Personally, I think that PGI has the MGs stats turned around as far as damage, range, ROF, etc...
I'll try to illustrate this by a real world comparison of examples....
LMG = say in the 7.62 (.308 civilian) mm caliber which can reach out to 1000m / high cyclic rate / lower energy per round (compared to the other examples) on impact / shortest range the lightest caliber usually mounted on armored vehicles.
MG = as before but in the .50 (12.7 mm) caliber range can reach out to 2000m (the mean) medium cyclic rate/medium kinetic impact per round / medium range
HMG = as above but in the 20 mm range which can reach out to 4572 m / lowest cyclic rate/highest kinetic impact per round / longest range...of course this borders on light cannon at this point, but I ask your indulgence.
...I'm not saying that this class of weapons should have these ranges exactly, but PGI should at least make them correct for their designation of Light, Medium, and Heavy as you can see here...the heavier weapon have greater range and damage...BUT generally a lower rate of fire which might directly compare to crit chance (ie...smaller = low damage/ low range/High Crit...largest = high damage/longest range/low crit chance).
Edited by AJBennett, 19 September 2017 - 10:32 AM.