Overheating Glitch
Posted 23 August 2017 - 07:55 PM
Posted 23 August 2017 - 09:12 PM
Posted 24 August 2017 - 12:20 AM
Posted 27 August 2017 - 02:59 AM
Edited by Leopardo, 27 August 2017 - 03:01 AM.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 08:05 AM
That you and the poster below happened the bug happen on HPG manifold could be a coincidence, or not. In the other thread the twitcher mentioned this is not the first time it has happened to him but the OP, who was posting for him did not link any additional videos. The twitcher is a European playing on the NA server, so potential for packet loss.
If it is packet loss then that could mean MWO is sending incremental Heat Scale updates and not full updates, ie, add to the current heat being reflected instead of saying HS should be at 90%.
Beware of language. .. but this also happened on HPG Manifold
In that same thread the OP posts the link to entire stream for that day. Go to time marked 1:21:53, just as the flamer nova comes into view, which is not reflected in the shorter version but is critical as that is when the flamer nova hits him with flamer but his heat scale does not spike but BB is warning him of bad things. I do not know if the warning is triggered by the server itself or if it is triggered by the client. Only PGI can answer that.
If you are able to record some of your games, then send a ticket to either or both technical@mwomercs.com and feedback@mwomercs. There will be an autoresponse email that will ask for additional info. This is where you can include the additional information.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 08:32 AM

But seeing as Leopardo reported some seemingly unrelated heatbug with a different effect a few patches back (think I read through his report at some point), OP's issue and the one I refered to may be two different things entirely.
Never the less, since both convey false data about critical information to the player and can result in them destroying their mechs seemingly without doing anything wrong, these really need to be looked into.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 08:59 AM
On the other posts it is mentioned override is enabled, others not lot of detail. Besides posting it here, should be sent in to PGI dates/timestamps/etc and videos if at all possible to move the bug up the ladder.
There is also a community managed issue tracker that can be used as an additional venue - more info in thread below.
Edit - just to add, it could be happening more often than not but the majority of players are not recognizing there is an issue, a bug but simply mistakes as their error for not being aware of their heat. And/or the player does do not run with override enabled often so when they do shutdown the heatscale is updated to reflect its current status, and again the player marks it off as their error for not paying attention.
Edit - in the short twitch I think I saw another bug. He was at 43% heat scale, lost arm which dropped his HS percent almost 15pts to 29%. Did he have heat sinks in that arm that were lost when it was destroyed? It is possible the issue is only on the client side, some issue with some lines of code, as we do not know the specifics sent to the client with how or if any info is received to accurately update the HS UI piece.
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 27 August 2017 - 12:42 PM.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 01:32 PM
He could in theory have had some of those ST heatsinks in his arms instead, but I honstly doubt it.
But now that you mention the heatscale acting wierdly, I can actually remember having occasional issues in my KDK3 (2x UAC10s, 2x UAC5s) where I would overheat when firing around 75%. At that time I wasn't playing with Override (was still fairly new and didn't trust in my firing discipline), so I remember to be hugely annoyed by getting shutdown every couple shots while a fair bit under the heat threshold. And I'm pretty sure there was no Ghost Heat in the mix, I usually landed at about 70% heat and below after restarting from shutdown, with not too many heatsinks in the build.
This must have been around end of 2016 / early 2017, pretty sure the skilltree wasn't out yet.
So I'd suspect the issue has been around for a while now. Maybe something in the bigger patches unknowingly made the whole thing worse?
Of course I have no evidence for that whatsoever, so you just gotta take my word for it I'm afraid.
Edited by FunkyT, 27 August 2017 - 01:36 PM.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 02:16 PM
The other issue PGI would face would be tracking it down if they are not able to duplicate it internally. Again, some of that is dependent on how is the HS UI updated, what info does it receive vs how is Bitchin' Betty warnings generated on the client side. Lot of unknowns on how are specific things are triggered, etc.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 08:48 PM
I've noticed weird HS UI issues as well. I first became aware of it while piloting my AWS-8R LRM brawler, which is my highest performing mech and hence one I'm quite familiar with, especially when it comes to heat management.
The problem that I've noticed is that the heat gauge on the client side seems to be improperly reporting the heat percentage. A few testing steps I've taken, in case they help trace the problem:
- Heat generation when firing weapons appears to be properly displayed. Each LRM shot makes my gauge go up by the 8-9% that it always has.
- Heat dissipation is displayed as happening at a much slower rate than it should be happening at. This is purely a UI display issue, further details below.
- Bitchin' Betty kicks in, as do the heat warnings, at their usual 80% heat gauge as per what the UI is displaying.
- Without override activated, I can hit 100% and not shutdown. I can stay at 100% for many LRM15 shots before I shut down. Shutdown occurs at approximately the point I would expect it to happen at normally. This leads me to believe the server side is correctly recording the heat and performing shutdown of mech as it normally should, but client UI side is incorrectly reporting the heat.
- While spectating other players after I've died, I noticed their heat was also being reported at 100% by my client. When I asked the player I was spectating if it was displaying the same for them, they said it wasn't and confirmed it was displaying normally. This leads me to believe whatever client side error is occurring, it's transferring somehow to my display in spectator mode.
- [Edit to update additional point -->] I have also confirmed that other players spectating me do not see the 100% heat that I see and only see the correct heat. When I hit 100% for what they see, I shut down.-
- [Edit to add point] Unlike what others appear to be reporting, the bug I've noticed does not cause heat damage to occur to my mech. It appears to be solely a client side cosmetic bug that incorrectly reports the actual heat of the mech.
So far I've only made note of this with my AWS-8R as it's the only mech I've played the last few days. I'll make another post here once I've had a chance to test out some other mechs to confirm whether it's a mech specific error or across the board.
While I could be mistaken, I believe the start of this error lined up with the release of the August patch.
If there's anything else that I can test that may be of use, I'd be happy to do so, just let me know.
Edited by Shino Tenshi, 27 August 2017 - 09:05 PM.
Posted 27 August 2017 - 09:28 PM
Throughout the match, I shut down again around mid-40s, again around low to mid 50s, once at 70%, and again in the mid 70s. The longer the match went on, the higher the reported heat was on my UI before I shutdown. All of these shutdowns occurred after shooting enough times that I would normally expect my mech to be at 100% heat, but as with my AWS-8R the heat was being reported incorrectly, though this time being reported too low (as I suspect is the case with the above complaints from others) instead of reporting too high like my AWS-8R.
I'll play around with a few other mechs I know reasonably well over the next couple days and will provide feedback along the way.
Posted 28 August 2017 - 03:59 AM
Took my AS7-BH w/6xMPL, 1xGR, 1xLRM15 out to test potential engine size link, but it overheats at mid 20s at first, which eliminates any potential engine size or mech tonnage link to the problem.
Looking over my builds, I think I can eliminate any links to the following:
- Engine size
- Mech tonnage
- Internal HS number
- External HS number
- Internal/External HS ratio
- Heat management score
- Jump jet count
In all tests so far except my AWS-8R, the client UI heat scale appears to show a lower increase than it should for weapon fire. For example, if firing 6MPLs puts my heat up by 25% on the server, it only shows as 5-10% on my client. I don't know my other mechs well enough to confirm how the heat dissipation is working.
My AWS-8R for whatever reason seems to do the reverse and shows the proper weapon fire heat, but the dissipation is all screwy and displays much slower than it should be.
Edited by Shino Tenshi, 28 August 2017 - 04:18 AM.
Posted 28 August 2017 - 03:37 PM
Posted 28 August 2017 - 04:42 PM
welcome to the tin hat club
Posted 31 August 2017 - 03:23 PM
Linking this thread but it is the other side of the bug, taking no damage no shutdown, etc
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