I haven't pre-ordered (or spent in general) jack monkey squat since I sunk twenty bucks into Huntsmen, way back when.
That's not because I'm Furious With PGI or Outraged Forever or Voting With My Wallet or whatever, though. And it's not because Piranha has consistently failed to live up to their repeated promises to 'look into' colorblind support for MWO. That's...really not the only thing they've consistently failed to live up to, ne?
But no. I haven't spent any more money on MWO simply because I haven't been playing it much. Sure, I'll drop with Maker and Trav occasionally since the FutureTech update, but for the most part? I've got everything I really need already, Piranha keeps making
baffling choices for 'Mechs to introduce, they skipped HAGs and AP Gauss/Magshots in the FutureTech drop, and...well, I just don't feel like playing all that much anymore.
Does that make Piranha Evil Vicious Backstabbing Baby-Eating Madmen, the way so many folks keep screeching about? Nah. It just means they've failed to retain my interest in the face of new and interesting developments. That happens.
Is the Hellspawn better than the vast majority of the shitMechs on that IS medium 'Mech list? Yeah. I mean c'mon let's be real here - the Hellspawn has jets and ECM in most configurations and doesn't waste tonnage or hardpoints on ballistic weapons it's too small to effectively use anyways. It's got a nice stock speed and all the engine rating it needs to go however fast you like, and once you knock off that bolt-on missile pod on the right arm it's got (ideally) a pretty compact silhouette. Is it a Tier 0 Murdermonster? No. is it better than the...:
Men Shen
Sha Yu
Blackjack (Omni)
Firestarter (Omni)
Yes. The Hellspawn is likely a stronger choice than all but two of the 'Mechs on that list. Does that make it a
strong choice? Not necessarily, but that would simply mean that the
good Sphere mediums are all already in the game and whatever Sphere medium choices come in now are more about nostalgia or quirkiness than sheer power.
The thing's an old favorite of mine from MW4. if I was in a giving mood I might honestly preorder it even through the colorblind debacle. Frankly I might just do so anyways because the Early Adopter pack looks unusually enticing this time and I do actually miss my old Hellspawns. I do love me some demon girls, and I could use me an Eye of Sauron deckle and some colors in shades I don't have much of right now. We'll have to see if I feel like endorsing Piranha's tomfuggery again before October rolls around, I suppose.
Edited by 1453 R, 01 September 2017 - 01:20 PM.