Right now, getting hit with a ballistic round shakes your screen the same amount no matter how much kinetic energy you are actually receiving from the round. Getting peppered with RAC/5 rounds from across the map shouldn't shake your screen the same as from brawl distance. What do yall think?
Changing The Way Ballistics Cause Screen-Shake.
Started by CannonGod9, Sep 29 2017 10:09 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:09 AM
Posted 03 October 2017 - 08:09 AM
Actually it already sort of works like that already, an AC/20 slug will shake your screen a lot more than an AC/5 for example. However, yah the shaking needs to represent the amount of damage you are taking. Side note; I also think your screen should be shaking in a direction caused by where the damage is being done to. IE; If you take a huge hit to the right shoulder, your mech torso should sway to the right and a bit up by quite a bit (depending on the mass of your mech and how many gyro skills in the tree you took).
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