Chris Lowrey, on 22 August 2017 - 01:39 PM, said:
I have no idea, I've only been on the project for 9 months, and even if I could track down who originally implemented the skills under the older system, there is no guarantee that they are with the company anymore to where I could ask why.
I can't control what was done 5 years ago during beta. I can only affect what we are doing now, and moving forward.
I know that you recently started working on MWO, and I'm grateful that you addressed the issue. What you are doing is actually great. Sorry if my post implied otherwise
Its just frustrating because its not the first time seeing developers being unaware of well known fundamentals. I remember Russ not being aware of how sub-250 engines with less than 10 engine double heat sinks (Truedubs) were losing on heat dissipation since the extra required external double heat sinks (poordubs) were not dissipating 0.2 heat.
It took 5 minutes of explaining on a podcast.
The rate of heat loss quirks on the locust, adder, kitfox, etc... with sub-250 engines are the result of that (mechs like the cheetah are still missing out)
Or when mechs with additional leg structure quirks took more fall damage because fall damage used to be percentage based!. It was discovered by a player just out of curiosity!
Bug reports like incorrect weight for XL100 engines still remain un-answered
So, there is a little bit of frustration going on when things like this happen.
However, this by any means does not mean that what you are doing is not appreciated.