panzer1b, on 04 October 2017 - 06:48 PM, said:
I have a warhammer, and its a very good mech offensively, just need to twist really well and if you notice someone going all out for STs, it may be a good time to disengage and find another target or angle (there are people out there, including myself, that will shoot nothing but your ST if its a mech that either has assymetric loadout, or is well known for running a XL engine. Even today i see alot of XL warhammers, things like quad uac5, lots of LPLs, any weapon combo that i know is going to be insanely heavy (and isnt going king crab speed), or any build thats keeping up with clanners is also XL. Pretty much, unless the warhammer has a LBX20 or a HGR, im gonna go for dual ST, if i rip off one and he doesnt die, he is still left with at best 50% offensive ability, and at this point its just a matter of finishing him off (ill either take down his 2nd ST or just CT core if he spread my initial damage well ans used teh CT some).
Anyways, the mech shouldnt be brawling (obvious bitboxes up close, fairly large frontal profile, ect), so unless you are using dual AC20s or something of that sort, you really should say at least 400m away from the enemy if not a bit farther.