Now here we are, years later and the maps are as scarce as unicorns. It’s been over 18 months since the last map has come our way and although Russ claims new maps are on the horizon, I am seriously skeptical we’ll see more than 2 new NON-SOLARIS maps by the end of 2018 (16 months from now). I wish I was wrong, but I’ve seen the Soon ™ thing too many times over the years to take the news of new maps at face value.
My question is; what ever happened to this “More maps with current assets” approach? Did PGI ever address this at any point and I just missed it? What is their reason for the lack of maps in the last 1.5 years? Did the map creator quit and they couldn’t get a replacement guy in? Does anyone know or have sources they could point to that would inform me on this!?
There’s been a lot of threads already about “what kind of maps would you like to see”, but I’ve always been careful about wishing for things that wouldn’t be too complicated to add to the current game. With that in mind, here’s (yet some more) suggestions for maps that shouldn’t be hard to make with the current assets:
Desert Canyon with Pillars
Ever since MWO started I was hoping to see a map like this, or at least with areas like that shown in this image. Basically it would be all the Canyon Network assets, but done with more paths and less emphasis on the trench warfare of the current map. Maybe have more open zones populated with rock pillars like the image above. It seems like some very interesting fights could take place utilizing something like this.
Default Battletech Maps

Take a map like Polar Highlands, but change it to a temperate climate and add some small groves of trees and water features. You could use assets from Polar, Canyon and Forest Colony to make a very unique map without any need for new assets. It might be neat if PGI looked at some of the old Board Game maps and used them as "inspiration" for new maps. Obviously a single Battletech mapsheet is far too small, but if we could get a new map with the same “feel” of these classic map sheets, that would be great.
Cavern Map

No need to retread old ground. This has been mentioned many times. There’s even a thread about it right here ( Thanks to the large perimeter walls and the dark sky overhead, Mining Colony already feels like it takes place underground. Just take 80% of those assets and some of the rock assets from Canyon and you got yourself a new map. Perhaps you could add the rock pillars from my example above into areas of this as well? I would love to see some sparkly geodes or crystalline structures to make this map feel super unique, but this thread is about current assets for new maps, so I won’t go down that rabbit hole.
Jungle Crash Site

Imagine a map like Tourmaline (craters/valleys with open spaces in-between) and then add lots of jungle on top of it and perhaps some hot springs or geyser areas from Caustic. Maybe throw in a crashed dropship with a huge trench running across the map from where it crash landed. All of these could be done with existing assets.
P.S. Yes, there’re dozens of threads like this already and I don’t care. PGI needs to know that 1 map a year is a piss poor production output. I want them to own the “new maps faster with current assets” comment they made years ago and start giving us more maps at a reasonable pace.