I hear that there is an event going on.
This I know, because it's plastered all over the site and the little news bar at the bottom is constantly telling me about it. Only I cant really participate...
The problem is that the special events tab doesn't work for me. It pulls up as blank.
IDK even what my progress is to whatever ballistic related challenges are going on.
I dont fully know what the rewards are either, but I have an inkling that its some kind of cockpit item. I dont know about you guys, but I love cockpit items, and its really irritating that I cannot fully participate or measure my participation in this event thanks to this tab that is glitched out.
I'm really ticked over it.
To add salt into the wound, my normal gameplay fps has dropped pretty dramatically lately from an average of 15-20 fps, all the way down to 4-8. I can do some amazing dmg at 8 fps believe it or not... (800 dmg in an lbx madcat) at 4-7, the game is unplayable, and has been for much of this event. So I'm playing picture warrior online. All i see are the things I want to shoot at floating in and out of frame before I get blown to pieces. I've basically been oscillating between hopeful optimism to rage quitting this game and flipping tables some insane masochist, asking myself why. Why am I doing this?! I'm better off trying to finish GOT or Westworld.

take your pick.

Now I realize I can do something about the FPS. I'm already working on that.
However, I am really hoping against hope... like real hope, that PGI decides to have mercy on those of us who are glitched the heck out and give us the ability to earn the item(s?) later or fix the problem quickly.