That said thanks to the community I am able to buy a replacement Laptop, and while not specifically for gaming (though I do need some power for photo editing, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc, all which can seriously bog a machine down) I do hope to be able to do SOME decent gaming on it. But it's primary function will be a reliable computer for work, specifically for editing and creating drawings and photography. And probably for Streaming also, as I anticipate having to do internet English Tutoring and such still for the foreseeable future.
16 GB Ram (expandable is even better)
15-17 inch screen (since it's sadly replacing my Desktop also, I need as big a screen as is reasonable... and the bigger the keyboard the better for my huge, clumsy hands)
Nvdia Video Card
1TB Memory
Beyond that I'm pretty open. I also noted that a lot of the models on the market are packing Nvidia 1050+ video cards with 4GD memory, but only 8 GB RAM. Does having the 4 GB in the GPU compensate enough for the lower base RAM?
Any help would be much appreciated. I'm replacing my burnt out 6 yr old HP dv6, which is just overheating like crazy. I'll possibly have a diagnostic done on it to see if it's worth repairing as back up. Too many choices, and tbh not sure which magazines to trust... too many want to push overpriced stuff like Alienware.
I'd love something like this Sager https://www.sagernot...ok-NP8370.html , but just can't swing the price.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 12 September 2017 - 03:03 PM.