Edit: Reposting here for clarity...
Rising to the top is easier with jump jets...
Event Highlights
Greetings Mechwarriors!
Lots of recent discussion about the Mist Lynx begs the question: "Is the MLX really a terrible 'mech or just an unsung underdog light hero of the Clan?" It's not just about bragging rights - at stake are some Event-Only cockpit items!
Social Challenge!
Global Kill Counter (Faction play and Quickplay): Smash all the kittehs!
2926* total MLX kills // [counter bar] // Success: MLX Arm Standing Item* // Failure: MLX Hanging Item*
Global Kill Counter (Faction play and Quickplay): Tryhards unite!
2926* total kills by a MLX // [counter bar] // Success: Decal "Small Death*" // Failure: Decal "Failmech*"
Personal Challenge!
Any mode: Faction play and Quickplay
25 Kills Most Damage Dealt against any MLX variant // [counter bar] // Reward: 25MC
25 Kills Most Damage Dealt while piloting any MLX variant // [counter bar] // Reward: 25MC
*2926 is the year the MLX was introduced according to Sarna.net
*MLX Arm Standing Item: A lone MLX Left Arm component laying on its side, bruised and battered.
*MLX Hanging Item: A MLX in flight, similar in stance to a certain well-known superhero and with jump jets on full blast
*Small Death decal inspired by the Koshi designation (Koshi translates as 'small death') and might include some rad artwork (Mist Lynx is an actual lore-friendly animal and might be jumping out or there might be claw marks or whiskers around the words, etc.) - but it has to look good at a small scale...!
*Failmech decal is just an awesome idea, applicable to pretty much any Mech, and might even have a hashtag
Notes: Lasts however long PGI thinks we need to achieve those goals (probably ten days or so to account for vacations and such). The rewards are just suggestions, of course, but let's put all this scuttlebutt to the test, shall we? I am definitely up for further discussion on this topic - feel free to message me - and I have no problem whatsoever challenging other pilots in Lynx-only NGNG Duel Stream!
Edited by mistlynx4life, 19 August 2017 - 04:25 PM.