike and then promptly dying and immediately started harassing others. He started yelling at various people that "we should win, they are right there, you guys suck if you dont move to blah" Real obnoxious and just trying to piss the team off. Most responded about muting him etc, but it angered a lot.

He started on me because I dropped an airstrike and i was in the front of their deathball trying to slow it and i couldnt get out from my own strike(supernova). It wrecked them but yeah it hurt me a bit. Stupid play on my part, but I was trying to disperse their push while our guys got into a better position. He started rooting for their atlas over and over. He switched to our cheetah and started giving him a hard time about shooting the vip and where his shots were landing. The whole match talking crap and just being irritating.

I had never seen that before in mwo. This guy was going above and beyond to be a total dbag. I looked up his stats on the leaderboard later and had a nice laugh. Bottom 10% stuff all around. GG angry guy.

Edited by Knuckles OTool, 09 August 2017 - 03:47 PM.

#18 Asym


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:26 PM

There have been times I "just decided to go sight seeing" on a map because the situation between players was so out of control....

I have just recently started writting and reading the forum as well. Many of the posts I've written deal in and with the results of this issue and how it affects new players and retention of newer players.

I play a lot less now. The team I belong to is playing far less now... The "regular" players I've seen for months during the daytime NA hours are playing less now.

Is negativity a cause? Is the situation hopelsss? For me, I can do "other things" and eventually, this system will either get better or self destruct. I'm waiting to see..........

Good post.

Edited by Asym, 09 August 2017 - 03:27 PM.

#19 Lord0fHats


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:47 PM

I don't think you can begin addressing negative players without addressing the abysmal level of play in QP. Raise your hand if you've played multiple games in a row where half the team dedicates itself to unstoppable nascar rotations, completely oblivious that they've already lost the race and are being eaten alive one by one. The negativity is a byproduct of a poor game environment, and while there will always be some negativity cause internet, I don't think it can be avoided that a lot of the negativity just comes from sheer frustration. I play maybe 1 good match (win or lose) for every dozen **** matches (win or lose), and when the good games are that far between there's something wrong.

Edited by Lord0fHats, 09 August 2017 - 03:49 PM.

#20 Erufen


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 03:49 PM

ITT: OP is too fragile to ignore a temper tantrum, and ditches the team instead of just ignoring it.

I'm not sure who is worse here.

Edited by Erufen, 12 August 2017 - 06:38 AM.
unconstructive, replies removed

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