But ask yourself this - when was the last time your significantly change a specific mech's loadout?
For starters it costs a fortune and sometimes you can't even change the tree because you don't have enough xp\gxp... as if you didn't spend all these hours 'mastering' your mech (it sure looks like it's mastered with that orange shield and star thingy).
If the skill tree was meant to bring more diversity to the game it sure did the opposite...
I know the skill tree was also meant to be a c-bill sink, and that's fine, but PGI also need to look at how the system feels, and right know it just feels cumbersome.
At first it was fun trying to figure the most efficient way to maximize it, but very quickly you get to know it and it loses i's charm.
So here is what I propose:
- Ditch the whole refund\re-buy\unlock nodes... make it so you just need to acquire 91 points then you're done. You have mastered this chassis and you can now play with the tree as you like - you've earned it(!!!)
- Now reduce the amount of nodes in the tree - there's just too much and they all do the same... less options doesn't mean less diversity. As an example - a skill tree that splits into 2 options each time with 8 levels has 256 ways to set up... you can increase the value of each SP to compensate. (less nodes also mean easier task to balance them).
- And finally - make decision making for each node more important - with less nodes you can make each one more critical to how your mech will behave. it allows you to actually specialize in something.
Let me know what you think!
Edited by Black Fish, 16 August 2017 - 01:39 PM.